Marriage can never be used to save a broken love, broken love can only get broken marriages。婚姻从来不能用来挽救一段破碎的爱情,破碎的爱情只能得到破碎的婚姻。
2023-02-15 22:03:38
1、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching. 2、Love is hard shoes pinch or warm. No room for outsiders to intervene. 3、习惯用那虚伪的笑。去掩盖内心的悲伤。 4、Fish bait, it is because the fish fell in love with the fisherman, it is willing to use life to Bo fisherman smile. 5、Don't want to face him to leave, escape is not a good method, but it is the only way. 6、月老红绳一线牵,天成良配地为缘,新娘乘轿郎骑马,一对璧人春宵暖,钟鼓乐之琴作响,凤鸾和鸣喜上颜,珠联璧合百年作,前世修得共枕眠。祝:新婚愉快! 7、爱情是兴致勃勃的外来客,是外来的自我。 8、Listen to what you say you are just playing for me, hiding in the corner of my heart, suddenly died. 9、祝贺你终于由准妈妈荣升为"妈妈",你象掉进了蜜糖,烈日也暗淡无光,愿好运永远饶着你,愿欢乐永远吻着你,愿宝宝快快成长! 10、看你躺在我怀里开心的样子就是我想要的幸福。 11、衷心祝贺新生儿诞生,并致以最良好的祝愿!愿新生的小宝贝给你们带来数不尽的快乐!祝小宝贝:身体健康!茁壮成长。 12、We shake hands firmly with both hands, let the feeling in the hands gently brushed, sharing an unforgettable warmth. 13、只有和自己同一世界里的人在一起才是最安全的,爱若捕风,何必要捕捉必定要离散的风呢? 14、If, not happy, if, not happy, then let go; if, do not give up, do not let go, then the pain. 15、我只想诚心地对你说,我会好好的爱你。所以现在我诚心的向你求婚,渴望得到你的爱的我希望你会尽快给我回复! 16、一颗红心,两行对联,喜庆佳日来身边。双方父母,一对新人,今日对面庆永远。一句知心,两句温暖,往日情义心缠绵。一阵鞭炮,一阵喜乐,督促新人花轿前。一场欢声,一场笑语,洞房二人乐无边。 17、If I will be very angry, very angry, I only feel the chill today, even blame you do not mind. 18、I gave my everything to you, you smiled, is happiness! 19、坚持老婆的绝对领导。老婆说的一切都是对的,要是不对那是永远不可能的。 20、Only with people in the same world together is the most secure, love if vanity and vexation of spirit, why to capture is bound to discrete the wind? 21、听着你对别人说你对我只是玩玩,躲在角落旁的我,心一下子死掉了。 22、你的脸,那么白净,弯弯的一双眉毛,那么修长;水汪汪的一对眼睛,那么明亮! 23、对于求婚有无限的创造力。男士们可以组织起来,向一切可以发挥自己力量的感情和姑娘进军,向求婚的深度和广度进军,替自己创造出日益增多的婚姻事业。注:不以结婚为目的的求婚都是犯罪。 24、杯与水水与杯,有水杯方显价值,有杯水方有栖身处,今日鲜花为你们祝福,鞭炮为你们祈福,众人为你们道贺,我为你们庆祝,愿你们白头偕老,幸福一生! 25、Your world, I just traveler: my world, you are the protagonist. 26、习惯用那虚伪的笑。去掩盖内心的悲伤。 27、无所谓,该放就放别让自己那么累,让梦纯粹静候循环。 28、天使带着一汪清泉的眉眼,一轮弯月的笑容,一副稚气的面容来到人间成了你的宝贝,希望爱与他同在,健康快乐成长! 29、Listen to what you say you are just playing for me, hiding in the corner of my heart, suddenly died. 30、A person always looks up to and admires the happiness of others. When he looks back, he finds himself being looked up to and admired. In fact, everyone is happy. But your happiness is always in the eyes of others. 31、相爱的手,紧紧相扣,得苍天保佑,把爱进行到永久;两颗相惜的心,真情如金,有大地护荫,将心用力的贴紧,祝新婚快乐! 32、我现在只能做的,便是以一段拙劣的文字来祭奠我那段流逝的岁月。 33、良缘喜结成新婚,佳偶天成定三生。洞房花烛浴爱河,春宵一刻胜千金。愿幸福、甜蜜、**、温馨伴你们一世一生! 34、In my life that was my deep love angel flapping their wings to fly into the night damaged. 35、The road of life, like the belly of the turn Rouchang 1000 100 back to the final destination. 36、If the whole world will deny you, then I will accompany you to deny the whole world. 37、温和的语言,是善良人家庭中决不可缺少的。 38、Love is hard shoes pinch or warm. No room for outsiders to intervene. 39、To see through, but not to tell, many things, as long as the number of their own mind is good, there is no need to speak out. 40、I wish you a happy birthday when the door of happiness, the keep for long time! 41、我只想问你,若我回头,你还在不在? 42、刚刚好,看到你幸福的样子,于是幸福着你的幸福。 43、习惯用那虚伪的笑。去掩盖内心的悲伤。 44、以爱情的名义祝福你们,愿爱情之花在你们心里永开不败。以岁月的名义祝福你们,愿岁月老去永不改变的情怀。新婚快乐! 45、我想月老已用红线将我俩紧紧绑在了一起,否则我为何已不能离开你;我想丘比特已将爱之箭射中了你我的心,否则我为何只对你心动不能自己。亲爱的,我们注定了要在一起,嫁给我吧。 46、Peace of mind happiness than three things: someone to believe you, someone to accompany you, someone waiting for you. 47、海枯石烂结同心,地阔天高比翼飞,花烛笑迎千喜鹤,洞房喜开并头梅。新婚快乐! 48、Fish bait, it is because the fish fell in love with the fisherman, it is willing to use life to Bo fisherman smile. 49、当爱情不再那么浓烈,我们仍然会依恋,因为习惯了,也因为害怕。 50、Be a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are. 51、I miss you, but can't say to you, if, say, for you is a kind of torture. 52、为你祝福,为你欢笑,因为在今天,我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝朋友你们,百年好合!白头到老! 53、xx,我是一个平凡的人。但我有一颗不平凡的心。我是一个容易受伤的人,不要让我伤心。嫁给我吧!