Marriage is their own, just as his own life and breathing, others unable to participate, the opinions of others only for reference, in fact, for everyone, happy marriage are the same, but unfortunately there is their unfortunate marriage。婚姻是自己的,就如同自己的生命和呼

  • 1、I'm not tired of all the time. Because the longer you wait, you will be more happy when you meet again.
  • 2、朋友你今天就要远走,干了这杯酒;忘掉那天涯孤旅的愁,一醉到天尽头。
  • 3、成功的奥秘在于目标的坚定。
  • 4、曾经明明提醒自己,不要入戏太深,可为什么还是陷进去了。
  • 5、时光飞逝,转眼四年过去了,终于轮到我们迎来了毕业。四年时间说长不长,说短不短,就算以后要分开,请你记住,只要你需要,我会一直陪在你身边。

    Only for his contemporaries perfect, for their happiness and work, he can achieve their own perfection.
  • 6、Only for his contemporaries perfect, for their happiness and work, he can achieve their own perfection.
  • 7、If you hurt me again and again, sooner or later I'll let you kneel and beg me.
  • 8、Man's love if not specific, that he and any woman together will feel happy.
  • 9、我们用手推雪,用脚踢雪,使劲地堆啊堆啊,虽然手都冻红了,但是一点了也不觉得冷,完全沉浸在欢乐之中。
  • 10、朋友你今天就要远走,干了这杯酒;忘掉那天涯孤旅的愁,一醉到天尽头。
  • 11、就这样眨眼间毕业了。如果上天再给我一次机会,我要永远不毕业。
  • 12、手拉手握成纪念,肩并肩站成勇敢,心贴心生出温暖,爱连爱汇成永远。亲爱的朋友,毕业是友谊的起点,愿未来彼此挂牵,互相惦念,情意一线牵。
  • 13、离别是人生的第一堂课,可又何必如此伤感。人生又有几次离别呢?别了,母校,朋友。
  • 14、The four leading students also learned from the teacher's practice, jumping forward with their feet, some could not stand and fell down, some were tripped by sacks, and some were too timid to jump again and slipped back to the team.
  • 15、I think a revolutionary to should put the interests of the revolution in the first place, all contribute to the career of the party, this is the most happy.

  • 16、离别,泪水成了留言,你说:这泪可以凝结成珍珠,变成永久的纪念。
  • 17、Alone, is your heart no one. Lonely, is your heart someone but not around.
  • 18、Parting, tears became a message, you said, the tears can condense into pearl, become a permanent memorial.
  • 19、孤单,是你心里没有人。寂寞,是你心里有人,却不在身边。
  • Success has not been rejected never long.
  • 20、Success has not been rejected never long.
  • 21、人世沧桑,岂能没有分别的痛苦时刻?为了事业,我们让离别的泪尽情飘洒。
  • 22、Dream is gently shake at dawn, hazy whispers: I say a sentimental in evening to meet with you again.
  • 23、我一直都不厌烦等人。因为等得越长久,重逢时也就更幸福。
  • 24、因为有悔,所以披星戴月;因为有梦,所以奋不顾身。
  • 25、愿我的临别赠言是一把伞,能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨。让我们用共同的信念铸造的航船,到生活的大海去犁出雪白的浪花。

  • 26、每次看到毕业证上的你、我就想起我们在一起的时光。
  • 27、I only breathe in your smile, why are you always crying?
  • 28、一句问候,一世牵挂,一个心愿,一切顺利,一份真诚,一生情深,毕业来临,唯有祝福,顺心顺意,鸿图大展,前程似锦,送句叮嘱,常常联系。
  • 29、Graduated so the blink of an eye. If god give me another chance, I will never graduate.
  • 30、I'm not tired of all the time. Because the longer you wait, you will be more happy when you meet again.
  • 31、获得幸福的惟一途径,就是忘掉目前的幸福,以除此之外的目的作为人生目标。
  • 32、Give people money is the worst, giving the ability Zhongce, giving the concept is the best policy.
  • 33、Others how to evaluate you are not important, the most important is that you have to look at their own.
  • 情依依,别依依,千言万语化作无语;你忘不了我,我忘不了你,相逢会有期。
  • 34、情依依,别依依,千言万语化作无语;你忘不了我,我忘不了你,相逢会有期。
  • 35、美丽的夏天是炎热的,老爷爷都到树下乘凉,有的在下棋;老奶奶在树下一边扇扇子一边聊着天,小朋友喜欢到水里玩耍、嬉戏。

  • 36、年轻不是你玩的理由,而是你奋斗的资本。
  • 37、衷心祝福你能在未来的日子里保持一个好的心态,来面对人生旅途中的荆棘,能够做到。
  • 38、Take things as they come, a detached, but this kind of transcendence and takes many years to develop, with straight, is actually valuable and put it down, is the true meaning of life.
  • 39、幸福和不幸,快乐和不快乐,是可以选择的,不要有什么心理负担,你是为自己生活,不是为别人。
  • 40、相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。面对着岁月摆下的筵席,我们相互微笑殷勤地劝酒,仿佛所有没说的爱恋与不舍,都收藏在语句的背后。因为我们都已明白,此去再也没有比手中这一杯更醇更美的酒了。
  • 41、相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。面对着岁月摆下的筵席,我们相互微笑殷勤地劝酒,仿佛所有没说的爱恋与不舍,都收藏在语句的背后。因为我们都已明白,此去再也没有比手中这一杯更醇更美的酒了。
  • 42、大学是不变的庄园,我们都只是过客。无论是风云还是坎坷,抛开外面的缤纷,留下的都只是生活,过去的不用太执着,放开手为未来一搏。
  • 43、Yiyi, don't even, thousands of words into speechless; You forget me, I can't forget you, will to meet.
  • 44、感到自己是人们所需要的和亲近的人这是生活最大的享受,最高的喜悦。这是真理,不要忘记这个真理,它会给你们无限的幸福。
  • 45、看着空荡荡的宿舍和柜子,总觉得留下了什么,原来我留下了我对你们的思念。

  • 46、Yiyi, don't even, thousands of words into speechless; You forget me, I can't forget you, will to meet.
  • 47、秋天的硕果不属于春天的赏花人,而是属于春天的耕耘者,你在生命的春天播下创造的种子,必将迎来金色的生命的秋天。
  • We pushed the snow with our hands, kicked it with our feet, and piled it vigorously. Although our hands were frozen red, we didn't feel cold at all. We were totally immersed in joy.
  • 48、We pushed the snow with our hands, kicked it with our feet, and piled it vigorously. Although our hands were frozen red, we didn't feel cold at all. We were totally immersed in joy.
  • 49、Take things as they come, a detached, but this kind of transcendence and takes many years to develop, with straight, is actually valuable and put it down, is the true meaning of life.
  • 50、毕业了,我们都哭得稀里哗啦的,他揉了揉我的头,说:傻瓜,哭什么,不是还有我吗?
  • 51、像这四年里的每一天一样,我沿着再熟悉不过的路线走出公寓的大门,不过当我的脚步跨出门槛的一刹那,我将不再是这里的一员。
  • 52、秋天的硕果不属于春天的赏花人,而是属于春天的耕耘者,你在生命的春天播下创造的种子,必将迎来金色的生命的秋天。
  • 53、花是牡丹最美,人为朋友最亲,交友不交金和银,只交朋友一颗心。水流千里归大海,人走千里友谊在,大树之间根连根,朋友之间心连心。
  • 54、The beautiful summer is hot. Grandpa goes to the tree to enjoy the cool. Some are playing chess. Grandma fans and talks under the tree. Children like to play and play in the water.
  • 55、如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。如果当时你坚持,回忆会不会不这样。
