Let my brother as Isaac, honest and brave, trust and obey, such as wings of the eagle soar; let my sister like Rebekah, gentle and kind, industrious virtuous, as a fruitful vine!愿我的弟兄如同以撒,诚实勇敢、信靠顺服,如展翅飞腾的鹰;愿我的姊妹如同利百加,温柔善良、勤劳才德,如多结果子的葡萄树!

  • 1、I want to meet people who can not see the place.
  • 2、思念有多远,祝福有多深。思念是首歌,我只唱给你听;祝福是首诗,我只诵给你听。无论你在哪里,思念不停止,祝福伴永远。
  • 3、It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of sweet, sweet, kind, which can't be expressed with any choice of words.
  • 4、周一和周二的联系,那是天和地,轻松和压抑,淡定和纠结,安静和忙乱,周一过来到周二,状态繁忙要继续,多多紧张来努力,愿你事事更顺利。
  • 5、你这个笨蛋,你不懂你不理我的时候我有多难过,你不懂你的忽冷忽热会让我伤到心碎。
  • 有了我你是否什么都不缺,心再野也知道该拒绝。
  • 6、有了我你是否什么都不缺,心再野也知道该拒绝。
  • 7、曾经的陌生不代表永恒,不经意间,某种感觉的默契延续你我的友情,寂寞旅途中,能收到你殷切的关怀和诚心的祝福,我欣喜:红尘中有你同行!感恩节快乐!
  • 8、Love is like two people pulling the rubber band, and the injured one is always unwilling to let go.
  • 9、谁都会害怕,尤其是拼了命的珍惜到最后却还是什么都留不住。

  • 10、曾经的陌生不代表永恒,不经意间,某种感觉的默契延续你我的友情,寂寞旅途中,能收到你殷切的关怀和诚心的祝福,我欣喜:红尘中有你同行!感恩节快乐!
  • 11、当每个人的爱情走到尽头的时候,就连放个屁也是分手的理由。
  • 12、I need him like I need the air to breathe.
  • 13、我很想知道。如果我对你说出了心里话,你给我的态度是怎样。
  • 14、It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of sweet, sweet, kind, which can't be expressed with any choice of words.
  • 15、A little sad, just do not know what is sad.
  • 16、我只想安身立命于我的世界里,勇往直前不被太多负面情绪左右。
  • 17、别让我度日如年的等候,等到那时看到你恐怕我已经语尽词穷。
  • 18、我想念我的童年时光,无忧无虑,没有责任,没有心碎,没有伤害,没有疼痛。
  • Too many accidents, did not want to reluctantly, I sigh with emotion. Too many difficulties will make people afraid to see the future.

    19、Too many accidents, did not want to reluctantly, I sigh with emotion. Too many difficulties will make people afraid to see the future.

  • 20、实在起不来,直打呵欠头难抬;睡眼睁不开,双脚难移步难捱;好想再睡会儿,哪怕一秒也畅快;猛将盖被果断踹,咕噜翻身爬起来。祝:早起快乐!
  • 21、人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。
  • 22、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
  • 23、Can not do is to promise, to do is to deceive.
  • 24、If I were to cry every time I think about you, I would have been drowned.
  • 25、You said that love is only, for the lucky and the strong.
  • 26、不甘心就不要放弃啊,看不过去就起来改变啊。
  • 27、谢谢你的离开,让我学会坚强。谢谢你的背叛,让我看清世界。
  • 28、有些人,走进你的世界,只是为了给你上一课,上完课,他便离去。
  • 29、命运,你残忍的诉说着我的悲痛。

  • 30、心中有座城,城里住着疼。
  • 31、青春阳光欢笑为这属于你的日子,舞出欢乐的节拍。祈看你心灵深处芳草永绿,青春常驻,笑口常开。祝你生日欢快,健康幸福!
  • Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
  • 32、Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
  • 33、人在职场,成败得失皆自然。但很多人的悲剧在于:不是不知道要做什么;而是知道要做什么,却仍然没有做。记得别让明天的自己,讨厌今天的你!
  • 34、心若没有栖息的地方,走到哪里都是流浪。
  • 35、我们做的最有默契的一件事情是,我不联系你,你也不联系我。
  • 36、If I were to cry every time I think about you, I would have been drowned.
  • 37、Is there a kind of forever, never change.
  • 38、你希望别人怎样对待自己,你首先应该怎样来对待别人。
  • 39、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

  • 40、自己不曾拥有,却快乐的欣赏别人的拥有,这才是乐观。
  • 41、每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个女人。
  • 42、我不敢奢求太多,只想把瞬间当成永远,把现在都变成回忆,一点一滴。
  • 43、日子不慌不忙,时间不紧不慢。今天聚在一起,明日可能再见。相识是一种缘分,相知是一种幸运。亲爱的朋友,最近可好,我想你了。
  • 44、有些人,走进你的世界,只是为了给你上一课,上完课,他便离去。
  • If you lose your strong will, difficulties will put you in chains.
  • 45、If you lose your strong will, difficulties will put you in chains.
  • 46、Is there a kind of forever, never change.
  • 47、Can not do is to promise, to do is to deceive.
  • 48、人生路漫漫,朋友天天念,旧貌换新颜,情谊不会变,面对新一天,遥相送祝愿,祝愿你身体健康,生活如愿,开心不变,快乐永远!
  • 49、十指相扣,生生世世是你给我的承诺,可,为什么,承诺也会过期?

  • 50、没有人愿意喜欢胡思乱想,喜欢胡思乱想的人都是缺乏安全感。
  • 51、没有你的这些时间我习惯了一个人,一条路,一片天,一瞬间。
  • 52、有没有那样一种永远,永远永远不改变。
  • 53、做不到的是承诺,做得到的是欺骗。