2023-01-20 23:31:04
- 1、Various hidden dangers. People don't concern, concern!
- 2、人格无价诚可贵,事业有成信当先。
- 3、Ning to people, not on others, is not false to people.
- 4、聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。华罗庚
- 5、读书患不多,思义患不明;足己患不学,既学患不行。韩愈
- 6、Try my best to do one thing, is the life of service.
- 7、那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林。
- 8、Against the light never just in the past, rather than the future.
- 9、我,为学而行;行,为进而动。
- 11、女人为了爱情而和男人结婚,男人为了结婚而和女人恋爱。
- 12、原来时光一直都在,只是我们在飞逝。
- 13、任凭弱水三千,我只取一瓢饮。
- 14、Release my personality and pursuing my dream.
- 15、爱情就像一面镜子,曾经有了裂痕,于是镜里的风景也扭曲了。
- 16、Personality is priceless honest valuable, the successful letter draw.
- 17、良书即益友,今明永如斯。塔帕
- 18、Thicker than blood, friendship light like water, love is sweet as honey.
- 19、物质贫穷不是过错,精神贫困才是遗憾。
20、The only good is knowledge, the only bad is ignorance.
- 21、人的影响短暂而微弱,书的影响则广泛而深远。普希金
- 22、Love is not the most difficult, get along is the greatest challenge of all.
- 23、把你自己放到人群中去评价,才叫客观。
- 24、Punch line without a mouth, a far less without handwriting.
- 25、书犹药也,善读可以医愚。刘向
- 26、Adolescence is the search of the good times.
- 27、书籍是任何一种知识的基础,是任何一门学科的基础的基础茨威格
- 28、读书不思考,等于吃饭而不消化。波尔克
- 29、Drum can not move forward, out of breath too may puncture.
- 31、好书不厌读百回,熟读课思子自知。苏轼
- 32、读书勿求多,岁月既积,卷帙自富。冯班
- 33、物质贫穷不是过错,精神贫困才是遗憾。
- 34、Drum can not move forward, out of breath too may puncture.
- 35、Life is a fugitive, cannot lay down and die.
- 36、爱情就像两个拉橡皮筋的人,受伤的总是不愿放手的那一个!
- 37、唯一好的是知识,唯一坏的是无知。
- 38、立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本。欧阳修
- 39、聪明的男人说一半留一半,聪明的女人睁一只眼闭一只眼。
- 41、敞开心扉,知已就不再难寻。
- 42、立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本。欧阳修
- 43、什么是爱情?爱情是大自然的珍宝,是欢乐的宝库,是最大的愉快,是从不使人生厌的祝福。
- 44、当你对一个没有感觉了,你会找到许多理由不去爱他。
- 45、It is the tears of gratitude is let the heart become increasingly clear.
- 46、尽力做好一件事,实乃人生之首务。
- 47、Often benefit others, not to their advantage.
- 48、Ning to people, not on others, is not false to people.
- 49、不诚则有累,诚则无累。
- 51、Investment happiness, no longer has to pay for the big trouble.
- 52、男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺躯。