2023-04-02 15:12:01
- 1、岁月变迁,银河不改璀璨,牛郎织女,羡煞鸳鸯神仙,四季相思,一年时间苦盼,鹊桥情缘,今天漫天缠绵,相隔虽远,遥送美好心愿,七夕祝福,浪漫幸福永远。
- 2、why do the good girls,always want the bad boys?
- 4、我们年少时的很多真理,都被长大后的实践颠覆了。
- 5、曾经的一些回忆,早以飘散,现在只有我自己,只有现在。
- 6、望鹊桥之上牛郎织女相聚首,相思的哀愁随风漂流,寂寞为何因我而停留?只因你的身影日夜纠结在心头,对着银河许愿求永久,愿你幸福永久!快乐七夕!
- 7、Some memories, as early as in past, now only myself, only now.
- 8、The next promise is to find an excuse for the promise.
- 9、七夕喜鹊叫,好运身边绕:一喜事业畅;二喜钱满仓;三喜前途亮;四喜身体棒;五喜爱情长;六喜福满堂;七喜心情爽!七夕送七喜,七喜保吉祥!
- 10、七夕,带着姐妹们去逛街,看到情侣在拥抱,就在他们旁边唱不是说好拥抱过后,两个人就一起放手
- 11、七夕,带着姐妹们去逛街,看到情侣在拥抱,就在他们旁边唱不是说好拥抱过后,两个人就一起放手
- 12、Dont waste your time on a man/woman, who isnt willing to waste their time on you。
13、Some memories, as early as in past, now only myself, only now.
- 14、Don’t struggle so much,best things happen when not expected。
- 15、Tell me you are mine。 I’ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time。
- 16、Obviously have a lot of friends, and finally decided to get drunk until dawn.
- 17、感谢你在我伤心时安慰我。
- 18、Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don’t have one。
- 19、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world。
- 20、花开花落几春秋,阴晴圆缺何时休。梦里大手牵小手,脑海影像演循环。一朝一夕很想你,此时思念情更浓。相会之日又来临,短信鹊桥搭起来!七夕快乐!
- 21、明月高悬照九州,银河浪花乐悠悠,星斗灿烂漫宇宙,爱情美满永承诺,牛郎生生爱织女,情意浓淡深几许,七夕浪漫情人节,我心为君写祝福,祝中国情人节快乐。
- 22、Obviously have a lot of friends, and finally decided to get drunk until dawn.
23、Don't wait for tomorrow, because no one knows that there is no tomorrow.
- 24、七夕,带着姐妹们去逛街,看到情侣在拥抱,就在他们旁边唱不是说好拥抱过后,两个人就一起放手
- 25、我们用一个孤独的灵魂,祭奠坚强而朋克的青春史诗。
- 26、你不要和我吵,你的每一字,每一句,都会成为伤害我的呈堂证供!
- 27、You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too。
- 28、Different stories, different life, different status. I took the wrong road, no matter with anyone.
- 29、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world。
- 30、七夕温情版预告:害羞型的送花草,运动型的牵手跑,现实型的喝足吃饱,煽情型的唱歌舞蹈,浪漫型的搂搂抱抱,温馨型的发条短信,表达情意就好!
- 31、你是火车,我是铁路;你是砖瓦,我是泥巴;你是云,我是风;你是巧克力,我是包装纸;你是爱,我是情,有你真精彩。
- 32、Now who you are in the side, if you will think of our past.
- 34、回想起我们在一起的日子,我就忍不住一阵阵的心痛不是曾经说好了不要分开的吗?你怎么忍心就这样丢下我一个?
- 35、小道消息:今天七夕月老备足了红绳打算一顿狂扯,丘比特备足了金箭想要一顿狂射。别说没提醒你,赶紧去找寻你的真爱吧!已经找到了的就要幸福一辈子!
- 36、好朋友不会嫉妒,你的成功,不会计较你的失败。
- 37、明月高悬照九州,银河浪花乐悠悠,星斗灿烂漫宇宙,爱情美满永承诺,牛郎生生爱织女,情意浓淡深几许,七夕浪漫情人节,我心为君写祝福,祝中国情人节快乐。
- 38、好朋友不会嫉妒,你的成功,不会计较你的失败。
- 39、He has another woman away from me, those dreams are heaven.
- 40、我的心事像深海里的水你看不到,我也不会说。
- 41、To keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one you love go freely。
- 42、Different stories, different life, different status. I took the wrong road, no matter with anyone.
43、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you cant have them。
- 44、Do a simple woman, not floating impatient, for not rob, do not care about flashy things.
- 45、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today。
- 46、Dont waste your time on a man/woman, who isnt willing to waste their time on you。
- 47、When we were young, many of the truth, have been brought up by the practice of subversion.
- 48、Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you don’t have one。
- 49、小道消息:今天七夕月老备足了红绳打算一顿狂扯,丘比特备足了金箭想要一顿狂射。别说没提醒你,赶紧去找寻你的真爱吧!已经找到了的就要幸福一辈子!
- 50、明月高悬照九州,银河浪花乐悠悠,星斗灿烂漫宇宙,爱情美满永承诺,牛郎生生爱织女,情意浓淡深几许,七夕浪漫情人节,我心为君写祝福,祝中国情人节快乐。
- 51、守着电视看到零点,没想到,杨洋竟然第一个晋级了,天理何在啊。
- 52、不是把对方留在自己身边才叫爱,能放手让所爱的人离开,也是爱的一种。
53、His heart suddenly after a layer of sorrow is loneliness.
- 54、Agreed good us, and finally we have to repay what we want.
- 55、岁月变迁,银河不改璀璨,牛郎织女,羡煞鸳鸯神仙,四季相思,一年时间苦盼,鹊桥情缘,今天漫天缠绵,相隔虽远,遥送美好心愿,七夕祝福,浪漫幸福永远。