2、吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。One is finite, while knowledge is infinite。
4、把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。To live each day as the last day of life。
6、人的一生,是很短的,短暂的岁月要求我好好领会生活的进程Person's life is very short, short time asked me to have a good grasp the process of life
7、时间就是速度,时间就是力量。Time is speed, time means strength。
9、等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。Such as time, is a waste of time。
10、时间是由分秒积成的,善于利用零星时间的人,才会做出更好的成绩来。Time is made up of a split second product, good at using sporadic time person, will make better results。
11、对时间的慷慨,就等于慢性**。The generosity of time, is equal to chronic suicide。
12、时间就是生命,无端的空耗别人的时间,其实无异于谋财害命的。Time is life, gratuitous waste other people's time, actually would be tantamount to murder。
13、时间的步伐有三种:未来姗姗来迟,现在像箭一样飞逝,过去永远静立不动。There are three paces of time: the future long overdue, the present is flying like an arrow, the past never stand still。
14、对时间的慷慨,就等于慢性**。The generosity of time, is equal to chronic suicide。
15、时间是由分秒积成的,善于利用零星时间的人,才会做出更好的成绩来。Time is made up of a split second product, good at using sporadic time person, will make better results。
17、完成工作的方法是爱惜每一分钟。Finish the work method is to cherish every minute of it。
18、盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。Prime not heavy, once a day morning, when encouraged in time, time and tide wait for no man。
19、过于求速是做事的最大危险之一。Speed is one of the biggest danger of working too。
20、最严重的浪费就是时间的浪费。The most serious waste is waste of time。
21、谁对时间越吝啬,时间对谁就越慷慨。Who mean over time, time to who is more generous。
22、一个人越知道时间的价值,越倍觉失时的痛苦呀!The more one knows the value of time, the more feel the pain of lost!
23、时间是世界上的一切成就的土壤。时间给空想者痛苦,给创造者幸福。Time is all the achievements of the soil in the world。 Time for dreamer pain, for the creator of happiness。
24、最严重的浪费就是时间的浪费。The most serious waste is waste of time。
25、盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。Prime not heavy, once a day morning, when encouraged in time, time and tide wait for no man。
26、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。In spring, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening。
27、时间就是生命,无端的空耗别人的时间,其实无异于谋财害命的。Time is life, gratuitous waste other people's time, actually would be tantamount to murder。
28、时间乃是最大的革新家。Time is the biggest innovators。
29、谁对时间越吝啬,时间对谁就越慷慨。Who mean over time, time to who is more generous。
32、等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。Such as time, is a waste of time。
34、时间就是速度,时间就是力量。Time is speed, time means strength。