2023-04-23 03:43:31
- 1、Nothing is tired, love for nothing, to be loved is really comfortable and happy.
- 2、Life is like clocks and watches, can return to the starting point, but has not yesterday!
- 3、感情投资是所有投资中花费最少、回报最高的投资。藤田田
- 4、Love is not a magnificent and victorious oath, but flatly light company.
- 5、Because of the fear of failure and dare to try, will never succeed.
- 7、Don't regret the past and have confidence in now, is filled with hope for the future.
- 8、祖国更重于生命,是我们的母亲,我们的土地。聂鲁达
- 9、在人生的任何场合都要站在第一线战士的行列里。
- 10、知识好象砂石下面的泉水,越掘得深泉水越清。
- 11、如果整个世界是公正的话,勇气就没有必要存在了。普鲁塔克
- 12、Accustomed to you for my good, think that everything is granted.
- 13、越是对前途迷茫的时候,就越是想做得更多。
- 14、You mustn't entertain foolish ideas, my heart is so big, is full of you.
- 15、每天要以微笑开始,并且要坚持到这一天过去。
16、I'm sorry, I can't do for you, can only be myself.
- 17、对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。
- 18、生命多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。裴多菲
- 19、聪明的人警告我说,生命只是一颗荷叶上的露珠。泰戈尔
- 20、困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。
- 21、如果毁掉了你的名誉,分明也就是送掉你的性命。塞万提斯
- 22、Familiar place no scenery; Unfamiliar places have a trap.
- 23、什么叫做失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。
- 24、相信爱情,即使它给你带来悲哀也要相信爱情。
- 25、Not every dream will be realized, not everyone is always the same.
- 27、没有人能阻碍你,就像没有人能真正救助你,坎坷崎岖是生活本身,跨不过的坎儿都是你自己。
- 28、当科学家们被权势吓倒,科学就会变成一个软骨病人。伽利略
- 29、勤奋的人,替自己开路;懒惰的人,等别人开路。
- 30、知识好象砂石下面的泉水,越掘得深泉水越清。
- 31、太阳照亮人生的路,月亮照亮心灵的路。
- 32、完美的谎言,骗得了别人,也骗不了自己。
- 33、爱情就像两个拉橡皮筋的人,受伤的总是不愿放手的那一个!
- 34、月儿把她的光明遍照在天上,却留着她的黑斑给它自己。泰戈尔
- 35、Aspire to a mountain, doers of the word like water; Mountain, water qu da.
- 37、On a regular basis to check the body, don't wait finally take you to the others.
- 38、每一个生命都是美丽的,再小的花也不会拒绝。
- 39、每场悲剧都会在平凡的人中造就出英雄来。
- 40、有个做法官的父亲,进法庭就能够从空不迫。塞万提斯
- 41、夜晚来了我还依然睁着眼睛,是因为我看见了你留在月光下的痕迹。
- 42、Built in the pain in my life, all life penetration clothing pain.
- 43、尊严是人类灵魂中不可糟蹋的东西。尼高美德斯·古斯曼
- 44、Attitude is everything. Detail decides success or failure, life habits achievements.
- 45、爱情埋在心灵深处,并不是住在双唇之间。
- 47、勤奋的人,替自己开路;懒惰的人,等别人开路。
- 48、态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。
- 49、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
- 50、Taking your hand, never know the son ugly, tears streaming down her face, no go I go.
- 51、什么是爱情?爱情是大自然的珍宝,是欢乐的宝库,是最大的愉快,是从不使人生厌的祝福。
- 52、Walking on the rugged road, will know ahead of hardships.
- 53、Have a better listen to lies, after packing name is promised.
- 54、忠贞不渝的至交是件踏破铁鞋无觅处的稀世之珍。普鲁塔克
- 55、Again good also can't forget, sad again also offset time.
56、Take learning as a play, don't think of it as a chore.
- 57、As long as we can make good use of time, we always have time enough.
- 58、定期去检查身体吧,别等最后别人送你去。
- 59、Taking your hand, never know the son ugly, tears streaming down her face, no go I go.
- 60、什么叫做失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。