
  • 1、The function of technology, and Paodingjieniu long time practicing the way technology; at the foot of the road, Xunzi has learned his The students surpass the teacher。
  • 2、句中的时态、主谓、代词一致吗?
  • 3、Icametounderstandthatwasnoteasytoearnmoney.
  • 4、三是改后复读,纠正失误,减少差错。做完英语短文改错后将答案放回原文,再重读全文,其目的主要是查看有无不符合逻辑,语句不通畅,不符合英语习惯的问题。改后复读,往往会发现那些在通读与细读中不曾发现的问题或做出的误改。在修改过程当中,一定要相信自己的第一感觉。即一般来说,第一次填写的答案正确率比较高,没有十足的把握不要轻易改正。

  • 5、God helps those who help themselves, you can。
  • Reading to change the fate of the cause of hard work, attitude determines everything。
  • 6、Reading to change the fate of the cause of hard work, attitude determines everything。
  • 7、Battle entrance, change destiny。 Repeated setbacks fighting, triumph in the pack!
  • 8、(显然应把excited改为excitedly,用来修饰动词cheer。)
  • 9、上述第一例中的主语是Smiths(史密斯夫妇俩),因此后面的his不合逻辑。第二例中的more在这儿表“再”的意思,才开始告诉别人,怎么能说“再告诉你一些事”?第三例讲的是为了解决看电视时的争端,“我们”把电视机卖了;晚上没电视看了,所以与从前一样,大家又都读书了,所以该用everyone。
  • 10、At top speed, as the first monarch, young heroes。
  • 11、Spring breeze blowing drum beating, the college entrance examination this year Who cares!
  • 12、Homework examination, examination of the exam, will usually test when the college entrance examination, entrance examination as usual。
  • 13、Senior college entrance examination high goals, learning good academic learning。
  • 14、Therefore/Thus/Then,itcanbeinferred/concluded/deducedthat...因此,可以推断出......

  • 15、Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。
  • 16、关注「高中英语研究中心」
  • 17、To the winner will lose, is not afraid of the losers will win。
  • TheSmithsdidhisbesttomakemefeelathome.(his→their)
  • 18、TheSmithsdidhisbesttomakemefeelathome.(his→their)
  • 19、Confidence is the aggregation of endless wisdom。 Plain, is on the success of the inn。
  • 20、Ithinkthat...我认为......
  • 21、Hehadlosthisglasseswithoutthemhecouldn’tsee.
  • 22、删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。
  • 23、Thank you why three up to sleep before dawn; the most useless if one day ten day of cold exposure。
  • 24、例如:WhenIwasachild,Ihopedtoliveinthecity.IthinkIwouldbehappythere.

  • 25、缺词:是指遗漏掉了某些虚词,即冠词、介词、连词等,要注意的是,这些词又和前后词的搭配有关。
  • 26、==高考之前学校会询问学生要不要参加口语考试的呀,想读外语专业的同学就必须参加这个考试。貌似是市上开设考场,然后直接去考场考。其实口试很简单的啦进入考点准备时,有人会发一篇材料给你。不长。就是首先让你读一次材料。这里口语分有接着会问你一些问题(关于材料的)。这里是30分。最后会由材料引申问你一个问题。这个问题需要自己想答案发挥自己英语水准啦。就是这样啊。希望能帮到楼主一点,因为我也不是张家口的考生啦。能帮的就只有这么些。
  • 27、一些常用词的误用。
  • 28、Inmyopinion/view,weshould...在我看来,我们应该......
  • 29、Spring breeze blowing drum beating, the college entrance examination this year Who cares!
  • Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family. (Unfortunately)
  • 30、Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family. (Unfortunately)
  • 31、Encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。
  • 32、Has the knowledge to change destiny, has the ideal change manner。
  • 33、句意同上。family当“家庭”讲时,是集合名词,这里表示“我们一个家庭”,所以用单数,families改成family。
  • 34、Rose to fly, at the foot of the road。

  • 35、看一篇文章,要有一种大局观,要上前下挂,看看上下文的时态是否一致。
  • 36、Therefore/Thus/Then,itcanbeinferred/concluded/deducedthat...因此,可以推断出......
  • 37、There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。
  • 38、Homework examination, examination of the exam, will usually test when the college entrance examination, entrance examination as usual。
  • 39、At present, the lights dim, what sorrow without a friend。 It won the ancient Toad Hall, there must be a gentleman。
  • 40、Spring breeze blowing drum beating, the college entrance examination this year Who cares!
  • 41、Plum flower, the first joy in the sweat。
  • Itisconvenientformetopreparefortheexamthanbefore.
  • 42、Itisconvenientformetopreparefortheexamthanbefore.
  • 43、In the family the parents hardship involved hope that students want to light Triumphant news。, Ouxinlixue is gold plate。
  • 44、Spring breeze blowing drum beating, the college entrance examination this year Who cares!

  • 45、使学生在愉快课堂中了解学习方法,从而自如自信的运用所学知识去迎接高考。
  • 46、Abandon Memorial luck, will take the thick integral seconds work be toughened and hardened into steel;, only set the Thames a great coup。
  • 47、The function of technology, and Paodingjieniu long time practicing the way technology; at the foot of the road, Xunzi has learned his The students surpass the teacher。
  • 48、Encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。
  • 49、Theeffect/consequence/resultofeatingtoomuchisoverweight.吃太多的影响/结果是超重。
  • 50、Rose to fly, at the foot of the road。