2023-03-01 07:09:42
- 1、年华岁月,终究抵不过一句寂寞。
- 2、You think I should understand, what I do not know miss know.
- 3、要得身体好,娶妻莫过早。
- 4、月亮在天上我在地下,就像你在海角我在天涯。月亮升的再高也高不过天,你走的多么远也走不出我的想念。
- 5、幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱;有事做;有所期待。
- 6、最平凡的爱,最让人依赖。
- 7、Love sublimates the longing of the heart to the realm of the utmost goodness.
- 8、我那么努力站在最耀眼的地方就怕你找不到我
- 10、春天没有花,人生没有爱,那还成个什么世界。
- 11、You say I do not love you, but I love you and how.
- 12、爱情是可爱的虐政,情人们甘受它痛苦的折磨。
- 13、Even in deep love, we are lonely.
- 14、True love can only come into being after giving up one's happiness.
- 15、爱里全是难过
- 16、你终究会删掉当初拼了命都得留下的东西
- 17、People are beautiful not because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely.
- 18、I will confront the death fearlessly if only I can be with you, and I prefer to share my life with you rather than lead a lonely and immortal life.
19、I know, in my life, I can't leave you behind.
- 20、如果你不能赞美,那么请不要轻易否定我的努力。
- 21、决定忘记的人再见到就别再心潮澎湃了.
- 22、Wine can be made into vinegar, and love can be turned into hatred.
- 23、像我这种不会主动联系别人又不会扯话题会让人讨厌排挤的对吗
- 24、终于可以不再爱你了我终于可以不再想你了
- 25、捉迷藏怕你着急了找不到,我故意露出衣角。
- 26、塔罗牌语言了种种未来。却改变不了命运旳悲哀。
- 27、If you want to be in good health, don't marry too early.
- 28、Meet you, is my life happiness.
29、I know, in my life, I can't leave you behind.
- 30、你不爱我,我还能拿什么理由挽留。
- 31、Marry in haste and regret for life.
- 32、Meet you, is my life happiness.
- 33、Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?
- 34、I love the people, not my lover.
- 35、爱情所需要的唯一礼物就是爱情。
- 36、You think I should understand, what I do not know miss know.
- 37、标了价的爱情是虚假的。
- 38、当你开始接触新的人了,你依旧会发现,让你失望的人,一个还是不会落下。
- 40、一个人真爱的时候,甚至会想不到自己是爱着对方。
- 41、Immersed in time, memory was also cut a piece of the fall.
- 42、Pain and joy in love always struggle with each other.
- 43、Love is the source of knowledge as fire is the source of light.
- 44、我们就是幸福的一体,以后我老了你也不能嫌弃我,要知道我们的诺言;即使老了我们也要天天锻炼,天天微笑。
- 45、Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of life's distress, especially in love.
- 46、好想告诉你告诉你我没有忘记.
- 47、Love is hard, and you can't expect it to come out like a dream.
- 48、Who can I trust and who will be by my side.
- 50、已经路过的风景就不要再打听了
- 51、恋爱是艰苦的,不能期待它象美梦一样出来。
- 52、愿你忠于自己,活得认真;笑得放肆,走也走的潇洒。过去那些走过的路,丢掉的人,撕裂的往事,别回头就好。
- 53、Life without love is suffering.
- 54、任何人都可以变得狠毒只要你尝试过什么叫嫉妒,
- 55、银河虽然无限宽,牛郎织女意志坚。喜鹊搭桥得相见,两情脉脉话语甜。七夕传说多凄美,你我不愿做神仙。今夜对你盟誓愿,爱你分秒不离开。祝七夕节快乐开颜!