
  • 1、有学识的傻瓜,要远比无知的傻瓜还要笨拙。Educated fool, are far more clumsy than an ignorant fool。
  • 2、在幻想的最美妙的世界中一切都是为最美好的目标而设。In the fantasy of the most wonderful thing in the world is all for the best target。

  • 3、对于亚当而言,天堂是他的家;然而对于亚当的后裔而言,家是他们的天堂。For Adam, heaven is his home; However for the seed of Adam, the home is a paradise for them。
  • 4、个别而论,各个不雷同的可怜培养幸福。因而,越是一次次不幸的频繁产生,就越是好事一桩。Inpidual is concerned, each not identical poor to cultivate happiness。 Therefore, more and more frequently, unfortunately, more is a good thing。
  • 5、生活是条沉船,但我们不要忘了在救生艇上高歌。
  • 做一个引人腻烦的人的秘诀就是告知别人所有。
  • 6、做一个引人腻烦的人的秘诀就是告知别人所有。
  • 7、伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。A great career needs unswerving spirit。
  • 8、做一个引人腻烦的人的秘诀就是告知别人所有。Be an equally bored man is told that the secret of all others。
  • 9、豪情是使航船扬帆的骤风,有时也使它淹没,但不风,船就不能前进。Pride is the sudden wind to ship set sail, sometimes make it flooded, but not the wind, the ship will not be able to move forward。
  • 10、祖国事我们心心憧憬的处所。The motherland we xinxin vision space。
  • 11、一个人往往要死两次:不再爱,不再被爱。
  • 12、在幻想的最美妙的世界中一切都是为最美好的目标而设。In the fantasy of the most wonderful thing in the world is all for the best target。

  • 13、生活是条沉船,但我们不要忘了在救生艇上高歌。
  • 14、预言从来都只是为大人物而作的,小民无此必要。Prophecy never just for big man, wang had no necessary。
  • 15、世界就是一座供奉不协调之神的宏大神庙。The world is a sacrifice not coordinate of the grand temple of god。
  • 16、对于亚当而言,天堂是他的家;然而对于亚当的后裔而言,家是他们的天堂。For Adam, heaven is his home; However for the seed of Adam, the home is a paradise for them。
  • 17、**是使航船扬帆的骤风,有时也使它沉没,但没有风,船就不能前进。Passion is the sudden wind to ship set sail, sometimes make it sunk, but there is no wind, the ship will not be able to move forward。
  • 18、预言从来都只是为大人物而作的,小民无此必要。Prophecy never just for big man, wang had no necessary。
  • 对亚当,天堂是他的家,而他的后裔,家就是天堂。
  • 19、对亚当,天堂是他的家,而他的后裔,家就是天堂。
  • 20、只有真正的需求,才会有真正的快乐。Only real demand, just can have real happiness。
  • 21、对于亚当而言,天堂是他的家;然而对于亚当的后裔而言,家是他们的天堂。For Adam, heaven is his home; However for the seed of Adam, the home is a paradise for them。
  • 22、人类通常像狗,听到远处有狗吠,自己也吠叫一番。People often like a dog, and heard a dog barking in the distance, oneself also barking。

  • 23、坚强的信心,能使平凡的人做出惊人的事业。Strong confidence, can make the ordinary people to make amazing career。
  • 24、做一个引人腻烦的人的秘诀就是告知别人所有。
  • 25、使人疲乏的不是远方的深谷,而是鞋子里的一粒沙子。Make the person tired not far away deep canyons, but a grain of sand in your shoe。
  • 26、即使没有上帝,也要创造一位上帝。
  • 27、人生来是为行动的,就像火总向上腾,石头总是下落。一无行动,就等于他并不存在。Come into action in life, like the fire always went up, always falling rocks。 Without action, is he does not exist。
  • 28、即使没有上帝,也要创造一位上帝。
  • 29、自尊心是个膨胀的气球,轻轻一针就刺出了大风暴。Self-esteem is a inflated balloon, stab with a needle out of the big storm。
  • 30、如果上帝确切不存在,那么就有必要发明一个来。Exactly if god does not exist, then it is necessary to invent one。
  • 31、所有的**,不过就是抢掠而已。All wars, but just for robbery。
  • 唯我独尊只不外是无知的假面具罢了。Just me only is the mask of ignorance。

    32、唯我独尊只不外是无知的假面具罢了。Just me only is the mask of ignorance。

  • 33、无论天资有多麽高,他仍需学会了技巧来发挥那些天资。No matter how much talent, he still need to learn the skills to play those talents。
  • 34、人类通常像狗,听到远处有狗吠,自己也吠叫一番。People often like a dog, and heard a dog barking in the distance, oneself also barking。
  • 35、最长的莫过于时间,因为它永远无穷尽,最短的也不莫过于时间,因为我们所有的计划都来不及完成。
  • 36、人生来是为行动的,就像火总向上腾,石头总是下落。一无行动,就等于他并不存在。Come into action in life, like the fire always went up, always falling rocks。 Without action, is he does not exist。
  • 37、恋情之中高贵的成分不亚于温顺的成分,使人向上的力气不亚于使人萎靡的气力,有时还能激发别的美德。Relationship of noble as docile, make men upward strength as the strength of weak, sometimes also can inspire other virtues。
  • 38、个别而论,各个不雷同的可怜培养幸福。因而,越是一次次不幸的频繁产生,就越是好事一桩。
  • 39、只有真正的需求,才会有真正的快乐。
  • 40、我可能不同意你的观点,但我誓死扞卫你说话的权利。I may not agree with your point of view, but I'm fiercely defending the death your right to say it。
  • 41、个别而论,各个不雷同的可怜培养幸福。因而,越是一次次不幸的频繁产生,就越是好事一桩。Inpidual is concerned, each not identical poor to cultivate happiness。 Therefore, more and more frequently, unfortunately, more is a good thing。
  • 42、人,如果没有记忆,就无法发明创造和联想。Man, if there is no memory, cannot be invention and lenovo。

  • 43、个别而论,各个不雷同的可怜培养幸福。因而,越是一次次不幸的频繁产生,就越是好事一桩。Inpidual is concerned, each not identical poor to cultivate happiness。 Therefore, more and more frequently, unfortunately, more is a good thing。
  • 44、古人充斥了对更遥远的古人的颂扬。The ancients flooded to the more distant the praises of the elders。
  • 豪情是使航船扬帆的骤风,有时也使它淹没,但不风,船就不能前进。Pride is the sudden wind to ship set sail, sometimes make it flooded, but not the wind, the ship will not be able to move forward。
  • 45、豪情是使航船扬帆的骤风,有时也使它淹没,但不风,船就不能前进。Pride is the sudden wind to ship set sail, sometimes make it flooded, but not the wind, the ship will not be able to move forward。
  • 46、自尊是我们保留之工具;它相似物种永存的工具;它是必须的,它对我们是可贵的,它给我们快活,它必须暗藏起来。Self-esteem is the tool of we reserve; It tool of similar species forever; It is a must, it is precious to us, it gives us happy, it must be hidden。
  • 47、对亚当,天堂是他的家,而他的后裔,家就是天堂。For Adam, heaven is his home, and his descendants home is paradise。
  • 48、我们所有的人都有缺点和错误,让我们互相原谅彼此的愚蠢,这是自然的第一法则。
  • 49、唯我独尊只不外是无知的假面具罢了。Just me only is the mask of ignorance。
  • 50、世界就是一座供奉不协调之神的宏大神庙。
  • 51、不是事业为了思惟,而是思维为了事业。Is not a cause for thinking, but thinking in order to cause。
  • 52、说出一个人真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。Tell a person true thoughts is a great comfort life。
