
  • 1、Know not to know, sometimes you don't expect a word, will affect my mood a day.
  • 2、在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

  • 3、你陪我东山再起,我让你母仪天下。
  • 4、You're not good at sweet words, but the way you hug me is deeper than anyone.
  • 5、I don't say, you don't understand, we pretend, this is our distance.
  • 有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了。
  • 6、有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了。
  • 7、他说:以后我们是陌生人。我答:我们一直都不熟。
  • 8、我算是什么,只能一个人在旁边猜测着,连问一句的权利都没有。
  • 9、不要假惺惺做作装可怜,其实我比你会演。
  • 10、其实,我只是在等一个人,等一个可以照顾你的人,这样,我才能走的安心。
  • 11、爱有多长?是一瞬间的美丽,是一刹那的钟情,是分分秒秒的思念,是日日月月的相伴,使岁岁年年的厮守!
  • 12、Watching more entertainment can make their thinking more active, pay attention to keep up with the trend.

  • 13、Why when you see his heart or will be sad, obviously have no love.
  • 14、很可惜故事的最后,我们还是退回到了朋友的位置。
  • 15、Sometimes, think a person hide fragile, don't want others to see his wound.
  • 16、我没有受伤,没有难过,没有心痛,没有生气,只是累了,厌倦了,你对我全心全意的置之不理。
  • 17、有些爱,藏在回忆的角落,却不得不各安天涯。
  • 18、Missing, leaving the product, meet the conditions. The embellishment of life, grief at separation and joy in Union, the passions, relying on the heart.
  • 19、忘了那幼稚的誓言,现实不存在永远。
  • 20、既然已回不到过去,还不如想想自己的未来。
  • The reason why people can, is to believe that.
  • 21、The reason why people can, is to believe that.
  • 22、Ghost grass can not be submerged inner thoughts, not to swallow Equinox flower heart haze.

  • 23、Still in place, back away, waiting for you a review.
  • 24、如果雨能淋湿记忆,我愿在雨中蹉跎。
  • 25、You're not good at sweet words, but the way you hug me is deeper than anyone.
  • 26、我会把孤独喂饱,再来温暖迩。
  • 27、闭上眼眸,那些繁华的过往,便如过眼云烟袭来。
  • 28、Relationship is like a piece of paper, broken, and then how to piece together there are cracks.
  • 29、Most afraid of the world to find times but found no one.
  • 30、你已经远远离开,我也会慢慢走开。
  • 31、忘了曾经爱过谁,慢慢习惯了寂寞相随。
  • 32、我告诉自己,想不开,就不想,得不到,就不要。

  • 33、慢慢地拆下伤心的眼泪,却怎么也抹不去爱的记忆。
  • 34、曾以为我们的爱会很久很久。请原谅我不能陪你走到最后。
  • 35、删掉你的一切,却删不掉我们的回忆。
  • Hidden in her heart a deep abyss, throw stones also made no sound.
  • 36、Hidden in her heart a deep abyss, throw stones also made no sound.
  • 37、我倔强的不愿屈服,换来的却也只是伤痕累累。
  • 38、In a bad mood to go to the school gate kick, kick a row of a row.
  • 39、成功的泪,不知自己为何有苦味,想要幸福,你却忘了幸福还要自己给。
  • 40、Smile does not necessarily mean that you are happy, sometimes, it only means that you are strong enough to face difficulties.
  • 41、我的世界忽然开始下雪,天啊!请不要在我身旁梳头发了。
  • 42、我喜欢做梦,也特别会做梦,在梦里会把你每一个好构造的天衣无缝。

  • 43、我的精神分裂治好了,现在我和我过得都很好。
  • 44、我多想有个人能对我说:你不用改变自己,我来习惯你就可以了。
  • 45、I do not hate you, because I do not want to remember you.
  • 46、I leave you, you cry or will be grateful.
  • 47、To learn how to dress yourself, happy, only to cherish their own people to get other people's value.
  • 48、You accompany me to stage a comeback, I let you mother instrument.
  • 49、原来我的心也会痛还那么清晰透彻。
  • 50、有些爱,藏在回忆的角落,却不得不各安天涯。
  • Afraid of loneliness, even around a number of people, I feel that I am a person.
  • 51、Afraid of loneliness, even around a number of people, I feel that I am a person.
  • 52、这个世界最令人难过的爱情是,明知无法终老,却仍难舍拥抱。

  • 53、在你停下来的时候,请看一下,别人还在奔跑。
  • 54、Don't see a love one, love too much, your love will depreciate.
  • 55、Don't see a love one, love too much, your love will depreciate.
  • 56、In a bad mood to go to the school gate kick, kick a row of a row.
  • 57、我告诉自己,想不开,就不想,得不到,就不要。
  • 58、站在属于自己角落,假装自己是个过客。
  • 59、Those beautiful little fish, they sleep with their eyes open. Don't need love, never cry. They are my role models.
  • 60、还在原地徘徊着,背影渐远,等你一个回眸。