
  • 1、Owl bird of wisdom, in the twilight of civilization began to take off。智慧之鸟的猫头鹰,在文明的暮色中才开始起飞。
  • 2、Hey, buddy, I said, hey, man I say, not what benefits might exist。嘿,哥们,我说,嘿,哥们我说,没有好处的怎样可能存在。
  • 3、Obtained from human history lesson is: never remember the lessons of history of mankind。人类从历史中所得到的教训就是:人类从来不记取历史教训。
  • 4、There are some valuable things as its target, the life worthwhile。有一些宝贵的东西作为它的目标时,生活才有价值。

  • 5、In front of this unique powers, nothing can maintain an independent existence。在这唯一的权力面前,没有东西能够维持一种独立的生存。
  • 学习永远不晚。
  • 6、学习永远不晚。
  • 7、A contented person can be happy in life。一个知足的人生活才能美满。
  • 8、读书千遍,其意自见。
  • 9、独学无友,孤陋寡闻。
  • 10、It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good time that is now no more; but that in good days we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad。奇怪得很,人们在倒楣的时候,总会清晰地回忆已经逝去快乐时光,但是在得意的时候,对恶运时光只保有一种淡漠而不完全的记忆。
  • 11、All kinds of fraud in the world, it is not the same thing as those who have cheated themselves。世界上形形**的骗子,比起自骗自的人来,实在算不上一回事。
  • 12、The founder of the first benefactor, devoid of gratitude in lucky, when receive retribution。对早年的第一个恩人、幸运的缔造者忘恩负义,当获报应。
  • 13、I have a rule: think of doing one thing, it must be done, and must be done thoroughly。我有个原则:想到要做一件事,就一定要做到,而且要做得彻底。
  • 14、The more the heart is higher, the more you will have a variety of minor weaknesses。人越是心高志大,就越少不了有种种的小弱点。

  • 15、天生傲骨,永不服输。
  • 16、To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties。所谓结婚,就是自愿将自身权利减半,将自身责任加倍。
  • 17、As long as he is kind, it is much better than he is。只要他和蔼可亲,那比他有学问要好得多。
  • 18、知识是智慧的火炬。
  • The best manners are not nosy。最好的礼貌是不要多管闲事。
  • 19、The best manners are not nosy。最好的礼貌是不要多管闲事。
  • 20、天生傲骨,永不服输。
  • 21、Only those who never look up to high altitude lying in the pit, and will not again fall into a pit。只有那些躺在坑里从不仰望高空的人,才不会再掉进坑里。
  • 22、A truly beautiful soul has always a difference, and is a real person。一个拥有真正美的心灵总是有所作为的,并且是一个实实在在的人。
  • 23、As long as he is kind, it is much better than he is。只要他和蔼可亲,那比他有学问要好得多。
  • 24、业精于勤,荒于嬉。

  • 25、People should respect himself, and should be able noblest thing worthy of self-regard。人应尊敬他自己,并应自视能配得上最高尚的东西。
  • 26、You can't just look at the surface to be authentic, There is abundant evidence。 Weirenchushi, this is the head of a golden laws and precious rules。凡事不能只看表面,要有凭有据才能作准。为人处世,这是头一条金科玉律。
  • 27、Is reliable, can be entrusted by the people。为人可靠,必能受人之托。
  • 28、勤奋是好运之母。
  • 29、闲有余日,正可学问。
  • 30、学会三天,学好三年。
  • 31、As long as he is kind, it is much better than he is。只要他和蔼可亲,那比他有学问要好得多。
  • We can assert that there is no passion, no great cause will not be completed。我们可以断言,没有**,任何伟大的事业都不能完成。
  • 32、We can assert that there is no passion, no great cause will not be completed。我们可以断言,没有**,任何伟大的事业都不能完成。
  • 33、It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good time that is now no more; but that in good days we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad。奇怪得很,人们在倒楣的时候,总会清晰地回忆已经逝去快乐时光,但是在得意的时候,对恶运时光只保有一种淡漠而不完全的记忆。
  • 34、Any reasonable are there, all existence is reasonable。凡是合理的都是存在的,凡是存在的都是合理的。

  • 35、Ignorant is not free, because of his opposition is a strange world。无知者是不自由的,正因和他对立的是一个陌生的世界。
  • 36、相信自己,成就未来!
  • 37、As long as I can, I will not speak the truth, I will not be the only way to answer your trust。只要可能,我不会光讲大道理,我不会光用说教来回答你对我的信任。
  • 38、It's never too late to learn.
  • 39、Owl bird of wisdom, in the twilight of civilization began to take off。智慧之鸟的猫头鹰,在文明的暮色中才开始起飞。
  • 40、Obtained from human history lesson is: never remember the lessons of history of mankind。人类从历史中所得到的教训就是:人类从来不记取历史教训。
  • 41、To distinguish right from wrong, to compare with a cool head。辨是非,重证据,用冷静的头脑去比较。
  • 42、Any reasonable are there, all existence is reasonable。凡是合理的都是存在的,凡是存在的都是合理的。
  • 43、You want to love like you never been hurt, you want to dance like no one is watching you。你要爱着就像从来没有被伤害过,你要舞蹈着就像从来没有人在看你。
  • 44、书是人类进步的阶梯。

    Only when something of value to make the purpose of their lives have value。只有在以某种有价值的东西做目的时,性命才有价值。
  • 45、Only when something of value to make the purpose of their lives have value。只有在以某种有价值的东西做目的时,性命才有价值。
  • 46、Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed。务必牢记,只要翻过山头,你就可以走得更快了!
  • 47、All kinds of fraud in the world, it is not the same thing as those who have cheated themselves。世界上形形**的骗子,比起自骗自的人来,实在算不上一回事。
  • 48、学会三天,学好三年。
  • 49、学习永远不晚。
  • 50、千里之行,始于足下。
  • 51、Opportunity will not come to the people, only people to look for opportunities。机会不会上门来找人,只有人去找机会。
  • 52、独学无友,孤陋寡闻。