
  • 1、You fat rattan cane, my foot shock vibration, we bought pork to worship, to eat the pork change life of god, and said the short message? I wish you the Lantern Festival eat joss-stick, a happy work!
  • 2、Please call 110 if you look ugly。 Please call 120 if you are out of shape。 Please call 119 if you have a bad temper。 If you think you're beautiful, please call my mobile phone, discuss
  • 3、Is used to lay eggs, chicken cow is living on dry, the cat went very seriously, sheep are barbecue in the future, a dog is a let a person to be used, you are waiting for ones。
  • 4、Lantern Festival, golden light give you wealth, wood and auspicious, serving the water reflected full moon, fire fireworks send blessing, soil health always, the fifteenth day, five lines of the same to you, I wish you a line of the universiade, row, row
  • 5、Dumplings, moon, wish your family reunion; The official sources, financial resources, and wish your business be able; Popularity, chance, wish you good luck the geopolitical; Wish, rather, meant to ideal day to you! I wish the Lantern Festival round like
  • 温暖的,除了太阳,还有我的关怀!圆圆的,除了月饼,还有元宵汤圆!深情的,除了爱意,还有我的祝福!元宵节祝你快乐,注意不要贪食哦!


  • 7、温暖的,除了太阳,还有我的关怀!圆圆的,除了月饼,还有元宵汤圆!深情的,除了爱意,还有我的祝福!元宵节祝你快乐,注意不要贪食哦!
  • 8、The classmates, read English for "should give interest" when the President; Read as "hard to change history" became a politician。 I read dead tired "should" do the company employees。 How do you read that?
  • 9、Notice: tomorrow above leadership inspection work, each colleague dressing, as required, please man: suit tie shorts slippers; Ms: swimsuit trousers for leather shoes!
  • 10、我用我的祝福包裹甜蜜,我用我的问候包裹快乐,正月十五借一点节日的温火,用团圆的水煮一碗元宵送给你,希望你快快乐乐,平平安安。
  • 11、You fat rattan cane, my foot shock vibration, we bought pork to worship, to eat the pork change life of god, and said the short message? I wish you the Lantern Festival eat joss-stick, a happy work!
  • 12、见或不见,只是一种形式,心若在,千里也如咫尺间。与爱相遇,你才能触到阳光,触到存在之柔软,触到世界原本还有如此鲜活一面,人生里还有这样的懂得与珍惜。
  • 13、给你一束玫瑰,携手浪漫前行;给你一个微笑,甜蜜在你我心中;给你小小的拥抱,让幸福快乐顺风;不用承诺,不要海誓山盟,用真情陪伴一世一生。
  • 14、当你看到这条短信息,恭喜你,你已经从99个竞争者中脱颖而出,你赢得了我的爱,要出来庆祝一下吗?愚人节快乐!
  • 15、This message to let you know: first, our deepest love! Second, let you know that I did not forget you! Third, I care about most is you! Fourth, eat more sleep, keep of fat, such for years ago, sell a good price!
  • 16、Has again after the New Year, Mr。 Right from home a few days, also every tracts silver, eager to surround furnace is tasted dumplings。 Rice glue ball mirror on human, flute sheng next door never sleeps, dared ask moon v。 to me, lover of heaven and earth c

  • 17、The classmates, read English for "should give interest" when the President; Read as "hard to change history" became a politician。 I read dead tired "should" do the company employees。 How do you read that?
  • 18、这条信息让你知道:我们的感情最深!让你知道我没有把你忘记!我最在乎的是你!多吃多睡,养的胖胖的,争取年前出栏,卖个好价钱!
  • 通知:明天上头领导下来检查工作,各同事请按要求统一着装,男士:西装领带短裤拖鞋;女士:泳装西裤皮鞋!
  • 19、通知:明天上头领导下来检查工作,各同事请按要求统一着装,男士:西装领带短裤拖鞋;女士:泳装西裤皮鞋!
  • 20、张爱玲说:男人想飞的时候,可怜的就是女人了。谁知道他想飞的理由,可是当他想飞的时候,你是挽留不了他想飞的翅膀的。
  • 21、斗转星移,今生与你相随相依;岁月如梭,把深情的爱刻录在心里;世事变幻,让真诚描绘眷恋的诗篇;夜静风轻,深深的爱恋说给你来听。爱你,一生!
  • 22、想你,如此痴迷。从白天到夜里,从思念到梦里。假如我变成泥土,泥土也爱你;假如泥土上长满了青草,青草也爱你;假如青草上沾上了露珠,露珠也爱你!
  • 23、用浪漫为你编织快乐生活,用甜蜜为你打造幸福人生,用真诚为你谱写真爱无敌,用真心为你承诺相伴到老,亲爱的我爱你,给你一生的柔情,一世的爱恋!
  • 24、Notice: tomorrow above leadership inspection work, each colleague dressing, as required, please man: suit tie shorts slippers; Ms: swimsuit trousers for leather shoes!
  • 25、一只漂亮的小猪屁颠屁颠的跑到你面前,用崇拜的眼光看着你,摇摇尾巴,甩甩**。对你唱了一首:长大后我就成了你!愚人节快乐!
  • 26、The Wolf to the pig nest in a mess, a mother pig arrangement: big pig plugging the door! Two pigs to plugging window! When he saw the pig, the pig mama LaiHuo, shout loudly: old three, don't look at SMS! You go out more than meat, the Wolf away。 Happy Apr

  • 27、在关爱中让友情更深,在牵挂中让亲情更暖,在诚实中让心底更静,在简单中让生活更美,在问候中让祝福更好,在祝福中让元宵节更快乐!
  • 28、你我相识在网络,相恋在生活,没有媒人说,没有熟人扯,却比家人还**,如今结婚日子这么多,我仍觉得没嫁错,娶到我你也该躲到被窝偷偷乐。
  • 29、Let friendship deeper in love, in caring for the family warmer in honest let heart more static, make life more beautiful in the simple, let blessing better in greeting, in blessing let more happy Lantern Festival!
  • 30、如果你长得难看请打110;如果你身材不好请打120;如果你脾气不好请打119;如果你觉得自己漂亮,请打我手机,详谈
  • 31、元宵节到了,希望你今年赚的尽是美元;吃的尽是美食;喝的尽是美酒;生活尽是美满;出门尽是美差;看的尽是美景,娱乐尽是美妙;好事美不胜收!
  • 亲吻你的双手,感恩你辛勤的付出。亲吻你的脸庞,欣赏你的无比美丽。亲吻你的后背,感恩你的体魄宽广。要亲吻,祝你唇齿留香,生活甜蜜!
  • 32、亲吻你的双手,感恩你辛勤的付出。亲吻你的脸庞,欣赏你的无比美丽。亲吻你的后背,感恩你的体魄宽广。要亲吻,祝你唇齿留香,生活甜蜜!
  • 33、元宵节到了,希望你今年赚的尽是美元;吃的尽是美食;喝的尽是美酒;生活尽是美满;出门尽是美差;看的尽是美景,娱乐尽是美妙;好事美不胜收!
  • 34、你肥藤藤,我脚震震,我们买了猪肉去拜神,吃了猪肉变寿神,就说看短信息的?愿你元宵节吃嘛嘛香,工作愉快!
  • 35、下之友无数,以投缘为佳;天下之谊无尽,以适己为悦;天下之爱无穷,以知音为贵;天下之情无量,以称心为重!祝您元宵阖家欢乐,事事如意!
  • 36、就这样陪你一直走,再久也不会累;陪你在夏日街头漫步,为你撑伞遮挡阳光;为你递上一杯凉茶,让你倍感清凉。这个夏日,有你更美。

  • 37、一个拥抱海阔天空,温馨浪漫。一个亲吻甜美幸福,情深似海。一个微笑定下终身,志同道合。一个牵手亲密无间,天长地久。拥抱情人节,来一个拥抱让爱蔓延升华。
  • 38、无法诠释爱这字眼,只因你在我的眼前。今夜,我又将彻夜难眠,还好,有月光陪我在窗前。对着苍穹许愿,流星愿为我代言。承诺时刻兑现,请来我的身边!
  • 39、You fat rattan cane, my foot shock vibration, we bought pork to worship, to eat the pork change life of god, and said the short message? I wish you the Lantern Festival eat joss-stick, a happy work!
  • 40、爱就一个字生出万般情,脉脉含情心儿醉,情有独钟相依偎,打情骂俏甜蜜蜜,诗情画意鸳鸯配,情同意合誓要爱,今天412誓要爱,生死不离开。
  • 41、Dear of, I started missing you again, my love to you everyday at huge increase, because someone tell me: pork markup, you can sell a good price!
  • 42、HuanHuanLeLe yuanxiao sweet, dazzle bright fireworks, pandas were a beauty, zhongtian joshed month, wishes xu again, the rich chang m Ann。 I wish a happy Lantern Festival。
  • 43、祝福到,你快乐,拥着爱,抱着情,情相恋,人相爱;节日到,快拥抱,乐无边。祝你拥抱情人节快乐。
  • 44、爱你的我期待我爱的你回报爱你的我的对我爱的你的爱,我爱的你能否接受爱你的我的对我爱的你的爱?不绕绕你,就不知道我对你的爱缠绵似海。
  • 要问我爱你有多深,我真的说不出来,只知道你已成为我生活中的一种习惯,不可或缺的习惯,每天可以不吃饭、不睡觉,却无法不想你,嫁给我!
  • 45、要问我爱你有多深,我真的说不出来,只知道你已成为我生活中的一种习惯,不可或缺的习惯,每天可以不吃饭、不睡觉,却无法不想你,嫁给我!
  • 46、元宵祝啥好?我的祝福最早到!不管去年如何,相信今年你努力会有更大回报!最重要的是,愿你健康幸福乐逍遥!祝元宵节快乐!

  • 47、元宵节到了,希望你今年赚的尽是美元;吃的尽是美食;喝的尽是美酒;生活尽是美满;出门尽是美差;看的尽是美景,娱乐尽是美妙;好事美不胜收!
  • 48、Is used to lay eggs, chicken cow is living on dry, the cat went very seriously, sheep are barbecue in the future, a dog is a let a person to be used, you are waiting for ones。
  • 49、汤圆,月圆,祝你亲朋团团圆圆;官源,财源,祝你事业左右逢源;人缘,机缘,祝你好运缘缘不断;心愿,情愿,祝你理想天随人愿!祝元宵节圆源缘愿!
  • 50、比国美更美,比国粹更精,比国旗更红,比国色更天香,比国士更无双!猜猜是啥没错,就是老婆大人!127爱妻日,速速加入爱妻行动!天天快乐!
  • 51、张爱玲说:男人想飞的时候,可怜的就是女人了。谁知道他想飞的理由,可是当他想飞的时候,你是挽留不了他想飞的翅膀的。
  • 52、一只漂亮的小猪屁颠屁颠的跑到你面前,用崇拜的眼光看着你,摇摇尾巴,甩甩**。对你唱了一首:长大后我就成了你!愚人节快乐!
  • 53、Dear of, I started missing you again, my love to you everyday at huge increase, because someone tell me: pork markup, you can sell a good price!
  • 54、渐远的岁月,隔断的空间,阔别的日子,思念的深情,送上温情的短信。忙忙碌碌的生活让联系断断续续,就让简简单单短信传递一见如故的温馨。祝快乐。