Love a good light, wish me a happy birthday!

  • 1、Liberty自由
  • 2、那么刻意的去伪装,却还是骗不了自己的心。
  • 3、Between you and I do not have the fate, all by my face value.

  • 4、Better to forgive yourself, don't let others to forgive you.
  • 5、爱情是,让人想着,然后用一辈子去忘记。
  • Better to forgive yourself, don't let others to forgive you.
  • 6、Better to forgive yourself, don't let others to forgive you.
  • 7、有些伤,是永远不会愈合了。
  • 8、你我之间本无缘分,全靠我颜值死撑。
  • 9、宁可自己去原谅别人,莫让别人来原谅你。
  • 10、你在我心里,使一切都变成甜的。
  • 11、你走了,留给我那刻苦铭心的回忆。
  • 12、Go for so long, found the only rely on live or own.
  • 13、听一段音乐,怀念一段时光。

  • 14、主动久了,每个人都会累,不是不爱了,只是心累了。
  • 15、空洞的眼眸,找不到焦距所在。
  • 16、我爱你,生生世世都要和你在一起。
  • 17、我的爱情坚持了很久,却没到最后。
  • 18、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。
  • 妳要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去。
  • 19、妳要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去。
  • 20、女人要自爱这样才有人爱你。
  • 21、宁可自己去原谅别人,莫让别人来原谅你。
  • 22、好怀念他的拥抱,那踏实的安全感。
  • 23、My love for a long time, but not to the end.

  • 24、别人至少还有回忆去回忆,而我连回忆都不曾有过。
  • 25、有时候心灵有些空洞,有点点心疼的时候。
  • 26、有些伤,是永远不会愈合了。
  • 27、Not on tiptoe to love a person, the focus of instability can not hold too long.
  • 28、People can not change things, only things change people.
  • 29、他们说牵了手就会天长地久,我说只要我们爱就足够。
  • 30、You go, I left the unforgettable memories.
  • 31、梦的全是你满满的你。
  • 不要和别人比较,在比较之前你已经比别人低了。
  • 32、不要和别人比较,在比较之前你已经比别人低了。
  • 33、我想知道,你的心里是否还有他他他他。

  • 34、Your smile warms the whole winter.
  • 35、谢谢你一直陪伴着我,不管是风是雨,请记住,我一直都在。
  • 36、The best things in junior high school, than the rise will be able to see the person you like.
  • 37、Many years later, we never ever meet again.
  • 38、The pain in my heart, you will never understand.
  • 39、Heart will be tired of love will be cold, this is the process of emotional.
  • 40、Forgive, but it will be a pity to quietly buried; forget, is the most profound and thorough tolerance.
  • 41、Love is, let people think, and then use a lifetime to forget.
  • 42、心控2/2star°
  • 43、Love forget more ruthless, but sink deeper.

  • 44、想一个人,一种声音。只待来生寄情相思。
  • 走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。
  • 45、走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。
  • 46、Young frivolous, happy time.
  • 47、相爱是一场你情我愿的自虐。
  • 48、Sometimes the heart is empty, a little bit of love.
  • 49、Other people at least have memories, and I even have not had memories of.
  • 50、You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go.
  • 51、Think of a person, a voice. For the next place of acacia.
  • 52、我爱你,生生世世都要和你在一起。
  • 53、爱忘记的越狠,却陷的越深。

  • 54、想一个人,一种声音。只待来生寄情相思。