Has been away, do not look back, but I unknowingly lost you

  • 1、I smiled strangely, just because of you.
  • 2、戏子入画、一生天涯。
  • 3、有些伤,是永远不会愈合了。
  • 4、The best things in junior high school, than the rise will be able to see the person you like.
  • 5、那么刻意的去伪装,却还是骗不了自己的心。
  • 相爱是一场你情我愿的自虐。
  • 6、相爱是一场你情我愿的自虐。
  • 7、Don't think about it, that will only increase the suffering of it!
  • 8、Love is a feeling I wish from you.
  • 9、We can be disappointed, but not blind.

  • 10、有一种情感,只能拿心去感受。
  • 11、°Destiny命运
  • 12、Indulge yourself, is also a kind of liberation.
  • 13、爱情是生活最好的提神剂。
  • 14、曾经以为你很爱我我很爱你,忽然发现每个人都深深爱着自己。
  • 15、Efforts to move forward, only to catch up with your footsteps.
  • 16、Blind worship of others, as proud of the appreciation of their own.
  • 17、If I know how to give up you, how good that.
  • 18、只想听到你说,祝我幸福。
  • If I know how to give up you, how good that.

    19、If I know how to give up you, how good that.

  • 20、麦ヽHe
  • 21、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。
  • 22、-离沐倾城winnie°
  • 23、Persistent慕拉
  • 24、你的念念不忘里,没有俄。
  • 25、I have been very happy, because I saw such a deep love for you.
  • 26、那么刻意的去伪装,却还是骗不了自己的心。
  • 27、能在我心里兴风作浪你该识趣。
  • 28、年少轻狂,幸福时光。
  • 29、Kimi

  • 30、那么刻意的去伪装,却还是骗不了自己的心。
  • 31、躺在向日葵上,即使沮丧,也能朝着阳光。
  • Iruri℡过客
  • 32、Iruri℡过客
  • 33、努力的往前走,只为追上你的脚步。
  • 34、No desire can only be said to be petrified.
  • 35、Empty eyes, can not find the focal length.
  • 36、盲目的崇拜别人,不如骄傲的欣赏自己。
  • 37、不要问我过的好不好,连我自己都不知道。
  • 38、年少轻狂,幸福时光。
  • 39、Don't let the man beautiful woman mouth; beautiful woman let the man eyes.

  • 40、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只因为想到了你。
  • 41、Kimi
  • 42、Young frivolous, happy time.
  • 43、你走了,留给我那刻苦铭心的回忆。
  • 44、没有欲望只能说是麻木不仁。
  • 经过青春的忧伤,时间会将一切抚平。
  • 45、经过青春的忧伤,时间会将一切抚平。
  • 46、Thank you for always with me, no matter the wind is the rain, please remember, I have been in.
  • 47、努力的往前走,只为追上你的脚步。
  • 48、Thank you for always with me, no matter the wind is the rain, please remember, I have been in.
  • 49、有时候心灵有些空洞,有点点心疼的时候。

  • 50、Can you make the wrong in my heart.
  • 51、Some wounds will never heal.
  • 52、bigbang我们的信仰
  • 53、好怀念他的拥抱,那踏实的安全感。