
  • 1、惟我独尊xox
  • 2、Kimi
  • 3、有一种情感,只能拿心去感受。
  • 4、Young frivolous, happy time.

  • 5、走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。
  • 抓住了手就别放,爱对了人就走下去。
  • 6、抓住了手就别放,爱对了人就走下去。
  • 7、My love for a long time, but not to the end.
  • 8、别因为某些人对你有看法,你就牺牲自己的个性来迎合他们。
  • 9、The best things in junior high school, than the rise will be able to see the person you like.
  • 10、People can not change things, only things change people.
  • 11、Have not seen the true face of love, you will not know its unique.
  • 12、你不掌控日子,日子就会折磨你。
  • 13、我可以一个人自娱自乐,也可以过得很好。
  • 14、You go, I left the unforgettable memories.

  • 15、Where there is great love, there are miracles.
  • 16、别灰心,往往是最后一把钥匙才能打开锁。
  • 17、He was a dream I never wanted to wake up.
  • 18、那么刻意的去伪装,却还是骗不了自己的心。
  • 19、Give so much time to improving yourself that you won't have time to criticize others。
  • 20、给自己充足的时间来改进自身,你会没时间去批判别人。
  • I need to believe love can last
  • 21、I need to believe love can last
  • 22、Between you and I do not have the fate, all by my face value.
  • 23、Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
  • 24、哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

  • 25、总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。
  • 26、suo⌒呓
  • 27、我已经很幸福了,因为见到了如此深爱的你。
  • 28、Empty eyes, can not find the focal length.
  • 29、只有泪水洗过的眼睛,才有更开阔的视野。
  • 30、不要等到孤独了,才明白朋友的价值。
  • 31、没见过爱情的真面目,就不会懂得它的独一性。
  • 32、I love you, generation after generation will together with you.
  • 33、即使在最黑暗的日子里,也能寻到幸福。
  • 34、只是我不小心试探你的温柔、却没想过是这种结果。

  • 35、如果我知道怎么舍弃你,那该有多好。
  • Through the sadness of youth, the time will be all smooth.
  • 36、Through the sadness of youth, the time will be all smooth.
  • 37、kong虚
  • 38、Other people at least have memories, and I even have not had memories of.
  • 39、Don't think about it, that will only increase the suffering of it!
  • 40、Have not seen the true face of love, you will not know its unique.
  • 41、づHeavensong
  • 42、妳要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去。
  • 43、But I do not care to test your gentle, but did not think that this result is.
  • 44、Welcometomylife

  • 45、Once thought that you love me, I love you, I suddenly found that everyone is deeply in love with their own.
  • 46、Temptation无奈▼
  • 47、很多时候,那些我们无法改变的事情,最终改变了我们。
  • 48、Other people at least have memories, and I even have not had memories of.
  • 49、不美丽的女人让男人张大嘴;美丽的女人让男人睁大眼。
  • 50、You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go.
  • kong虚
  • 51、kong虚
  • 52、Destiny determines who comes into our lives but it’s the heart that decides who stays inside。
  • 53、You are in my heart, make everything sweet.
  • 54、Indulge yourself, is also a kind of liberation.

  • 55、I can put the past you're so natural, I think I rea.
  • 56、Hold your hand and don't let it go.
  • 57、Beauty is superficial, but ugly goes down to the bone。
  • 58、建立在谎言上的恋情不会长久,但建立在事实上的恋情甚至会连开始都没有。
  • 59、心控2/2star°