2023-01-22 01:57:23
- 1、We are like the sun and sunflower, each other is the life of each other.
- 2、His wife coaxed the spoil is not a shame, this is called love.
- 3、多想走遍这世间千山万水,千山是你,万水也是你;去程是你,归途也是你。
- 4、Let's tie it together.
- 5、一个人最好记性不要太好,因为回忆越多,幸福感越少。
- 6、建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。
- 7、如果被等待是一种幸福,那么放手就是一种成全,双方的成全。
- 9、Building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness.
- 10、一个不经意,你的笑容就成了谁的整个世界。
- 11、手机里依然留着喜欢你那句未曾送出的信息。
- 12、突然发现在某些时候说某些话,真的很可笑。
- 13、这辈子的微笑,只为你绽放,像那晴天的小彩虹。
- 14、This life's smile, just for you, like the rainbow on a sunny day.
- 15、黑色曼陀罗花田下,掩埋下一段凄惨绝望的爱恋?
- 16、Love is not a charitable cause, so it can't be generous.
- 17、I wondered if it would be beautiful to stop when I crossed the road.
18、Love, hope, fear and beliefs that constitute the human nature, they are a sign of human nature and characteristics.
- 19、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。
- 20、我们像太阳跟向日葵一样,彼此是彼此的生命。
- 21、Love is not only rich and colorful, but also feast for the eyes.
- 22、有时候,打动人心的不过是一句话、一个手势、一个眼神。伤害到人心的也不过是一句话、一个手势、一个眼神。
- 23、When we met, but the indifference in sentimental farewell.
- 24、麦兜说:不开心睡一觉,就让它过去吧。伤心还好,伤胃就不好了。麦兜说,要懂得珍惜守护,身边的每个人,因为前世扭断脖子的回眸,我们才换来了今生的相遇!麦兜说,有事情是要说出来的,不要等着对方去领悟,因为对方不是你,不知道你想要什么,等到最后只能是伤心和失望,尤其是感情。
- 25、The wise never marry, and the one who is, will not be wise.
- 26、To go with you is like walking on a very clear morning.
- 27、亲爱的,车票我买好了!起点是今生,终点是来世,上车请遵守天长地久规则!人跟心不可随意伸出车外!不可中途跳车!希望我们能相爱到永久!
- 29、我是该有多幸运,才能够认识了你。
- 30、It's funny to suddenly find something to say at some time.
- 31、The wise never marry, and the one who is, will not be wise.
- 32、和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。
- 33、A fleeting dream song watch fireworks cracked water moon.
- 34、A casual, your smile is who the world.
- 35、When love is lost, it can only prove that we are incompetent.
- 36、美丽的谎言往往比**更伤人,**的伤可以痊愈,心里的伤却无药可治。
- 37、爱里面不但包含了许多悲哀和伤痕,还包括了埋怨,妒忌和轻视啊。
38、We also hugged each other tightly and talked about love forever.
- 39、You said that because of me, so I won the world.
- 40、We also hugged each other tightly and talked about love forever.
- 41、Maybe is the day the sun just, the breeze no noise, you just laughed at, so I'm tempted.
- 42、不要把自己当成,我戏里必不可少的主角,其实你只是可有可无的配角!
- 43、麦兜说:不开心睡一觉,就让它过去吧。伤心还好,伤胃就不好了。麦兜说,要懂得珍惜守护,身边的每个人,因为前世扭断脖子的回眸,我们才换来了今生的相遇!麦兜说,有事情是要说出来的,不要等着对方去领悟,因为对方不是你,不知道你想要什么,等到最后只能是伤心和失望,尤其是感情。
- 44、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。
- 45、Love is the mist, you are in the fog rose, across the green yarn to see you, call me!
- 46、There is a friendship, no less than love, is not ambiguous, called blue.
- 47、将爱情当作理想的人,不会有真正的理想。
- 49、将爱情当作理想的人,不会有真正的理想。
- 50、总有那么一个人,只要冲你一笑,就把你打败了。
- 51、让我们拴在一起吧。
- 52、Love is life in its fulness like the cup with its wine.
- 53、有的人走了就再也没回来过,所以,等待和犹豫才是这个世界上最无情的杀手!
- 54、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。
- 55、当我的打字法都认识你的时候,我想我是真的爱上你了。