
  • 1、No matter how we end up, I only know that you owe me a wedding all your life.
  • 2、Sometimes just a joke, become the ultimate commitment of life.
  • 3、没有星星,就让月亮来点缀寂寞的夜空。
  • 4、Everyone said I put you spoiled, but you said I never spoil you.

  • 5、相思一夜窗前梦,奈个人、水隔天遮。王沂孙《高阳台和周草窗寄越中诸友韵》
  • 幸福与我无关,陷在爱里的人都那么疯狂。
  • 6、幸福与我无关,陷在爱里的人都那么疯狂。
  • 7、这街道那么空,可你的影子却布满每个角落。
  • 8、I stood fate hands heart, hasn't escaped.
  • 9、长得漂亮叫优势,活的漂亮叫本事。
  • 10、全世界就这么每我对你这么好,你却总这样不冷不热,可我毫无办法,谁叫我朋友不多,所以我格外珍惜你们。
  • 11、我真的好想知道,在你的世界里,我到底有多重要。
  • 12、喜欢一个人,每次遇见都像久别重逢。
  • 13、This street so empty, but your shadow is full of every corner.
  • 14、我们就像太阳和向日葵,彼此是彼此的生命。

  • 15、过得好与不好只有自己知道
  • 16、我还来不及告诉你,没有你我会很难。
  • 17、本来,最不成容忍的是,我们什么都容忍下来了。
  • 18、你永远留不住一个已经打包好行李要走的人,就像你永远也叫不醒一个装睡的人.
  • Although breathing the same sky breath, but can't hold you.
  • 19、Although breathing the same sky breath, but can't hold you.
  • 20、Some people say that I am a flower, I think I am cheap.
  • 21、I didn't go to retain, just because you're away from my world.
  • 22、When separate from each other at that moment, who was looking back.
  • 23、被放弃的感觉感情只是停歇。
  • 24、Illusion is not true, why was holding the final a glimmer of hope to fall.

  • 25、相思相见知何日?此时此夜难为情。李白
  • 26、幸福就是以你为圆心,以我为半径画圆。
  • 27、Every time, your indifference, I'm sorry, you have not consciousness.
  • 28、莫名其妙笑了,只因为想到了你。
  • 29、总在不经意的年生,回首彼岸,纵然发现光景绵长。
  • 30、When I was young, a smile was a kind of mood. When you grow up, a smile is an expression.
  • 31、Happiness is to you as the center, I as radius circle.
  • 全世界就这么每我对你这么好,你却总这样不冷不热,可我毫无办法,谁叫我朋友不多,所以我格外珍惜你们。
  • 32、全世界就这么每我对你这么好,你却总这样不冷不热,可我毫无办法,谁叫我朋友不多,所以我格外珍惜你们。
  • 33、喜欢一个人,会卑微到尘埃里,但心里是高兴的。
  • 34、人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风与月。欧阳修

  • 35、有时候,闭上嘴,放下骄傲,承认是自己错了,不是认输,而是成长
  • 36、You say that not everyone is what you think, is that something?
  • 37、其实没什么大不了,一转眼便天荒地老。
  • 38、你永远留不住一个已经打包好行李要走的人,就像你永远也叫不醒一个装睡的人.
  • 39、I really want to know, in your world, how important is it to me.
  • 40、Is there a feeling, can withstand the baptism of the time.
  • 41、不论得与不得,至少我曾对你说过:我喜欢你。
  • 42、We are like the sun and sunflower, each other's lives.
  • 43、一个人久了不懂两个人的快乐
  • 44、本来,最不成容忍的是,我们什么都容忍下来了。

  • 45、曾经只是一场骗局,他让我们都伤的很深。
  • 46、离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。陈子昂《春夜别友人二首其一》
  • 47、有时随便一个笑话,成为人生的终极承诺。
  • 48、I did not imagine the strong, but can't find let weak place of rest.
  • 49、一日不见,如三月兮。佚名《子衿》
  • 50、梦魂惯得无拘检,又踏杨花过谢桥。晏几道《鹧鸪天小令尊前见玉箫》
  • 51、Actually, if you like a person, you give him the right to hurt you.
  • 52、其实没什么大不了,一转眼便天荒地老。
  • 53、Like a person, will be humble to the dust, but the heart is happy.
  • 54、明明很在乎,却又要假装冷酷的幸福。
