
  • 1、Funny than the benefits, is that even if the failure can also be happy to play.
  • 2、Love lives in life, but always in love.
  • 3、属于我光芒四射的笑容,我何处寻找。
  • 4、Want to see an old movie, to find the next minute of depression.
  • 5、Past love, future not welcome, present not negative, so peaceful.
  • 夹路桑麻行不尽,始知身是太平人。
  • 6、夹路桑麻行不尽,始知身是太平人。
  • 7、Why do you cry, because giving up you is a choice I have never made.
  • 8、The most tiring thing in the world, than watching his heart is broken, but also have to stick it to their own hands.

  • 9、Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
  • 10、你爱我吗?已经爱到危险的程度了,危险到什么程度?已经不能一个人生活。
  • 11、Time seems to come to endure, and finally make me a person who is not easy to say love.
  • 12、You can't see my efforts, but I love you and you pretend to be indifferent.
  • 13、假如对方不爱你的话。
  • 14、想想好像是你狠心离开我之后吧。
  • 15、Before you leave, I don't even have a chance to hug you.
  • 16、Why do you cry, because giving up you is a choice I have never made.
  • 17、你只是给我的人生上了一课,然后就离开了。
  • 18、如果说分手是苦痛的起点、那在终点以前、我愿意在爱一遍。

  • 19、孤独饮酒烂醉街头,没有人问我要往哪里走。
  • You don't have to be brave, you don't have to lie, people who know you will know what you are.
  • 20、You don't have to be brave, you don't have to lie, people who know you will know what you are.
  • 21、A person on the stage, singing happy, sad dance, deserted, but grow more enchanting.
  • 22、5你说你会爱我一辈子,我真傻,居然忘了问“是这辈子还是下辈子”6你忘了回忆,我忘了忘记。
  • 23、其实我很难过,只是骄傲不让我说。
  • 24、沉默是最好思考的方式,也是最好做选择的方式。
  • 25、The bright and extinct life, I used to be a lamp, warm your cold, take care of your life.
  • 26、The shortest answer is doing、最简单的回答就是干。
  • 27、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。
  • 28、I am sad when you are not, I will think you do not want me.

  • 29、Now know, even the memories are so unbearable, after all, too much damage.
  • 30、我不是冷血,更不是慢热。我只是害怕,投入太多,离开的时候会难过。
  • 31、但最苦涩的不是梦见你,也不是梦见你和她在一起,而是梦见你说你爱我。
  • 32、我不是冷血,更不是慢热。我只是害怕,投入太多,离开的时候会难过。
  • 33、女人家十有八九都是心里有一分爱,表面上就流露两分。
  • Our love becomes a memory, once in early will never change until death.
  • 34、Our love becomes a memory, once in early will never change until death.
  • 35、第3圈了,我呼吸困难,张大了嘴,鼻翼撑得难受,两眼发黑,胸口奇闷,两条腿沉得再也抬不起来。
  • 36、If breaking up is the starting point of the pain, then in the end, I would like to be in love again.
  • 37、——李宫俊(原创)不要在别人面前流泪,因为不会有人帮你擦眼泪。
  • 38、Funny than the benefits, is that even if the failure can also be happy to play.

  • 39、既然相爱,就要选择信任。
  • 40、Obviouslyyoucanlivehappily,butyoumustlearnfromotherstofallinlove.我爱你的心是直到世界末日也不变。
  • 41、没过几天,又在一次狂欢中与峰再次相遇。
  • 42、我天天吃大米,心里想的都是你,我重来不吃面,只想和你见一面,我一餐不喝汤,想你想的心发慌,我喝起酒来不吃菜,永生永世把你爱。
  • 43、烈日炎炎,灼灼思你。
  • 44、亲爱的,我无时无刻都在想你。
  • 45、在爱情上我不是广场上的卜算子,唠不出那么多沵爱听得嗑。
  • 46、他们还期待着一起走村串寨,浪迹天涯。
  • 47、如此近的距离,使得法国和意大利的多情也感染了这个欧洲小国的首都,从而它也甜蜜地度过了一个个充满期望的昼与夜。
  • 在火车站里她抱着小狗不肯离开。


  • 49、念去去,千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。
  • 50、所以处理掉情绪,就能治好失恋的痛。
  • 51、(郑振铎)10母爱是多么强烈、自私、狂热地占据我们整个心灵的感情。
  • 52、不要为那年的青春哭泣,最好的自己你还没有遇到。
  • 53、When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart、在陷入情网的时候,有些人丢了头脑,另一些人丢了心
  • 54、我只能通过自己的行动让她愿意和我一起步入婚礼的殿堂。
  • 55、亲爱的,我无时无刻都在想你。
  • 56、你能看见山,你能看见海,你能看见这个世界的一切,我就不一样,我目光比较短浅,只能看见你。
  • 57、When we were young, we began to cry and laugh, then we grew up and began to cry.