
  • 1、最不会利用时间的人,最会抱怨时间不够。拉布吕耶尔
  • 2、Energy-saving, white square regret later reading.
  • 3、天下最宝贵的,莫如时日;天下最能奢侈的,莫如浪费时日。莫扎特

  • 4、字辇毂,志不在君文;官封疆,志不在民生;居水边林下,志不在世道;君子无取焉。
  • 5、不要回避苦恼和困难,挺起身来向它挑战,进而克服它。池田大作
  • Failure is the mother of success。
  • 6、Failure is the mother of success。
  • 7、找到工作的人是幸福的;愿他不要再去寻求别的幸福。托·卡莱尔
  • 8、有志不在年高,无志空活百岁。石玉昆
  • 9、Genius is the ability to work hard and hard.
  • 10、念念用之民生。则为吉士。念念用之套数。则为俗吏。念念用之身家。则为贼臣。
  • 11、天下顺治在民富,天下和静在民乐,天下兴行在民趋于正。
  • 12、The harder pressed, the stronger, do not fall Albatron ambition.
  • 13、只有把抱怨环境的心情,化为上进的力量,才是成功的保证。罗曼·罗兰

  • 14、Men do not show cloud Zhi, air negative natural eight feet long.
  • 15、逆境给人宝贵的磨炼机会。只有经得起环境考验的人,才能算是真正的强者。松下幸之助
  • 16、The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed.
  • 17、Mo, a juvenile white head, empty sadness.
  • 18、民生各有所乐兮,余独好修以为常。
  • 19、心中有民生的女大使让人肃然起敬!傅莹大使,我们敬重您!
  • Man's faults are like weeds in the garden. Weeds do not grow, so if they are not cleared in time, they will soon occupy the whole garden.
  • 20、Man's faults are like weeds in the garden. Weeds do not grow, so if they are not cleared in time, they will soon occupy the whole garden.
  • 21、Most people will not use the time, most will complain about the time is not enough.
  • 22、民生在勤勤则不匮;党存于廉廉乃大兴。
  • 23、男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺躯。冯梦龙

  • 24、一点不忍的念头,是生民生物之根芽。
  • 25、The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed.
  • 26、Men do not show cloud Zhi, air negative natural eight feet long.
  • 27、念念用之民生。则为吉士。念念用之套数。则为俗吏。念念用之身家。则为贼臣。
  • 28、为政不在多言,须息息丛省身克已而出;当官务持大体,思事事皆民生国计所关。
  • 29、财须民生,强赖民力,戚恃民势,福由民殖。
  • 30、以人为本,以财为末;人安则财瞻,本周则邦宁。
  • 31、没有哪一个聪明人会否定痛苦与忧愁的锻炼价值。赫胥黎
  • 32、Most people will not use the time, most will complain about the time is not enough.
  • 33、幸运的时机好比市场上的交易,只要你稍有延误,它就掉价了。培根

  • 34、享天下之利者,任天下之患;居天下之乐者,同天下之忧。
  • 35、Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
  • 36、享天下之利者,任天下之患;居天下之乐者,同天下之忧。
  • 37、永远要记得,成功的决心远胜于任何东西。亚伯拉罕·林肯
  • 38、坚持问政于民,问需于民,问计于民;办好顺民意、解民忧、惠民生的实事;实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益。
  • 39、Everyone is more or less inert. A man 's will power is not enough to push himself, and he fails, who is best to push himself, and who is the first to be successful.
  • 40、为政不在多言,须息息丛省身克已而出;当官务持大体,思事事皆民生国计所关。
  • 41、你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是构成生命的材料。富兰克林
  • 42、No wise man will deny the exercise of pain and sorrow.
  • 43、Do you love life? So don't waste time, because time is the material of life.

  • 44、The secret of success is never to change the set.
  • 45、Only to complain about the environment of the mood, into the force of progress, is the guarantee of success.
  • 46、Confidence is the first step to success, lack of confidence is the main reason for failure.
  • 47、能的把自己的爱说得天花乱坠的人,实际上爱得并不深。彼特拉克
  • The world's most valuable, is time; the world to luxury, than the waste of time.
  • 48、The world's most valuable, is time; the world to luxury, than the waste of time.
  • 49、能的把自己的爱说得天花乱坠的人,实际上爱得并不深。彼特拉克
  • 50、只有相信人民的人,只有投入人民生气勃勃的创造力泉源中去的人,才能获得胜利并保持**。
  • 51、自信是走向成功的第一步,缺乏自信是失败的主要原因。莎士比亚
  • 52、坚持问政于民,问需于民,问计于民;办好顺民意、解民忧、惠民生的实事;实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益。
  • 53、Man's faults are like weeds in the garden. Weeds do not grow, so if they are not cleared in time, they will soon occupy the whole garden.

  • 54、离开了实业基础,金融就成为水中浮萍。中小企业对就业、民生和内需都有着极大贡献,商业银行和金融机构应当给予扶持政策。
  • 55、Smart out of diligence, genius lies in the accumulation.