
  • 1、用最少的悔恨面对过去;用最少的浪费面对现在;用最多的梦想面对未来。
  • 2、The growth of life, need to have a meal, also need to bear hardships, suffer.
  • 3、一枝二枝三四枝,粉面袅娜望影痴。日日迎帘为君笑,脉脉含情恐相迟。

  • 4、善待人生的每个梦想,给自己信心,要知道你有能力实现它。
  • 5、Success is not doing what you like to do, but do what you should do.
  • In the face of the hardships of life, please use your willpower to create the miracle of life!
  • 6、In the face of the hardships of life, please use your willpower to create the miracle of life!
  • 7、There are no strangers in this world, only friends yet.
  • 8、伏在地上与樱花亲吻,我听到了她哭泣的声音,我的眼泪也不自觉的滑下,落满了花瓣。
  • 9、Give yourself a cliff no escape, is to give yourself a chance to the highlands to the life the charge.
  • 10、青春时代是一个短暂的美梦,当你醒来时,它早已消失得无影无踪了。
  • 11、To show their elegant demeanour, with double efforts to win success.
  • 12、洁白的樱花随风舞动,犹如纷落的雪花,空气中浮动着远东樱花特有的淡淡清香,令人不禁心生愉悦之感。
  • 13、又见繁英放满枝,浓桃艳李斗芳姿。平生知己知谁是,合有扶桑木屐儿。

  • 14、Willpower is a lifeline, it can help us out of the woods, lead us to victory.
  • 15、嫣然欲笑媚东墙,绰约终疑胜海棠。颜色不辞脂粉污,风神偏带绮罗香。园林尽日开图画,丝管含情趁艳阳。怪底近来浑自醉,一尊难发少年狂。
  • 16、Success is not a talent by ordinary people, but some unusual talent to the height of the unusual.
  • 17、As long as rely on their own strength to do things, even if the condition is very poor, also can succeed.
  • 18、给自己一片没有退路的悬崖,就是给自己一个向生命高地冲锋的机会。
  • Trust is the starting point of success, persistence is the end of success.
  • 19、Trust is the starting point of success, persistence is the end of success.
  • 20、If don't give yourself limits, then in the life, there is no limit your play barriers.
  • 21、灿若云霞上野樱,迎春一树满天星。东风送尽飞飞落,万点芳心不舍娉。
  • 22、展现自己的风采,用加倍的努力来赢得成功。
  • 23、A wise man always has a successful password, who can give the password, the heart is the wise men of success.

  • 24、有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在,而是敢面对恐惧克服恐惧。
  • 25、树底迷楼画里人,金钗沽酒醉余春。鞭丝车影匆匆去,十里樱花十里尘。
  • 26、树立必信的信念,不要轻易说我不行。志在成功,你才能成功。
  • 27、树立必信的信念,不要轻易说我不行。志在成功,你才能成功。
  • 28、If life peels off the ideal, dream, fantasy, that life is just a pile of mere skeleton.
  • 29、无论做什么,记得是为自己而做,那就毫无怨言。
  • 30、Success is not a talent by ordinary people, but some unusual talent to the height of the unusual.
  • 31、Have not had everything that money, who has time could have it all.
  • 粉腮落云霄,伸手把仙邀。飞渡千万里,痴情入眼眸。
  • 32、粉腮落云霄,伸手把仙邀。飞渡千万里,痴情入眼眸。
  • 33、To show their elegant demeanour, with double efforts to win success.

  • 34、Willpower is a lifeline, it can help us out of the woods, lead us to victory.
  • 35、Experiences in life is your wealth, this wealth is priceless!
  • 36、让自己一边成熟,一边寻找时机。等时机成熟时,理想就可以实现了。
  • 37、We do not lack of wealth, but the ability to create wealth.
  • 38、山深未必得春迟,处处山樱花压枝。桃李不言随雨意,亦知终是有晴时。
  • 39、我看着车窗外面,樱花,满街的樱花。还有满街的人,拥挤的下班时间。
  • 40、Have not had everything that money, who has time could have it all.
  • 41、The growth of life, need to have a meal, also need to bear hardships, suffer.
  • 42、How much you need to do something, you should bear much pressure.
  • 43、There are no strangers in this world, only friends yet.

  • 44、只有创造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充实的生活。
  • Know what you want, half is to know to get it by what you had to give up.
  • 45、Know what you want, half is to know to get it by what you had to give up.
  • 46、三月雨声细,樱花疑杏花。溪转开双笑,临流见浣纱。
  • 47、Let oneself mature, while looking for opportunity. Such as the time is right, the ideal can be realized.
  • 48、粉腮落云霄,伸手把仙邀。飞渡千万里,痴情入眼眸。
  • 49、辽东春夏满城芳,处处花红牵动肠。最是怡情樱花树,登台绽放五月香。
  • 50、Unlikely thing maybe today, maybe tomorrow what impossible.
  • 51、When you can't sleep, because you in the dream of someone else's awake.
  • 52、秋深吹来春风暖,心中樱花红漫山。生活热情熊熊燃,佳讯鸿雁当头传。
  • 53、樱花落尽阶前月,象床愁倚薰笼。远似去年今日,恨还同。双鬟不整云憔悴,泪沾红抹胸。何处相思苦,纱窗醉梦中。

  • 54、Tired of, is a person ate food after feeling for the plate on the plate.