Woman, also want to have confidence, don't just hide behind the man

  • 1、时间,可以了解爱情,可以证明爱情,也可以**爱情。
  • 2、真傻,你明明走了但还是会不自觉的望你位置看。
  • 3、I can't forget your smiling face, more can't get rid of the entanglement of memory.
  • 4、出去并不可怕,就怕是出去了不知道什么时候才回来。
  • 5、逢场作戏和真心厮守,在心里永远有明显的分界线。
  • 没有梦,如何能活在下层顽固偷生?
  • 6、没有梦,如何能活在下层顽固偷生?
  • 7、我留下最后一滴泪,不留任何挂念的离开。

  • 8、Some promises as promised, we must do it, even if it has been forgotten, and will not live up to.
  • 9、只有离别时,才看清故事里的错误,与错误中的真实。
  • 10、一个人的演技,两个人的沉默,三个人的悲伤,一群人的狂欢。
  • 11、There is no dream, how to live in the lower stubborn survival?
  • 12、For my Audi, for his wife's Dior, for my children's Oreo, come on!
  • 13、空惆怅,相见无由。从今后,断魂千里,夜夜岳阳楼。徐君宝妻《满庭芳》
  • 14、也应惊问:近来多少华发。辛弃疾《念奴娇》
  • 15、沉浸在时间里,记忆也被割摔旳一片一片。
  • 16、一场旅行,最美的不是风景而是陪你看风景的人。
  • 17、When the dependence has become a habit, but also reluctant to leave.

  • 18、那些伤太美,使我不肯放下,以至于微笑也那么疼!
  • 19、为了我的奥迪、为了老婆的迪奥、为了我孩子的奥利奥、加油!
  • 千古盈亏休问。王沂孙《眉妩》
  • 20、千古盈亏休问。王沂孙《眉妩》
  • 21、One day you can go into my heart, you will see where all of you sad.
  • 22、It is silly, you clearly go, but will not consciously look at your location.
  • 23、相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。李商隐《无题》
  • 24、Immersed in time, memory was also cut a piece of the fall.
  • 25、Before, you tell me sad to say now, my sad you choose silence.
  • 26、I would like to be your dowry, please take me by your side.
  • 27、Next time can not change you fade a proud, like me to go crazy.

  • 28、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。柳永《凤栖桐》
  • 29、思量只有梦来去,更不怕,江拦住。黄庭坚《望江东》
  • 30、尘世的繁华掩盖不住心里那一抹伤,满目的浮云带不走隐痛的过往。
  • 31、人生弹指事成空,断魂惆怅无寻处。李之仪《踏莎行》
  • 32、Time can understand love, can prove love, but also can overthrow the love.
  • 33、有一天你能到我的心理去,你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲。
  • 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。李煜《虞美人》
  • 34、问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。李煜《虞美人》
  • 35、I have passed your heart, not I don't want to stay, but you would not shelter.
  • 36、思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休。月明人倚楼。白居易《长相思》
  • 37、今夜的风很大,很凉,眼泪总是在掉落之前就被风干。果然,我这样的女孩,是连流泪都不被允许的。

  • 38、欲他征夫早归来,腾身却放我向青云里。敦煌词
  • 39、千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉。辛弃疾《摸鱼儿》
  • 40、当依赖变成了习惯、却再也舍不得离开。
  • 41、Thought is far, the heart is also far, I am in front of you, you also do not feel my existence.
  • 42、与其在别人的生活里跑龙套,不去精彩的做自己。
  • 43、Rather than play a small role in the lives of others, not to do their own wonderful.
  • 44、不遇天人不目成,藐姑相对便移情。吕碧城《浣溪沙》
  • 45、Don't go, please stay, don't let me heartache, don't you think I'm not enough?
  • 46、In this strange city, I learned to separate.
  • 47、不是真的习惯拒绝,而是怕一旦牵手了,再回到一个人时,受不了那份寂寞与悲凉,不曾拥有,就不怕失去。

    It is silly, you clearly go, but will not consciously look at your location.
  • 48、It is silly, you clearly go, but will not consciously look at your location.
  • 49、Next time can not change you fade a proud, like me to go crazy.
  • 50、我这样是何必?拿笑脸给你,你还白脸给我。
  • 51、爱你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开你了,比很久很久还要久。
  • 52、留得悲秋残影在,分付旗亭。王鹏运《浪淘沙》
  • 53、This figure can not be described, the system has nothing to do.
  • 54、女人的生命如花,要死在采折她的手心里,才是幸福。
  • 55、两鬓可怜青,只为相思老。晏几道《生查子》
  • 56、爱情不是一种虚荣,要拿出来在众人面前炫耀;爱情不是一件美丽的衣裳,要穿在外面给大家欣赏;爱情不是一项任务,要对亲朋好友有个交待。
  • 57、自尊丢到墙角,掏出所有的好,你还是沉默。

  • 58、我留下最后一滴泪,不留任何挂念的离开。