
  • 1、情人节,我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。
  • 2、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them。
  • 3、A person always looks up to and admires the happiness of others. When he looks back, he finds himself being looked up to and admired. In fact, everyone is happy. But your happiness is always in the eyes of others.
  • 4、Happiness has no framework or definitions. It has different definitions in everyone's eyes. Only when we cherish the happiness in front of us can we expect the happiness of tomorrow. That is the real warning word.
  • 5、你把一个新的小生命带到这个世界,从此世间又多了一个笑脸,增添了一家的幸福,派给未来一个新的希望!细细数来,你又立了大功一件,自豪了吧?祝你和小生命幸福安康,天天快乐!
  • 所谓内心的快乐,是一个人过着健全的正常的和谐的生活所感到的快乐。
  • 6、所谓内心的快乐,是一个人过着健全的正常的和谐的生活所感到的快乐。
  • 7、好宝宝,乖宝宝,牵牵你粉嫩的小手,捏捏你胖嘟嘟的小脸,看看你灿烂的笑容,听听你骄傲的哭声,满月了,你准备好接受祝福了吗?你要快快长大,一生幸福哦!

  • 8、有了我你是否什么都不缺,心再野也知道该拒绝。
  • 9、Is there a kind of forever, never change.
  • 10、小孩是流落凡间的天使,你的宝宝就是世界上最漂亮可爱的小天使,祝福他越长越漂亮,越来越美丽。
  • 11、幸福是什么?父母康健无病苦,夫妻恩爱不烦恼,子女自立不啃老,幸福就在身边,何必东奔西跑,家和万事兴,家即幸福。
  • 12、又一个小天使降临到这个世上,恭喜你又为世界增加了一份欢乐!
  • 13、When someone fails, someone will put out a hand to wipe your tears. It will be better than many people clap your hands when you succeed.
  • 14、爱情,这不是一颗心去敲打另一颗心,而是两颗心共同撞击的火花。
  • 15、长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。
  • 16、It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of sweet, sweet, kind, which can't be expressed with any choice of words.
  • 17、Can not do is to promise, to do is to deceive.

  • 18、你说,爱是唯一,我们那么幸运,我们矢志不渝。
  • Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one.
  • 19、Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one.
  • 20、祝贺你终于由准妈妈荣升为"妈妈",你象掉进了蜜糖,烈日也暗淡无光,愿好运永远饶着你,愿欢乐永远吻着你,愿宝宝快快成长!
  • 21、People have nothing good or bad, only the clear and turbid people.
  • 22、Don't look back, just haven't found the reason to leave.
  • 23、在我们的爱情里,我一直扮演爱你的角色,分手时别问我为什么分手,问问你自己。
  • 24、新新人类心爱的中央之一,就是很坦白,坦白到连大人们的尴尬都领会不出来。希看美意的沟通和真情的拥抱,可以让代沟真的不见了。
  • 25、身体强壮,快快长大,越长越可爱哦。
  • 26、你对我好,我自然也会对你好。就是这么简单。
  • 27、你要相信,未来和你共度一生的那个人,其实在与你相同的时间里,也忍受着同样的孤独。那个人一定也怀着满心的期待,马不停蹄的赶来和你碰面。

  • 28、红花绿叶大苹果,一天不见想死我,你是我前世的一盏灯,照亮我的后半生。
  • 29、You're like a glass of wine. It looks charming, smells attractive, tastes a little spicy and has a sweet aftertaste.
  • 30、My smile, is the best thing that I have.
  • 31、幸福,简简单单的两个字,而背后付出的努力却是不简单的泪水,健康。
  • Love a person is too deep, the heart will be drunk; hate a person too long, the heart will be broken.
  • 32、Love a person is too deep, the heart will be drunk; hate a person too long, the heart will be broken.
  • 33、I want to meet people who can not see the place.
  • 34、My wife is a child, so I want to let her grow up everywhere.
  • 35、我想要见面的人,都在看不到的地方。
  • 36、心中有座城,城里住着疼。
  • 37、当爱情不再那么浓烈,我们仍然会依恋,因为习惯了,也因为害怕。

  • 38、爱上一个人就是把自己的心交给对方,且确信他不会让自己伤心。
  • 39、好宝宝,乖宝宝,牵牵你粉嫩的小手,捏捏你胖嘟嘟的小脸,看看你灿烂的笑容,听听你骄傲的哭声,满月了,你准备好接受祝福了吗?你要快快长大,一生幸福哦!
  • 40、幸福似一杯香茗,轻饮慢品里,溢出的却是淡淡的清香沁人心脾,惬意而舒心;幸福似一杯红酒,无论酒的种类是什么,用心细品里,总能品出那缕浓浓的甘醇,让人陶醉不醒,醉的是身,醉的是心。
  • 41、Happiness and happiness are simple, but the pursuit of them is a complex one.
  • 42、宝宝呱呱坠地,承载了所有人的期待,带来了所有人的欢乐,更增添了所有人的乐趣。宝宝哭一声,你我笑哈哈;宝宝笑一声,你我乐淘淘。
  • 43、朋友,你喜得贵子,为你景上添花;你温柔贤惠,更增添了贤妻良母的气质;幸福与快乐包围着你,贵子出生是一生的福气;朋友,恭喜你生子幸福快乐。
  • 44、You're like a glass of wine. It looks charming, smells attractive, tastes a little spicy and has a sweet aftertaste.
  • Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
  • 45、Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
  • 46、如果每次想起你我都要哭的话,我将会最终被淹死。
  • 47、It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of sweet, sweet, kind, which can't be expressed with any choice of words.

  • 48、心中有座城,城里住着疼。
  • 49、Happiness is very simple, like reaching for a small stone, throwing it gently into the middle of the river, rippling.
  • 50、Is there a kind of forever, never change.
  • 51、刚刚好,看到你幸福的样子,于是幸福着你的幸福。
  • 52、A little sad, just do not know what is sad.
  • 53、When love is not so strong, we will still attachment, because of the habit, but also because of fear.