
  • 1、即使你身边躺的女人不是我,但我仍然相信你是爱我的。
  • 2、It's true that a hug is extravagant.
  • 3、世界上有两种痛,一种是永远也得不到,另一种是失去了就再也回不来了。

  • 4、如果你肯回头看看,你会发现有个人依然在原地等候,等了很久很久。
  • 5、Memories are memories, because we can not go back.
  • Sexual life monogamy: one mate at a time.
  • 6、Sexual life monogamy: one mate at a time.
  • 7、Boys should grin, not beeps.
  • 8、Cry spent makeup, tears wet clothes.
  • 9、In the vast sea of people, how to ask you to understand, my love.
  • 10、No matter your idea is right or wrong, don't force others to accept. Exam-oriented education to do it.
  • 11、No matter your idea is right or wrong, don't force others to accept. Exam-oriented education to do it.
  • 12、人与人之间,总有邂逅;心与心之间,总会生情。
  • 13、There is no flower in spring, no love in life, and what is the world.

  • 14、A drop of tears fall, need how long? Tears fall silent, fall a piece of ground.
  • 15、心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了。
  • 16、God does not give me, whatever I ten refers to how closely, still leak; to me, no matter how I missed in the past, will have.
  • 17、我多想拥抱你,可是你我之间相隔时光之里,你我之间人来人往。
  • 就算曾经几乎拥有幸福的完美,你的心回不去了对不对。
  • 18、就算曾经几乎拥有幸福的完美,你的心回不去了对不对。
  • 19、别把爱情当游戏,因为我玩不起。
  • 20、You say to ask me wherever you go, I laugh happily.
  • 21、Everyone's heart there will always be a person, want to touch, throw away.
  • 22、相遇总是猝不及防,而离别多是蓄谋已久,总有一些人会慢慢淡出你的生活,你要学会接受而不是怀念。
  • 23、Your best and my life has nothing to do, please leave my sight with your arrogance.

  • 24、即使你身边躺的女人不是我,但我仍然相信你是爱我的。
  • 25、一边听雨,一边想你,雨声滴滴,淅沥淅沥。
  • 26、世界上有两种痛,一种是永远也得不到,另一种是失去了就再也回不来了。
  • 27、有你牵着我的手,我就可以勇敢往前走。
  • 28、贪嗔恨怨皆为苦,弹指瞬间,刹那芳华,匆匆已是数十年,有什么非要念念不忘?
  • 29、请不要再出现在我梦中,我已负担不起醒来的落空。
  • Never frown, even when you are sad dark a face, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • 30、Never frown, even when you are sad dark a face, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
  • 31、Everyone's heart there will always be a person, want to touch, throw away.
  • 32、女人恋爱的时候就像与世隔绝般。
  • 33、胡不归?所为何?

  • 34、当你真正想去忘记一个人的时候,那个人已经刻在心里。
  • 35、胡不归?所为何?
  • 36、It's good that you are just the stars along the way, so you can't take anything.
  • 37、我常常想起一些人。没有想念那么黏,没有想望那么热,只是稀薄的想起。
  • 38、I am boiling water, you are tea, prepare a cup, I want to bubble you!
  • 39、Sexual life monogamy: one mate at a time.
  • 40、我做了一个梦,梦里你蓄起了长发,我们一起慢慢变老。
  • 41、有心事要先在自身找原因,不要总是苟求他人。鞋子脏了,是因为你走的路不干净。
  • 过多沉溺于旖旎风光,只会乱了心志。
  • 42、过多沉溺于旖旎风光,只会乱了心志。
  • 43、Love is buried deep in one’s heart,not between the lips.

  • 44、你在人潮里不知所措,我却跟在你身后,伸手怕犯错,缩手怕错过。
  • 45、即使伤心,也不要愁云一脸,由于你不知是谁会爱上你的笑颜。
  • 46、原来割舍是如此不易,会疼痛。
  • 47、不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题。
  • 48、这么多年苦心经营,要我现在放弃,绝对不可能!
  • 49、When you love a person, you will realize tattoos he is in your heart, deep in your heart forever.
  • 50、上天不给我的,无论我十指怎样紧扣,仍然走漏;给我的,无论过去我怎么失手,都会拥有。