
  • 1、今日愚人节,特颁愚人令。学猫三声叫,让我笑一笑,朝天吼三吼,吓走大狼狗。此令既已下,望尔速执行。四一愚人节,愚人不从命。
  • 2、你的温柔象天使在撒娇,你的美丽如惊艳的孔雀,你的体贴恰似心口上的风湿膏,你的眼睛好比可爱的大熊猫!
  • 3、Luck, beaming, fresh。 Xiangyun floating ZiGe, beaming tin。 Short curtain can leave a month, don't hinder the cloud in the high building。 The sweet wind full, pine window night of month circle。
  • 4、把挚爱的生日祝愿,给事业贴心的儿子,愿在这特别幸福的一天,她时时欢笑快乐无边。生日快乐!
  • 5、龙腾虎跃庆国庆,国富山河壮江山;燕舞莺歌迎中秋,合家欢乐众喜庆。
  • 宝宝生日,就意味着宝宝在成长的道路上又走了一段路程,酸甜苦辣个中滋味只有做父母的才能真真体会,在宝宝生日之际,让我们分享几段给宝宝生日祝福语。
  • 6、宝宝生日,就意味着宝宝在成长的道路上又走了一段路程,酸甜苦辣个中滋味只有做父母的才能真真体会,在宝宝生日之际,让我们分享几段给宝宝生日祝福语。
  • 7、The month circle person and reunion, the month lacks people respectively。 If the ruthless, is also a full moon moon lacks, if sentient beings, on the lack of a full moon also。
  • 8、三只猪在吵架,老大骂:你好无聊,只会发信息!老二骂:你更无聊,天天发黄色笑话!不过最无聊的都是老三,只看不发。
  • 9、宝贝祝福的每一天都如画一样的美丽!生日快乐!
  • 10、儿子慢慢地你的生日又到了,看着你一岁一岁的长大,心中满是快乐,充满幸福,在未来的岁月中祝福你一定要开心,一定要快乐,爸爸祝福你节日快乐!

  • 11、没有你的中秋节,月色清冷如水,你的身边应该有另外一个她吧。虽然我这边残月挂天边,不过仍然希望你月圆人团圆。
  • 12、听说最近你上电视了,不错哦!你可真上镜啊,那活蹦乱跳的样子,那自信满满的气势,那俏皮可爱的言行我早就知道,你演孙悟空准行!
  • 13、Your tenderness like angels in the play the woman, your beauty such as jing is colourful peacock, your thoughtfulness is rheumatism paste on the heart, your eyes like a lovely panda!
  • 14、紧急通知:今晚至明晨有小型地震,为了您的安全,请今晚包着棉被,头顶马桶,鼻孔插上吸管在床底下睡觉。
  • 15、在过去的一年中收获了人生最为宝贵的果实,我们的宝贝儿子。
  • 16、把挚爱的生日祝愿,给事业贴心的儿子,愿在这特别幸福的一天,她时时欢笑快乐无边。生日快乐!
  • 17、Your tenderness like angels in the play the woman, your beauty such as jing is colourful peacock, your thoughtfulness is rheumatism paste on the heart, your eyes like a lovely panda!
  • 18、听说最近你上电视了,不错哦!你可真上镜啊,那活蹦乱跳的样子,那自信满满的气势,那俏皮可爱的言行我早就知道,你演孙悟空准行!
  • Today's April fool's day, we went to fools。 Learn the cat three call, let me laugh, shout three shout into air, frighten big German shepherd。 Under this order is, at speed。 Designation for April fool's day, fool don't do it。
  • 19、Today's April fool's day, we went to fools。 Learn the cat three call, let me laugh, shout three shout into air, frighten big German shepherd。 Under this order is, at speed。 Designation for April fool's day, fool don't do it。
  • 20、龙腾虎跃庆国庆,国富山河壮江山;燕舞莺歌迎中秋,合家欢乐众喜庆。

  • 21、Everything complete year after year, month, day easy joy, to rejoice always, love is full of vigor, the month circle person circle take good, thing industry shun shun hing!
  • 22、把挚爱的生日祝愿,给事业贴心的女儿,愿在这特别幸福的一天,她时时欢笑快乐无边。生日快乐!
  • 23、If you are a puppy dog, I would like to become a bone for you chew; If you are alone, I will accompany you from the heart; But this time I don't have what, only a bunch of banana, hanging high, I believe that you will fold boxes on the harvest it!
  • 24、生日快乐!虽然我只是你远方的朋友,然而我的祝福却一直伴在你身边!愿你生活愉快!
  • 25、Live very humble abode, live very timid, very annoyed, looks like squash, eat steamed corn-bread, April fool's day is coming, wish you and your colleagues happy "snap"。
  • 26、生日快乐,儿子!无论你怎样妈妈为你而自豪!
  • 27、In any country, regardless of gathering and leave all those blessings forever linked in my mind, I wish you all every beautiful!
  • 28、没有你的中秋节,月色清冷如水,你的身边应该有另外一个她吧。虽然我这边残月挂天边,不过仍然希望你月圆人团圆。
  • 29、On this special day, send a light faint scent, and easy of blessing for you! Distant with you, happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • 30、It's a sentimental thing。 The Mid-Autumn moon, quietly hung in the window。 My mother looked at it, as if it is a mirror, you and I watch each other。

  • 31、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 生日快乐!虽然我只是你远方的朋友,然而我的祝福却一直伴在你身边!愿你生活愉快!
  • 32、生日快乐!虽然我只是你远方的朋友,然而我的祝福却一直伴在你身边!愿你生活愉快!
  • 33、Received information shaking, spirit, teach you how to behave, read information become stupid, don't turn you into a foolish people, delete to prove you are delusion, reply to show that you don't have the adult, this message to those trick, send a fool in
  • 34、无论天南海北,不论相聚与离别,有份祝福永远挂在我心中,祝你一切圆满美好!
  • 35、感谢上苍在今天给了我一个特别的礼物,就是你。长长的人生旅程,有你相伴是我一生的幸福。祝你生日快乐!
  • 36、Luck, beaming, fresh。 Xiangyun floating ZiGe, beaming tin。 Short curtain can leave a month, don't hinder the cloud in the high building。 The sweet wind full, pine window night of month circle。
  • 37、时光飞逝,今天又是你的生日,愿今天你拥有无尽的快乐和幸福,愿生日带给你的欢乐中蕴涵着一切美好!愿你永远都能够做上帝的宠儿。
  • 38、I heard that you recently on TV, good oh! You are on the mirror, the appearance of the wriggling, the confident imposing manner, the nifty and lovely words and deeds I know, you play the Monkey King!
  • 39、看到你酷毙的发型闪光的外套,闻到你身上那特有的味道,我不得不艰难地问一句:多久没洗澡了?世界卫生日,记得保持卫生好习惯,快乐享受生活。
  • 40、福星高照,喜气长留。祥云浮紫阁,喜气溢朱门。帘短能留月,楼高不碍云。兰经香风满,松窗夜月圆。

  • 41、在过去的一年中收获了人生最为宝贵的果实,我们的宝贝儿子。
  • 42、身体强壮,快快长大,越长越可爱哦。
  • 43、烛光映着笑脸,红酒醉着容颜,乐曲绕着耳边,欢歌唱着团圆,蛋糕甜着心弦,贺卡写着祝愿:幸福生活年年,快乐时光天天。祝:生日快乐!
  • 44、Live very humble abode, live very timid, very annoyed, looks like squash, eat steamed corn-bread, April fool's day is coming, wish you and your colleagues happy "snap"。
  • Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 45、Know you until now, you place in my heart you should be clear, in addition to you, others is a pile of shit in my eyes, but you don't, because you are two heap!
  • 46、月饼圆圆的、甜甜的在这最美好的时刻祝您和您的家人合家欢乐、幸福美满!
  • 47、宝贝祝福的每一天都如画一样的美丽!生日快乐!
  • 48、把挚爱的生日祝愿,给事业贴心的女儿,愿在这特别幸福的一天,她时时欢笑快乐无边。生日快乐!
  • 49、克隆一个平安给你,愿你健康一辈子;克隆一个快乐给你,将快乐分你一份;克隆一个我给你,让我永久陪你;克隆一份祝福给你,祝你生日快乐!
  • 50、月饼圆圆的、甜甜的在这最美好的时刻祝您和您的家人合家欢乐、幸福美满!

  • 51、I heard that you recently on TV, good oh! You are on the mirror, the appearance of the wriggling, the confident imposing manner, the nifty and lovely words and deeds I know, you play the Monkey King!
  • 52、认识你至今,你在我心中的地位你应该很清楚,除你之外,其他人在我眼中是一堆屎,可你不一样,因为你是两堆!