
  • 1、给人金钱是下策,给人能力是中策,给人观念是上策。
  • 2、人生恰恰像马拉松赛跑一样只有坚持到最后的人,才能称为胜利者。池田大作
  • 3、The new road often start is narrow, but it is their extension to broaden the overture.
  • 4、多一分心力去注意别人,就少一分心力反省自己。
  • 5、不怕苦,吃苦三五年;怕吃苦,吃苦一辈子。
  • 人生最大的喜悦是每个人都说你做不到,你却完成它了!
  • 6、人生最大的喜悦是每个人都说你做不到,你却完成它了!
  • 7、For the hope of tomorrow, let us forget today's pain.
  • 8、The persistent pursuit of the greatest happiness of the people, is the winner.

  • 9、对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。
  • 10、People have to know, since not to die, it is fun to live.
  • 11、擦地板何洗痰盂的工作何总统的职务一样,都有其尊严存在。
  • 12、Today's advantage will be replaced by tomorrow's trend, grasp the trend, grasp the future.
  • 13、我自己决不为自己去侵犯人类的尊严。
  • 14、In order not to damage and great success, God can not a drop of bitter taste in infiltration.
  • 15、If you can live again, everyone will be successful.
  • 16、The number of things in your head is related with your future prospects.
  • 17、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收敛。
  • 18、人生最大的喜悦是每个人都说你做不到,你却完成它了!

  • 19、我们人这一辈子不是别人的楷模,就是别人的借鉴。
  • 20、如果要飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。
  • 21、Tomorrow is the world's fastest increase in the value of a piece of land, because it is full of hope.
  • 22、勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。
  • 23、人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。
  • 24、Tomorrow is the world's fastest increase in the value of a piece of land, because it is full of hope.
  • 25、Be kind to others, understand others, love life, and work hard.
  • 26、珍惜时间可以使生命变的更有价值。
  • 27、别在最应该奋斗的时候选择了安逸。
  • 28、People have to know, since not to die, it is fun to live.

  • 29、Today's advantage will be replaced by tomorrow's trend, grasp the trend, grasp the future.
  • 30、人之心胸,多欲则窄,寡欲则宽。
  • 31、Believe is strong, doubt will only inhibit ability, and faith is power.
  • 困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。谚语
  • 32、困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。谚语
  • 33、心有多大,舞台就有多大!只有想不到的,没有做不到的!
  • 34、The most afraid of things, the most should be to break.
  • 35、自尊心是一种美德,是促使一个人不断向上发展的一种原动力。
  • 36、成功的关键在于相信自己有成功的能力。
  • 37、To strike and defeat is a stepping stone to success, rather than a stumbling block.
  • 38、I regard my suffering and frustration as the best teacher of my life.

  • 39、人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。
  • 40、昨天已逝,明日是谜,面对今朝,尽力而为!
  • 41、There is no failure, only temporary success.
  • 42、There is a kind of edge, let go after the scenery, there is a heart, adhere to the Chinese side is sincere.
  • 43、The key to success is to believe in your ability to succeed.
  • 44、往公牛身上再使劲,也挤不出一滴奶来。
  • To make the crown, don't waste every day.
  • 45、To make the crown, don't waste every day.
  • 46、人在难时给一口,胜似富时给一斗。
  • 47、Would rather hard for a while, do not work hard for a lifetime.
  • 48、所有真正的问题,从来不是解决掉的,而是,遗忘。

  • 49、宁愿辛苦一阵子,不要辛苦一辈子。
  • 50、我们放下尊严,放下个性,放下固执,都只是因为放不下一个人。
  • 51、If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon.
  • 52、有尊严的人,有信仰,他可以为理想死去,而无怨无悔。
  • 53、诚实是力量的一种象征,它显示着一个人的高度自重和内心的安全感与尊严感。
  • 54、A little more distraction to pay attention to others, less a distraction to reflect on their own.