
  • 1、Can eat a sweet peach, do not eat rotten apricots - basket.
  • 2、我对你有淡淡喜欢,不至于暗恋,不少于无动于衷。
  • 3、一个人如果不能学会遗忘,那将是很痛苦的事,别再自寻烦恼,快把痛苦的事给忘了吧。
  • 4、Striking iron depends on the color of fire, and fighting tiger needs to know tiger's nature.

  • 5、Praise us, praise us, this is not a teacher. We speak to instruct us, this is the mentor, we will progress with them.
  • 回忆终究还是会忘记的,时间终究还是会过去的。
  • 6、回忆终究还是会忘记的,时间终究还是会过去的。
  • 7、能吃甜桃一口,不吃烂杏筐。
  • 8、当爱情来临,当然也是快乐的。但是,这种快乐是要付出的,也要学习去接受失望伤痛和离别从此,人生不再纯粹。
  • 9、我讨厌明明是“正在输入”,却永远发送不过来。
  • 10、Be sure to learn English well, but English is definitely not the whole thing of your life.
  • 11、为人何必争高下,一旦无命万事休。
  • 12、Never is a senseless feeling, why do you have to think about it?
  • 13、爱是三国,总有纷争;爱是西游,历经磨砺,方得真经;爱是红楼,琢磨不透;爱是水浒,曾经轰烈,终归平静;爱是未知数,坚守得到真情。祝你爱情幸福!
  • 14、Calm look at life, quiet to do their own. Life is actually very simple, as long as we cherish a thankful heart, to return to society, stretched out his hands, do something to lift a finger, face life with a smile, and life will be more beautiful.

  • 15、我知道孤单这条路怎么走请你不要安慰我
  • 16、夸奖我们,赞叹我们的,这都不是名师。会讲我们,指示我们的,这才是良师,有了他们我们才会进步。
  • 17、做与不做的最大区别是:后者拥有对前者的评论权。
  • 18、真坏人并不可怕,可怕的是假好人。
  • Striking iron depends on the color of fire, and fighting tiger needs to know tiger's nature.
  • 19、Striking iron depends on the color of fire, and fighting tiger needs to know tiger's nature.
  • 20、开心也好,伤心也好,感动也好,希望我们能一直在一起,直到繁花落尽。。
  • 21、物理不及格,正常,你跳楼还用得着思考空气阻力吗?
  • 22、I have a faint love for you, not to be secretly in love, not less than indifferent.
  • 23、Never said they were together, but they were very close to each other in the cold war.
  • 24、Everyone is born when the original, sadly, many people gradually became piracy.

  • 25、为什么伤害隔着那么远都能做到,而安慰,却必须在身旁才行。
  • 26、我对你有淡淡喜欢,不至于暗恋,不少于无动于衷。
  • 27、无理心慌,有理胆壮。
  • 28、打铁要看火色,打虎要识虎性。
  • 29、Memories will eventually be forgotten, time will eventually pass.
  • 30、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。
  • 31、Loneliness is the longing after laughing, loneliness is wandering under the moonlight.
  • 物理不及格,正常,你跳楼还用得着思考空气阻力吗?
  • 32、物理不及格,正常,你跳楼还用得着思考空气阻力吗?
  • 33、You can't put thorns in your flesh, you can't rub sand in your eyes.
  • 34、好酒红人面,财帛动人心。

  • 35、Why strive for excellence? Once you have no life, everything will stop.
  • 36、Eat people's mouth is short, take people's soft hand.
  • 37、The most contradictory place between lovers is the fantasy of each other's future, but thinking about each other's past.
  • 38、Busy is a kind of happiness, let us no time to experience pain; rush is a kind of happiness, let us truly feel the life; fatigue is a kind of enjoyment, let us no time to empty.
  • 39、一个人能走多远,要看他有谁同行;一个人有多优秀,要看他有谁指点;一个人有多成功,要看他有谁相伴。
  • 40、能吃甜桃一口,不吃烂杏筐。
  • 41、In fact, the beauty of the people, but with their own love it.
  • 42、能吃甜桃一口,不吃烂杏筐。
  • 43、任何人都可以变得狠毒,只要你尝试过嫉妒。
  • 44、时间总会过去的,让时间流走你的烦恼吧!

    A gentleman talks and a villain acts.
  • 45、A gentleman talks and a villain acts.
  • 46、Irrational panic, rational courage.
  • 47、人年纪越大,脾气越好,大约是因为在意的也越来越少。
  • 48、当爱情来临,当然也是快乐的。但是,这种快乐是要付出的,也要学习去接受失望伤痛和离别从此,人生不再纯粹。
  • 49、我总是以为是一场梦,可是却不想醒来。
  • 50、当爱情来临,当然也是快乐的。但是,这种快乐是要付出的,也要学习去接受失望伤痛和离别从此,人生不再纯粹。
  • 51、六月不热,五谷不结。