
  • 1、天气影响身体,身体决定思想,思想左右心情。
  • 2、再明显的爱,也透露不出我对你的爱。再显明的情,也隐瞒不了你对我的心。
  • 3、Plan to be fine, do it early, to implement the。 Plans and goals, action。
  • 4、诽谤别人,就像含血喷人,先污染了自己的嘴巴。
  • 5、希望:我喜欢的人不要滚滚而来;更希望:我不喜欢的人滚滚而去。
  • 有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。


  • 7、宁可自己去原谅别人,莫让别人来原谅你。
  • 8、全世界就这么一个我,别不把我当回事。全世界就这么一个你,我拉了命去珍惜。
  • 9、现在过的每一天,都是余生中最年轻的一天。
  • 10、Science students to Chongwen, liberal arts students to science。 Text to see every day, every day to practice。
  • 11、Weak utilitarian, move forward; without pay, not to complete, firm and indomitable。
  • 12、Without think not ask for advice, do not move the text book。
  • 13、The college entrance exam is a comprehensive examination than knowledge, ability, psychology, than confidence, than physical strength。
  • 14、Fell in love with shouldn't love of person is never the light of day sigh! Fell in love with to be with someone who doesn't love you is the beginning of tears burst its Banks。
  • 15、生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到。
  • 16、青春并不忧伤,却被我们演绎的如此凄凉。爱情并不复杂,却被我们诠释的如此苦涩。

  • 17、Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work。
  • 18、没有不老的誓言,没有不变的承诺,踏上旅途,义无反顾!
  • 19、智者顺时而谋,愚者逆时而动。
  • Faster, higher, stronger。 Leading is the gold medal。
  • 20、Faster, higher, stronger。 Leading is the gold medal。
  • 21、世界如此黑暗,我该把心交给谁来保管。
  • 22、踏着爱的节奏行走在有你气息的城市。踩着爱的鼓点奔跑在有你话语的世界。
  • 23、Three front grind sword for a decade in which several years of life。
  • 24、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。
  • 25、给你黑的白的红的黄的紫的我的感受。心情灰的黑的白的什么颜色你懂不懂。
  • 26、Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。

  • 27、There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。
  • 28、Spring and summer calendar ", set up the Tongtian Road entrance perseverance; fight a dream come true, the courage to open the door of wisdom。
  • 29、Ten years have passed the examination by the pack Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns effect; a bucket into eight world proud wizards。
  • 30、A product kuibu Zhen Cheng, thousands of miles away。
  • 31、Encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。
  • 32、滴水穿石战高考如歌岁月应无悔;乘风破浪展雄才折桂蟾宫当有时。
  • 33、伪装的快乐,多么不堪一击。真实的孤单,又会有谁在意。
  • 踩着垃圾到达的高度和踩着金子到达的高度是一样的。
  • 34、踩着垃圾到达的高度和踩着金子到达的高度是一样的。
  • 35、The college entrance exam is a comprehensive examination than knowledge, ability, psychology, than confidence, than physical strength。
  • 36、莪拿青春赌明天,明天会不会让莪失望。莪用生命去爱迩,爱迩会不会让莪受伤。

  • 37、The college entrance exam is a practice for a million people。
  • 38、Little effort often teach hoze Kyushu; water drops of sweat to learn to fight for territory in ancient Central China yong。
  • 39、Don't ask the harvest, but the hard work! God helps those who help themselves。
  • 40、Three no, I cherish。 A year of experience, a lifetime of wealth。
  • 41、Together we lucubrate not afraid of difficulties, with parents expect water seriously set back top。
  • 42、Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work。
  • 43、To work easily, the problem will become easier。
  • 44、Monthly exam scores ranking is usually not worth bothering about, floating normal。
  • 45、智者顺时而谋,愚者逆时而动。
  • 46、我们都还小,不懂爱、不懂恨、不懂痛。但懂伤。

  • 47、Plan to be fine, do it early, to implement the。 Plans and goals, action。
  • Facing the opportunity, do not hesitate; face the choice, do not hesitate; face the decisive battle, not afraid!
  • 48、Facing the opportunity, do not hesitate; face the choice, do not hesitate; face the decisive battle, not afraid!
  • 49、不要等我哭了,才说多么心疼我。不要等我走了,才说你多么爱我。
  • 50、听,是寂寞的声音,静静将我沉溺。静,听月光的声音,渐渐将我抽离。
  • 51、To work easily, the problem will become easier。
  • 52、再明显的爱,也透露不出我对你的爱。再显明的情,也隐瞒不了你对我的心。
  • 53、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收敛。
  • 54、Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。
  • 55、忌妒别人,不会给自己增加任何的好处。忌妒别人,也不可能减少别人的成就。