
  • 1、漂亮的脸孔是给别人看的,而有智慧的头脑才是给自己利用的。
  • 2、The day of abandoned field, is the rise of tyranny.

  • 3、Moderate the manipulation. In the job market, who is also a kind of commodity.
  • 4、Law is the rule of human behavior is subject to the rules and cause.
  • 5、All great actions and thoughts, all have a insignificant beginning.
  • God's law and justice work together, but human to dismantle it.
  • 6、God's law and justice work together, but human to dismantle it.
  • 7、Legal interpretation are expected in law found in the era of the answer to the question.
  • 8、Behind the praise you, and know the treasure in my heart, there have little water.
  • 9、Life is too good, good to ride out whatever you choose. Like a waste.
  • 10、The basic principles of law is: honest, does not harm others, giving everyone he deserved part.
  • 11、世界上最遥远的距离是,我们俩一起出门,你去买苹果四代,我去买四袋苹果。
  • 12、Self-esteem is the backbone of a person, is a fearless spirit.

  • 13、犯错,就诚实的认错;狡辩,诿过只会害了你自己。
  • 14、Beautiful face is for others to see, and a wise mind is use to oneself.
  • 15、世界上最遥远的距离是,我们俩一起出门,你去买苹果四代,我去买四袋苹果。
  • 16、漂亮的脸孔是给别人看的,而有智慧的头脑才是给自己利用的。
  • 17、The prince is not above the law, and the law is above the prince.
  • 18、言论自由是一切权利之母。
  • 经历过人生的风风雨雨,才能够丰富自己的阅历,理解人生的真谛。
  • 19、经历过人生的风风雨雨,才能够丰富自己的阅历,理解人生的真谛。
  • 20、用教师的智慧点燃学生的智慧火花,努力使学生得法于课内,得益于课外。
  • 21、言论自由是一切权利之母。
  • 22、Your destiny is doomed, but in your hand can change a lot of different change.

  • 23、Is the furthest distance in the world, and we both go out together, you go to buy apple four generations, I went to buy four bag of apples.
  • 24、法律是使人类行为服从于规则之治的事业。
  • 25、**必须不仅仅关心和尊重人民,而且必须平等地关心和尊重人民。
  • 26、The farthest travel, is from his own body to his heart, from one's heart to another heart.
  • 27、On the job field, seize opportunities, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, it is promising.
  • 28、法律总是要遇到立法者的感情和成见的。
  • 29、The basic principles of law is: honest, does not harm others, giving everyone he deserved part.
  • 30、Learn a lot of tricks, just suddenly don't learn a lot.
  • 31、人生只有愿意先往低处走,才能爬上另一座**。
  • 命运也许是注定,但在手中却能改变许多不同的变化。


  • 33、自尊是一个人的脊梁,自尊是一种无畏的气概。
  • 34、Happy always look on the bright side, this is the great secret of successful in my life.
  • 35、意志如果是国家的意志,就应该表现为**机关所制定的法律。
  • 36、法律总是要遇到立法者的感情和成见的。
  • 37、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。
  • 38、Don't melodramatic ideal don't fantasy, passion, he is happy that everything is satisfactory.
  • 39、人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。
  • 40、法律是使人类行为服从于规则之治的事业。
  • 41、常往光明快乐一面看,这就是我一生成功的诀窍。
  • 42、Moderate the manipulation. In the job market, who is also a kind of commodity.

  • 43、Life is only willing to go downwards, first to climb to the top of another peak.
  • 44、生命太好,好到你无论选择什么方式度过。都像是一种浪费。
  • 智者以法护身,愚者以身试法。
  • 45、智者以法护身,愚者以身试法。
  • 46、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶。
  • 47、纲纪废弃之日,便是**兴起之时。
  • 48、All great actions and thoughts, all have a insignificant beginning.
  • 49、On the job field, seize opportunities, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, it is promising.
  • 50、话别说得太满。好容纳一些意外,以免下不了台。
  • 51、用教师的智慧点燃学生的智慧火花,努力使学生得法于课内,得益于课外。
  • 52、Has experienced the ups and downs of life, to enrich their experience, understand the true meaning of life.

  • 53、人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。
  • 54、Make mistakes, honest mistake; Chicanery, blame will only hurt yourself.