
  • 1、After leaving, I think you don't forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I'm thinking of you too.
  • 2、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

  • 3、蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看。
  • 4、独立望秋草,野人耕夕阳。
  • 5、犹余雪霜态,未肯十分红。王十朋《红梅》
  • 数州消息断,愁坐正书空。杜甫《对雪》
  • 6、数州消息断,愁坐正书空。杜甫《对雪》
  • 7、红树蝉声满夕阳,白头相送倍相伤。
  • 8、霁色陡添千尺翠,夕阳闲放一堆愁。
  • 9、你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。
  • 10、爱是缘份,爱是感动,爱是习惯,爱是宽容,爱是牺牲,爱是体谅,爱是一辈子的承诺。
  • 11、霁色陡添千尺翠,夕阳闲放一堆愁。
  • 12、蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看。

  • 13、高城满夕阳,何事欲沾裳。
  • 14、瓢弃尊无绿,炉存火似红。杜甫《对雪》
  • 15、一条藤径绿,万点雪峰晴。李白《冬日归旧山》
  • 16、日晚菱歌唱,风烟满夕阳。
  • 17、红树蝉声满夕阳,白头相送倍相伤。
  • 18、Hospitality mail parting words, two swear words in the heart knows.
  • You give me a drop of tears, and I see all the ocean in your heart.
  • 19、You give me a drop of tears, and I see all the ocean in your heart.
  • 20、更无花态度,全有雪精神。辛弃疾《临江仙·探梅》
  • 21、真爱一个人,就要尽量让他开心,他开心了你就会开心,那么双方就有**了。
  • 22、空林网夕阳,寒鸟赴荒园。

  • 23、水路疑霜雪,林栖见羽毛。《八月十五夜月二首》
  • 24、How to let you meet me at my most beautiful moment. For this, I beseeched the Buddha for five hundred years, we asked him to build a very good friendship.
  • 25、欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。卢纶《和张仆射塞下曲·其三》
  • 26、After leaving, I think you don't forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I'm thinking of you too.
  • 27、红树蝉声满夕阳,白头相送倍相伤。
  • 28、疲马卧长坡,夕阳下通津。
  • 29、朱雀桥边野草花,乌衣巷口夕阳斜。
  • 30、欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。卢纶《和张仆射塞下曲·其三》
  • 31、Some very expected life is always worn out in your self righteous dream, and then gives you a very disappointing blow.
  • 要知松高洁,待到雪化时。陈毅《青松》


  • 33、Love is the fate, love is moved, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is considerate, love is the promise of life.
  • 34、墙外万株人绝迹,夕阳惟照欲栖乌。
  • 35、数州消息断,愁坐正书空。杜甫《对雪》
  • 36、百花头上开,冰雪寒中见。辛弃疾《生查子·重叶梅》
  • 37、春风一等少年心,闲情恨不禁。
  • 38、日晚菱歌唱,风烟满夕阳。
  • 39、夜深知雪重,时闻折竹声。白居易《夜雪》
  • 40、日晚菱歌唱,风烟满夕阳。
  • 41、东风渐急夕阳斜,一树夭桃数日花。
  • 42、瀑布杉松常带雨,夕阳苍翠忽成岚。

  • 43、Hospitality mail parting words, two swear words in the heart knows.
  • 44、隔牖风惊竹,开门雪满山。王维《冬晚对雪忆胡居士家》
  • 东风渐急夕阳斜,一树夭桃数日花。
  • 45、东风渐急夕阳斜,一树夭桃数日花。
  • 46、溪深难受雪,山冻不流云。《雪望》
  • 47、夕阳在西峰,叠翠萦残雪。
  • 48、大雪压青松,青松挺且直。陈毅《青松》
  • 49、If the stone will cry if I want to be a star on the stone in your heart cry, at least, still can feel your temperature.
  • 50、江村片雨外,野寺夕阳边。
  • 51、After leaving, I think you don't forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I'm thinking of you too.
  • 52、I love you not because of who you are, but because of what I like when I am with you.
