
  • 1、Love is like a play. The play was over is over.
  • 2、Custom is the natural enemy of love.
  • 3、This Valentine's Day gift is for the girl who has stolen my heart.
  • 4、爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。
  • 5、Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you is I unable to restrain the emotions.
  • Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories.
  • 6、Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories.
  • 7、If someone objected, love would become as valuable as forbidden fruit.

  • 8、爱情枯萎了,无论怎样保存也会枯萎。
  • 9、He is the sun, but how can the deep in the sun.
  • 10、他是太阳,可深海里又怎能照进阳光。
  • 11、爱情是可爱的虐政,情人们甘受它的折磨。
  • 12、我想将对你的思念寄予散落的星子但愿那点点的星光能照进你的窗前伴你好眠。
  • 13、老虎嘴里掏食儿闯祸
  • 14、爱让世界转动。
  • 15、岁月模糊相识的脸,未来让我们越来越觉得孤独。直到有一天你寻找失落的记忆,才发现记忆中的人是那么的熟悉。
  • 16、He never leaves his mother-in-law, nor does he leave his scales.
  • 17、Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish it.

  • 18、老虎闯狼窝有好看的
  • 哭不是勇敢不勇敢,它只是一种本能。
  • 19、哭不是勇敢不勇敢,它只是一种本能。
  • 20、Loyalty is the bridge of love, fraud is the enemy of friendship.
  • 21、你爱我,我会陪你;你不爱我,我给你自由。这就是傻傻的我,那个在乎你的我。
  • 22、One meal of grace, one night of husband and wife, one hundred days of grace.
  • 23、Have time not means not cry, but dare not to cry.
  • 24、真的,异地恋连一个拥抱都是奢侈的。
  • 25、Loyalty is the bridge of love, fraud is the enemy of friendship.
  • 26、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。
  • 27、一千零一个愿望太多了,我只要实现一个就够了。

  • 28、不要忧郁,保持乐观的心情,这样你才更美丽,别为我们的事发愁,一切有我呢。
  • 29、我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。
  • 30、有的时候,你需要离开某人一段时间,才会发现自己有多需要他。
  • 31、聪明的爱人珍惜的是爱人的爱,而不是爱人的礼物。
  • 喜欢上你,并不是你长的好不好看的原因,而是你在特殊的时间里给了我别人给不了的感觉致我深爱的人。
  • 32、喜欢上你,并不是你长的好不好看的原因,而是你在特殊的时间里给了我别人给不了的感觉致我深爱的人。
  • 33、Your tears have been unintentional to me.
  • 34、爱情和仇恨,二者皆盲目。
  • 35、Love that can be measured is poor.
  • 36、相遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。
  • 37、你走了,带着我全部的爱走了,只是一句分手。我忍着眼泪看着你的背影,好想最后再抱你一次,好想再对你说一次我爱你。

  • 38、Because we can't blame each other any more.
  • 39、Love that can be measured is poor.
  • 40、爱情就像一场戏。戏演完了就结束了。
  • 41、Fighting at the bow and talking at the stern.
  • 42、Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you is I unable to restrain the emotions.
  • 43、你在的时候,你是一切;你不在的时候,一切是你。吾爱永恒。
  • 44、两人相爱是,渴求无限甜蜜的吻。但为何在争吵时,却要用接吻的嘴互相伤害呢?每当我忧郁困惑,疲惫不堪时,我只能给自己一个吻。
  • Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish it.
  • 45、Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish it.
  • 46、No one who is born of a couple, if you are not willing to pay a little more, and more inclusive one, who would dare to guarantee that love can come to the end?
  • 47、You just casually say, I was seriously sad.

  • 48、不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。
  • 49、现在的我不配喊累,因为我一无所有。
  • 50、情人节就是和你手拉手从黑发走向银发的每一个日子。吻是我们的语言。
  • 51、缘,当她悄悄的来临时,有一种淡淡的感觉。
  • 52、老虎滚到山沟里伤人太重;伤人太众
  • 53、Learn to love, learn to understand love, learn to be a happy person.
  • 54、狂热的爱情总是绝不会持久的。