
  • 1、只有学会宽恕他人,他人才会更亲近你。
  • 2、His skin was icy as ever, but the trail his fingers left on my skin was alarmingly warm-like I’d been burned, but didn’t feel the pain of it yet。 (Bella)他的肌肤还是那样冰凉,可他的触摸却是火热的。
  • 3、Inconsistent is one of the most serious mistakes in education.
  • 4、人生最快乐的事莫过于为自己的理想而奋斗。
  • 5、If I’d ever feared death before in his presence, it was nothing compared to how I felt now。 (Bella)要说我以前在他面前怕死过,可要与此刻的感觉相比,那简直算不上什么了。
  • 人生能有几回搏,今日不搏何时搏。
  • 6、人生能有几回搏,今日不搏何时搏。
  • 7、I don’t think a tank could take out that old monster。 (Jacob)我估计连坦克都拿那老怪物没办法。
  • 8、走一步,冲出困境;再走一步,收获成功。
  • 9、It’s twilight。 It’s the safest time of day for us。 The easiest time。 But also the saddest, in a waythe end of another day, the return of the night。 Darkness is so predictable, don’t you think? (Edward)已经是傍晚了。这是一天中对我们最安全的时刻,最轻松的时刻,在某种程度上,

  • 10、If I’d ever feared death before in his presence, it was nothing compared to how I felt now。 (Bella)要说我以前在他面前怕死过,可要与此刻的感觉相比,那简直算不上什么了。
  • 11、Only learn to forgive others, his talent will be more close to you.
  • 12、I’m the worlds best predator, aren’t I? Everything about me invites you in-my voice, my face, even my smell。 As if i need any of that! (Edward)我是世界上最棒的猎食动物,对不对?我身上的一切都能让你上钩我的声音、我的脸,甚至包括我的气味,好像我没有那些东西不行似的!
  • 13、It’s twilight。 It’s the safest time of day for us。 The easiest time。 But also the saddest, in a waythe end of another day, the return of the night。 Darkness is so predictable, don’t you think? (Edward)已经是傍晚了。这是一天中对我们最安全的时刻,最轻松的时刻,在某种程度上,
  • 14、做人在于知道,学习在于积累。
  • 15、When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end。 (Bella)当生活给了你一个远远超过你期望的美梦,那么,当这一期结束时,也就没有理由再去伤心。
  • 16、Only you could get in trouble in a town this small。 You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade, you know。 (Edward)只有你才会在这么小的一个城市里遇到麻烦。你知道吗,你本来会打破他们十年来的犯罪率统计数据的。
  • 17、勤奋是我们的双翅,带我们在辽阔的天空翱翔。
  • 18、学习永远不会停止,知识永远不会学完。
  • 19、Learning is like the water in the water pump, there is pressure, just can have vitality.

    It’s twilight。 It’s the safest time of day for us。 The easiest time。 But also the saddest, in a waythe end of another day, the return of the night。 Darkness is so predictable, don’t you think? (Edward)已经是傍晚了。这是一天中对我们最安全的时刻,最轻松的时刻,在某种程度上,
  • 20、It’s twilight。 It’s the safest time of day for us。 The easiest time。 But also the saddest, in a waythe end of another day, the return of the night。 Darkness is so predictable, don’t you think? (Edward)已经是傍晚了。这是一天中对我们最安全的时刻,最轻松的时刻,在某种程度上,
  • 21、Deep footprints, make a picture of success.
  • 22、You are utterly indecentno one should look so tempting, it’s not fair。 (Edward)你这打扮也太不成体统了谁也不该打扮得这么诱人,不合规矩。
  • 23、Diligence is our wings and take us fly in the vast sky.
  • 24、Learn to give up the heart desires, will have a better tomorrow.
  • 25、Efforts to create the strength, attitude determines altitude.
  • 26、Life is the most happy thing is fighting for his own ideal.
  • 27、人生最快乐的事莫过于为自己的理想而奋斗。
  • 28、I knew at any moment it could be too much, and my life could endso quickly that I might not even notice。 And I couldn’t make myself be afraid。 I couldn’t think of anything, except that he was touching me。 (Bella)我知道任何时候都有可能失控,我的生命就会随之结束。速度之快,可
  • 29、There is no the most stupid, only the most don't work hard.

  • 30、Are you referring to the fact that you can’t walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over。 (Edward)你是在说,在平平坦坦、纹丝不动的平地上,你都会被什么东西绊倒?
  • 31、I knew at any moment it could be too much, and my life could endso quickly that I might not even notice。 And I couldn’t make myself be afraid。 I couldn’t think of anything, except that he was touching me。 (Bella)我知道任何时候都有可能失控,我的生命就会随之结束。速度之快,可
  • 32、When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end。 (Bella)当生活给了你一个远远超过你期望的美梦,那么,当这一期结束时,也就没有理由再去伤心。
  • 33、He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I’d ever seen them, golden butterscotch。 (Bella)他盯着我的眼睛,我能看到他的眼睛是多么的明亮,比我以前看到的都要明亮,就像金黄色的奶油糖果一样。
  • Competition is not better than who work hard, but is harder than anyone.
  • 34、Competition is not better than who work hard, but is harder than anyone.
  • 35、没有最笨的,只有最不努力的。
  • 36、Efforts to create the strength, attitude determines altitude.
  • 37、Who were you, an insignificant little girl, to chase me from the place I wanted to be? (Edward)你是谁?不就是一个不起眼的小女孩儿吗?哪能让你把我从我喜欢待的地方赶走呢?
  • 38、人生最快乐的事莫过于为自己的理想而奋斗。
  • 39、Life is to know, learning is gained by accumulation.

  • 40、He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I’d ever seen them, golden butterscotch。 (Bella)他盯着我的眼睛,我能看到他的眼睛是多么的明亮,比我以前看到的都要明亮,就像金黄色的奶油糖果一样。
  • 41、不追求物质上的奢华,只追求精神上的满足。
  • 42、勤奋不是万能的,离开勤奋是万万不能的。
  • 43、Are you referring to the fact that you can’t walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over。 (Edward)你是在说,在平平坦坦、纹丝不动的平地上,你都会被什么东西绊倒?
  • 44、Don’t be offended, but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet。 Sotry not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? (Edward)你可别不高兴,我觉得你似乎就是那种就像磁铁一样,对事故特别有吸引力的人。所以,尽量别掉到海里去了,或者往车轮下面钻什么的,好吗?
  • 45、Efforts to create the strength, attitude determines altitude.
  • 46、I’m the worlds best predator, aren’t I? Everything about me invites you in-my voice, my face, even my smell。 As if i need any of that! (Edward)我是世界上最棒的猎食动物,对不对?我身上的一切都能让你上钩我的声音、我的脸,甚至包括我的气味,好像我没有那些东西不行似的!
  • 47、I knew at any moment it could be too much, and my life could endso quickly that I might not even notice。 And I couldn’t make myself be afraid。 I couldn’t think of anything, except that he was touching me。 (Bella)我知道任何时候都有可能失控,我的生命就会随之结束。速度之快,可
  • 这里是一个港口,只有努力才能通往梦想的彼岸。
  • 48、这里是一个港口,只有努力才能通往梦想的彼岸。
  • 49、学会放弃心中的欲望,才会拥有美好的明天。

  • 50、When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end。 (Bella)当生活给了你一个远远超过你期望的美梦,那么,当这一期结束时,也就没有理由再去伤心。
  • 51、有机会时不努力,那么想努力时多半是没有机会了。
  • 52、Life can have a few back to beat, today when cardiac stroke.
  • 53、Have the confidence, there is success; Has the compassion, there is hope.
  • 54、一切的成功源于自己,自我的成功,源于态度。
  • 55、只有学会宽恕他人,他人才会更亲近你。
  • 56、Don’t be offended, but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet。 Sotry not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? (Edward)你可别不高兴,我觉得你似乎就是那种就像磁铁一样,对事故特别有吸引力的人。所以,尽量别掉到海里去了,或者往车轮下面钻什么的,好吗?
  • 57、没有最笨的,只有最不努力的。
  • 58、学习永远不会停止,知识永远不会学完。