God never complains people's ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of god

  • 1、Wear other's shoes walk others road, let others find shoes and can't find the way.
  • 2、Without hard learning, there is no the simplest invention.
  • 3、穿别人的鞋走别人的路,让别人既找不到鞋又找不到路。

  • 4、I dream every night with you。 I think, I must have entered the your dreams。 Let us in the same weave missing under the stars! Good night, I wish good dream tonight!
  • 5、If you set for yourself all the goals have been achieved, it means that you set the goal of the ambitious enough.
  • A friend is both money and comfort.
  • 6、A friend is both money and comfort.
  • 7、不要抄近道,否则会白跑。不要绕远道,否则会迟到。
  • 8、Envy other people, not as good as cherish their own.
  • 9、其实根本就没有什么假如,每个人的人生都不可重新设计。
  • 10、人唯虚,始能知人。满招损,谦受益。满必溢,骄必败。
  • 11、羡慕别人得到的,不如珍惜自己拥有的。
  • 12、A friend is both money and comfort.
  • 13、勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。

  • 14、应该相信,自己是生活的战胜者。
  • 15、初夏的气息扑面而来,温暖的阳光渐渐灼烈,在这个五彩缤纷的季节,快出来晒晒吧,把心情晒得快乐,把日子晒得多彩。愿你越晒越幸福!
  • 16、Youth's main task is to learn.
  • 17、Wafts of early summer, the warmth of the sun is burning, in this colorful season, come out in fast, the happy mood to tan, tan your days。 The sun the happiness to you。
  • 18、应该相信,自己是生活的战胜者。
  • Man is iron, the meal is steel, don't eat so hungry panic to a meal, eat good drink good rest, the body will be more healthy!
  • 19、Man is iron, the meal is steel, don't eat so hungry panic to a meal, eat good drink good rest, the body will be more healthy!
  • 20、Send a beautiful good mood for the weekend, send a care make you proud, send you a youth not old, send a dream to make you realize, send a friendship does not need to return, and then send a you to be safe and reliable!
  • 21、早上好,送你清新的问候,温馨的祝福,清晨,美好的开始,祝你今天精神棒棒,活力多多,心情好好,一切都好!
  • 22、Diligence is the password of your life, can translate you a magnificent epic.
  • 23、Love and compassion, on the things that is not the same as on who have decided to, fans of a heart, a heart.

  • 24、朋友既是财源,又是安慰。
  • 25、Product already, don't beg read, years gathering since the rich.
  • 26、Diligence is the password of your life, can translate you a magnificent epic.
  • 27、把爱情投资在一个人身上,冒险;把爱情投资在许多人身上,危险。
  • 28、人是铁,饭是钢,一餐不吃饿得慌,吃好喝好休息好,身体才会更健康!
  • 29、应该相信,自己是生活的战胜者。
  • 30、New Year, to eat dinner; Drink less, eat more vegetables; Can't reach, stand up; Some worship, play play to depend on; Can't eat, take back!
  • 31、初夏的气息扑面而来,温暖的阳光渐渐灼烈,在这个五彩缤纷的季节,快出来晒晒吧,把心情晒得快乐,把日子晒得多彩。愿你越晒越幸福!
  • Love and compassion, on the things that is not the same as on who have decided to, fans of a heart, a heart.
  • 32、Love and compassion, on the things that is not the same as on who have decided to, fans of a heart, a heart.
  • 33、生活在我们这个世界里,不读书就完全不可能了解人。

  • 34、New Year, to eat dinner; Drink less, eat more vegetables; Can't reach, stand up; Some worship, play play to depend on; Can't eat, take back!
  • 35、固然我有某些优点,而我自己最重视的优点,却是我的谦虚。
  • 36、太美的花朵容易凋谢,太美的爱情容易走远。
  • 37、穿别人的鞋走别人的路,让别人既找不到鞋又找不到路。
  • 38、In fact, love beautiful people, just to fall in love with yourself.
  • 39、人唯虚,始能知人。满招损,谦受益。满必溢,骄必败。
  • 40、祝你在新的一年里,致富踏上万宝路、事业登上红塔山、情人赛过阿诗玛、财源遍布大中华。
  • 41、Good morning, send you the fresh greetings, warm wishes, in the morning, a good start, I wish you today spirit returns, vitality, have a good mood, everything is good!
  • 42、新年到,吃大餐;少喝酒,多吃菜;够不着,站起来;有人敬,耍耍赖;吃不了,兜回来!
  • 43、如果你为自己定的所有目标都已达到,那么说明你定的目标还不够远大。

  • 44、所谓敌人,不过是那些迫使我们自己变得强大的人。
  • Too beautiful flowers fade easily, love of beauty is easy to go away.
  • 45、Too beautiful flowers fade easily, love of beauty is easy to go away.
  • 46、好问的人,只做了五分种的愚人;耻于发问的人,终身为愚人。
  • 47、A line of blessing, with thick cordiality, a greeting, a true expression of me to you; On the journey of life, peace to happiness accompany, wish health and happiness。
  • 48、把爱情投资在一个人身上,冒险;把爱情投资在许多人身上,危险。
  • 49、In the past all the efforts and sweat, is tomorrow's success opportunity and capital.
  • 50、Two tragedies in life: one is desperation, one is hopeful.
  • 51、I wish you good fortune in the New Year, ruyi, smile; Also wish we can cooperate happily in the New Year, and all the best。
  • 52、A line of blessing, with thick cordiality, a greeting, a true expression of me to you; On the journey of life, peace to happiness accompany, wish health and happiness。
  • 53、Too beautiful flowers fade easily, love of beauty is easy to go away.

  • 54、好问的人,只做了五分种的愚人;耻于发问的人,终身为愚人。