
  • 1、Time is like the flowing water of the East.
  • 2、You are not afraid of difficult, difficult is afraid of you.
  • 3、I ate a meal and ate Soup for ten times.

  • 4、理想对我来说,具有一种非凡的魅力。
  • 5、凡事皆有终结,因此,耐心是赢得成功的一种手段。
  • You are not afraid of difficult, difficult is afraid of you.
  • 6、You are not afraid of difficult, difficult is afraid of you.
  • 7、钢钎与顽石的碰撞声,是一首力的歌曲。
  • 8、A lazy man is often lazy when he is sick.
  • 9、早起动动腰,一天少疲劳。
  • 10、君子报仇三年,小人报仇眼前。
  • 11、It is better to walk ten paces than to take one step.
  • 12、Wait for a tree to blossom and hope your leaves will fall back.
  • 13、万句言语吃不饱,一捧流水能解渴。

  • 14、Fiery youth traces, convenient can easily apply to? Pure zhi youth promise, who can get it to implement?
  • 15、可以说成功要靠三件事才能赢得:努力努力再努力。
  • 16、没有了爱的语言,所有的文字都是乏味的。
  • 17、人生是一种高层次,高觉悟的淡泊与宁静。
  • 18、火红的青春痕迹,便利能轻易抹往?纯挚的青春诺言,谁能让它实现?
  • 19、我们活着不能与草木同腐,不能醉生梦死,枉度人生,要有所做为!
  • The clash of steel and stone, is a force of song.
  • 20、The clash of steel and stone, is a force of song.
  • 21、没有了爱的语言,所有的文字都是乏味的。
  • 22、Learn like a stream, not to advance is to go back.
  • 23、You have to hurry, don't take too much; Do you want to rest, don't think too much.

  • 24、失去了,假装没发生过。
  • 25、Don't tell around the world have loss to you, the world doesn't owe you anything, because it to you.
  • 26、Upstream, is the end of the split the mighty waves; Halcyon end-result of downstream, is always a coward.
  • 27、Can say that success is won by three things: first effort to try again.
  • 28、The shortest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.
  • 29、You have to hurry, don't take too much; Do you want to rest, don't think too much.
  • 30、岁寒知松柏,患难见交情。
  • 31、不要到处诉说世界有负于你,世界不欠你什么,因为它先你而存在。
  • 32、虎活一张皮,人活一口气。
  • 33、Pain intensity, endowed with natural and stiffness is proportional to the human will.

    The salesman has higher salary, because being rejected.
  • 34、The salesman has higher salary, because being rejected.
  • 35、No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate.
  • 36、人生是一种高层次,高觉悟的淡泊与宁静。
  • 37、Lost. Pretend it hasn't happened.
  • 38、If words fail, men lose.
  • 39、This is the right path: draw your predecessors have done, and then move on.
  • 40、正确的道路是这样:吸取你的前辈所做的一切,然后再往前走。
  • 41、如果一段感情,没有把你变成更好的人,那么很遗憾你跟错了人。
  • 42、愚昧从来没有给人带来幸福;幸福的根源在于知识。
  • 43、言多必失,人赌必输。

  • 44、Beauty belongs to the confident, calm belongs to be prepared, miracle belongs to obsession, success belongs to the strong.
  • 45、君子报仇三年,小人报仇眼前。
  • 46、Would like to let others know you try and know someone else before you, to improve and understand themselves.
  • 47、In the early May, five duongyang, eating zongzi busy planting.
  • 美丽属于自信者,从容属于有备者,奇迹属于执着者,成功属于顽强者。
  • 48、美丽属于自信者,从容属于有备者,奇迹属于执着者,成功属于顽强者。
  • 49、Many times failure always make a success.
  • 50、牛眼看人高,狗眼看人低。
  • 51、老怕冬冷,少怕秋凉。
  • 52、The greatest happiness of life, than even rest a minute.
  • 53、太阳每天都是新的,我们每天都在进取。

  • 54、不怕山高,就怕脚软;不怕人穷,就怕志短。
  • 55、生命之舟如果缺少知识的重载,就会摇晃不停。
  • 56、Knowing the pine and the cypress in the cold years, we see friendship in adversity.
  • 57、Learn like a stream, not to advance is to go back.
  • 58、感谢上苍我所拥有的,感谢上苍我所没有的。