

  • 2、And watered hits the immature seedling scarification insect fertilizing the gardener will usher in bright spring.
  • 3、不要抱着过去不放,拒绝新的观念和挑战。
  • 4、作为一名园丁,我坚信每一朵花都有盛开的理由。
  • 5、牵着孩子们的手,快乐地迎接每一天!
  • 人生就像文具盒,我们每天都在装笔。
  • 6、人生就像文具盒,我们每天都在装笔。
  • 7、Only let students like you, would like you in the class.
  • 8、Development of sport to enhance people's health。发展体育运动,增强人民体质。
  • 9、With your sports arena valiant heroic, athletic field have you hard figure,运动场上有你们的飒爽英姿,运动场上有你们拼搏的身影,
  • 10、在人生旅途上,有道德、智慧与事业相伴,便会风雨无阻、光耀七彩!
  • 11、愿乘风破万里浪,甘面壁谈十年书。

  • 12、people are toughened by difficult experiences。 艰苦的环境锻炼人的意志。
  • 13、人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块会是什么味道。
  • 14、Let the wind to break the waves, gump side wall about ten years.
  • 15、把简单的事情做彻底,把平凡的事情做经典,把每一件小事都做得更精彩。
  • 16、As long as the thought not landslide, way better than more difficult.
  • 17、每个人都有退休的一天,但并不是每个人都能拥有退休后的保障。
  • 18、怎样的老师造就了怎样的学生。
  • 19、作为一名园丁,我坚信每一朵花都有盛开的理由。
  • 20、人生就像滚雪球,重要的是找到很湿的雪和很长的坡。
  • And watered hits the immature seedling scarification insect fertilizing the gardener will usher in bright spring.

    21、And watered hits the immature seedling scarification insect fertilizing the gardener will usher in bright spring.

  • 22、一个人必须经过一番刻苦奋斗,才会有所成就。
  • 23、一个伟大的灵魂,会强化思想和生命。
  • 24、God never complains people's ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of god.
  • 25、让学生张扬个性,放飞想象的春天。
  • 26、把显露智慧的机会让给学生,把欣赏的目光分给每一个学生。
  • 27、The book is a study of burnout and weak movement, nothing exciting, but conversation was immediately teach and train us。钻研书本是一种倦怠而微弱的运动,无所激动,然而交谈却立即教导与训练我们。
  • 28、Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
  • 29、教育是鼓励个人发展的过程,其实质是引导学生自己去探索,自己去发现。
  • 30、A person must go through a hard struggle, will accomplish something.
  • 31、教育是鼓励个人发展的过程,其实质是引导学生自己去探索,自己去发现。

  • 32、Let the wind to break the waves, gump side wall about ten years.
  • 33、人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块会是什么味道。
  • 34、要有比教师学习更快的能力。要有比别人善于学习的能力。
  • 35、对所学知识资料的兴趣可能成为领悟动机。
  • I like to walk the life, sports brought me a lot of fun。我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。
  • 36、I like to walk the life, sports brought me a lot of fun。我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。
  • 37、I like to go hiking。 我喜欢徒步旅行。
  • 38、Interest in the knowledge data could be comprehend motives.
  • 39、The most beautiful heaven is the stars, the most beautiful is the true feelings.
  • 40、As a gardener, I believe that every flower is in full bloom.
  • 41、靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒。

  • 42、天上最美的是星星,人间最美的是真情。
  • 43、未曾失败的人恐怕也未曾成功过。
  • 44、The most beautiful heaven is the stars, the most beautiful is the true feelings.
  • 45、Life is movement, can let the children have fun in the activity is my biggest wish.
  • 46、The teacher ShiAiYi in tough love and love between wide.
  • 47、Backer mountain will fall, rely on water water will flow, depend on oneself forever.
  • 48、Let the student individuality, spring release imagination.
  • 49、Strong confidence, can make the ordinary people to make amazing career.
  • 50、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平。
  • 牵着孩子们的手,快乐地迎接每一天!


  • 52、Teachers should have more ability to learn faster. Ability to be good at learning than others.
  • 53、As a gardener, I believe that every flower is in full bloom.
  • 54、只有先让学生喜欢你,学生才会喜欢你上的课。
  • 55、坚强的信心,能使平凡的人做出惊人的事业。
  • 56、教师最大的幸福就是把一群群孩子,送往理想的彼岸。
  • 57、Life is like a pencil case, we every day in the pen.
  • 58、Holding the hand of the children, happy to meet every day!
  • 59、并不是先有了勇气才敢于说话,而是在说话的同时培养了勇气。
  • 60、With your sports arena valiant heroic, athletic field have you hard figure,运动场上有你们的飒爽英姿,运动场上有你们拼搏的身影,