
  • 1、发条短信郑重的告诉你:我已经不喜欢你了!你光滑的肌肤,你清澈的双眸,你纤细的双腿,你滋润的嘴唇,你乌黑的秀发,你的一切的一切我都不喜欢了!因为我已经深深的爱上了!
  • 2、我拼我搏,付出定有回报;为复兴中华,誓读名牌大学。
  • 3、I spell I beat, pay will have return. For the revival of Chinese, shi read a famous university.
  • 4、在朋友面前过于谦恭或过于自信,都会损害友情。
  • 5、Last night I had a mosquito to find you, let it tell you that I miss you, and please it for me to kiss you, if you ask how much I miss you? If you ask how much I love you? Look, bag stands for my heart。

    Believe you can do it, you will have to do it.
  • 6、Believe you can do it, you will have to do it.
  • 7、仁爱的话,仁爱的诺言,嘴上说起来的容易的,只有在患难的时候,才能看见朋友的真心。
  • 8、Clockwork SMS solemnly tell you: I didn't like you! You smooth skin, clear eyes, your slender legs, your moist lips, your lovely black hair, your everything I don't like! Because I have been deeply in love with!
  • 9、朋友这个书非常值得读,你可以读一辈子。
  • 10、See the virtuous and think alike, see the unvirtuous and introspect themselves.
  • 11、选择朋友要慢,改换朋友要更慢。
  • 12、Cherish the time can make life more valuable.
  • 13、一辈子有多久,天知道;人生路有多长,地知道;比翼鸟飞多高,云知道;连理枝靠多紧,风知道;爱你有多深,我知道;祝福有多真,你知道。
  • 14、人的生命或许是一个不间断的领悟过程,但无需在学校完成。
  • 15、Choose friends slowly, change friends slowly.

  • 16、Striver in sweat river, will cause the boat sailed to the other side of the ideal.
  • 17、Choose friends slowly, change friends slowly.
  • 18、Success requires cost, and is also a kind of cost all the time, cherish the moment is to save costs.
  • 19、成功需要成本,时刻也是一种成本,对时刻的珍惜就是对成本的节约。
  • 20、事业的大厦如缺乏毅力的支柱,只能是空中楼阁。
  • Habit and righteousness can not be inhabited without righteousness; they still grow up in the same place, and they can not be separated from each other.
  • 21、Habit and righteousness can not be inhabited without righteousness; they still grow up in the same place, and they can not be separated from each other.
  • 22、Lifetime have how long, who knows; How long the life, to know; A pair of lovebirds flying high, cloud know; Twinned trunks on how tight, and the wind know; How much love you, I know; Wish to have more real, you know。
  • 23、If too many vulnerable trauma, friends, pursuit is heal your wound is the best medicine.
  • 24、一辈子有多久,天知道;人生路有多长,地知道;比翼鸟飞多高,云知道;连理枝靠多紧,风知道;爱你有多深,我知道;祝福有多真,你知道。
  • 25、Fireworks moment is happy, a shooting star moment is wish, miss moment is moved, I just wanted to let you can see I am at the moment of see information sincerely bless you!

  • 26、周围都有好朋友的人,比四面楚歌的人不知幸福多少。
  • 27、冬天太冷了,手指都僵了,我的身体冬眠了,可心儿却醒着,它要我告诉你:我想你了!我是炽热的,可以温暖你,来我的身边,让我抱抱你。
  • 28、Have pressure, but will not be overwhelmed; Lost, but never despair.
  • 29、Shining is not the patent of the sun, you also can shine.
  • 30、Success requires cost, and is also a kind of cost all the time, cherish the moment is to save costs.
  • 31、发条短信郑重的告诉你:我已经不喜欢你了!你光滑的肌肤,你清澈的双眸,你纤细的双腿,你滋润的嘴唇,你乌黑的秀发,你的一切的一切我都不喜欢了!因为我已经深深的爱上了!
  • 32、No matter how long a friend lasts, it will last forever.
  • 33、If there is an afterlife, I don't want to meet you again, don't worry, hear me out! I hope to become your eyes, into any part of your body, so I can with you the time!
  • 34、选择朋友要慢,改换朋友要更慢。
  • 35、三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,择其不善者而改之。

  • 36、先淡后浓,先疏后亲,先远后近,交朋友之道也。
  • 37、Shining is not the patent of the sun, you also can shine.
  • 38、Success requires cost, and is also a kind of cost all the time, cherish the moment is to save costs.
  • 39、Shining is not the patent of the sun, you also can shine.
  • 40、喜欢唱歌,最爱旅游,没啥追求,四处集邮,工作一般,专搞软件,工资一般,不到四千,马上奔三,没有情伴,求一对象,兴趣能合,一起努力,幸福明天。
  • 41、奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。
  • 42、I never meet you, you never know me。 This is the fate coincidence。 I meet with you together。 Isn't love in the steep cliff, but happiness is in your my fingertips。 Behind the screen, you know I miss you in?
  • 43、Fireworks moment is happy, a shooting star moment is wish, miss moment is moved, I just wanted to let you can see I am at the moment of see information sincerely bless you!
  • 44、Being too modest or confident in front of friends can damage friendship.
  • 45、朋友这个书非常值得读,你可以读一辈子。

  • 46、With friends, even the greatest disasters will be eliminated. With friends, no matter how bad the environment is, it will be beautiful.
  • 47、Last night I had a mosquito to find you, let it tell you that I miss you, and please it for me to kiss you, if you ask how much I miss you? If you ask how much I love you? Look, bag stands for my heart。
  • 48、When three people do things, they must have their own teachers, choose the good ones and follow them, and choose the bad ones to change them.
  • 49、烟花的一瞬间是快乐,流星的一瞬间是祈愿,思念的一瞬间是感动,我只想让你在看到信息的一瞬间能够明白我是真心祝福你的!
  • 50、珍惜时间可以使生命变的更有价值。
  • 真实的十分理智的友谊,是人生最美好的无价之宝。
  • 51、真实的十分理智的友谊,是人生最美好的无价之宝。
  • 52、Lifetime have how long, who knows; How long the life, to know; A pair of lovebirds flying high, cloud know; Twinned trunks on how tight, and the wind know; How much love you, I know; Wish to have more real, you know。
  • 53、选择朋友要慢,改换朋友要更慢。
  • 54、如果有来世,我不希望再遇到你,别着急,听我说完!我希望变成你的眼睛,变成你身上任何一部分,这样我就可以时刻和你在一起了!
  • 55、发奋识遍天下字,立志读尽人间书。

  • 56、朋友这个书非常值得读,你可以读一辈子。
  • 57、坚信你做得到,你必须会做到。
  • 58、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。
  • 59、Real and rational friendship is the most beautiful and priceless treasure of life.