2023-03-17 15:48:27
- 1、Love a person, love yourself.
- 2、Love is always in the time difference, not you early, that is, I am late, anyway, always not synchronized.
- 3、遗忘了而微笑,强于记住了而悲伤。
- 4、我想成为你最喜欢见到的和最不舍得说再见的那个人、
- 5、Love and wisdom, the two can not have both.
6、The love we have distance, distance makes our love forever.
- 7、Often I can not doubt; without doubt, can often know each other.
- 8、爱除自身外无施与,除自身外无接受。
- 9、In the world of love, there is no who sorry who, only who do not know how to cherish.
- 10、Since I love you, I know the sweetness of love.
- 11、爱上一个人容易,等平淡了后,还坚守那份诺言,就不容易了。
- 12、Sudden love needs the longest time to heal.
- 13、那么的卑微只为求一份安定但你却以高姿态拒绝
- 14、有的时候,爱情是如此。有的时候,人生也是如此。听到了声音。读书与不读书,你的世界差别会很大。
- 15、时间能冲淡痛苦,但是,我并不想用时间来治愈一切。
- 17、Love is like clothes, although many, but only one.
- 18、爱情像衣服,虽然很多,但适合的只有一件。
- 19、好好的活下去,才不至于辜负自己的生命。
- 20、For you, I always can only be a stranger to miss.
- 21、爱情像衣服,虽然很多,但适合的只有一件。
- 22、If successful, it is readily available to lose; if not, will want to occupy.
- 23、On high, we'd be two birds flying wing to wing. On earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring。
- 24、Love is always in the time difference, not you early, that is, I am late, anyway, always not synchronized.
- 25、Love is like clothes, although many, but only one.
- 27、感情经不起比,一比比出寒碜;感情经不起推敲,一敲碎成片段。
- 28、你可以骂我禽兽,但不可以说我无耻,禽兽也是有尊严的。
- 29、而生活,是那么轻易地就会淹没我们。
- 30、When you have no feeling for a person, you will find many reasons not to love him.
- 31、突如其来的爱情却需要最长久的时间才能治愈。
- 32、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。
- 33、If successful, it is readily available to lose; if not, will want to occupy.
- 34、Love has nothing to do with itself, but nothing but itself.
- 35、Two people who love each other is a kind of happiness, happiness.
- 37、不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。
- 38、Sex is exclusive to him.
- 39、不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。
- 40、Only love based marriage is ethical.
- 41、不闻不问不一定是忘记了,但一定是疏远了。
- 42、你的话已经锁在我的记忆里了,那钥匙你就替我保管一辈子吧!
- 43、Sometimes life really makes people feel empty.
- 44、爱情像衣服,虽然很多,但适合的只有一件。
- 45、我畏惧所有情话因为我怕变成笑话
46、When love has not faded, and the heart has old.
- 47、长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。
- 48、爱情所需要的唯一礼物就是爱情。
- 49、永远不要停止变得更好。
- 50、爱情是一种让人时而烦恼时而幸福的东西。
- 51、Cai Feng Shuangfei body without wings, heart to heart.
- 52、Live well, not to live up to their lives.
- 53、在每一个有你声相伴的夜,不再过于寂寥冷清。
- 54、Love a person, love yourself.
- 55、拿起香甜的粽子,诱人的香气令人垂涎欲滴;竖起长长的艾叶,芳香的气息寄托美好的祝愿;划起快乐的龙舟,激昂的鼓声诉说无尽的思念。端午节到了,愿你快乐平安!
- 57、Victory won''t come to me unless I go to it、胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。
- 58、我笑起来挺难看的遇见你更是丑的一塌糊涂.
- 59、对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。
- 60、Money, the status is not as good as a loved one next to you, do not wait until the lost only regret.