
  • 1、立秋雨淋淋,来年好收成。
  • 2、The full bottle will not move and the half bottle will shake.

  • 3、One autumn rain, one cold, ten autumn rain put on cotton.
  • 4、我纹身我喝酒我牵过烂人的手
  • 5、不懂装懂,永世饭桶。
  • When the situation is too deep and too shallow, at least to say goodbye.
  • 6、When the situation is too deep and too shallow, at least to say goodbye.
  • 7、富有的孩子似贫穷,贫穷的孩子似富有。
  • 8、总要有些滚烫的眼泪才能换来对爱的体会。
  • 9、Some relationship off quietly but let person be taken by surprise.
  • 10、我还留在原地等待,你却从未回头看。
  • 11、It is too late to reckon regrets after reckoning.
  • 12、十年寒窗无人问,一举成名天下知。

  • 13、朝食三片姜,如得人参汤。
  • 14、每次吵架,我都会先妥协,不是因为我错了,而是我太在乎,在乎和你牵手的曾经,在乎我们将要走过的往后;每次原谅,我都是自我安慰,因为我不够好,只能把委屈给你,把伤害给自己;每次宽恕,并不表示我会忘记,我只是收藏好自己的伤痕,然后费力的在铭记中遗忘……你在我心里,请别让我受伤。
  • 15、Rain in autumn, good harvest in the coming year.
  • 16、不是没有想过你会离开,但是你真的离开之后我才知有多疼
  • 17、From thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.
  • 18、When fertilizer is not enough, rice is not big.
  • 19、满瓶不动半瓶摇。
  • 20、去见你想见的吧,趁阳光正好,趁微风不燥,趁繁花还未开至荼蘼,趁现在还年轻,还可以走很长很长的路,还能诉说很深很深的思念,趁现在自己的双手还能拥抱彼此,趁我们还有呼吸。
  • One autumn rain, one cold, ten autumn rain put on cotton.
  • 21、One autumn rain, one cold, ten autumn rain put on cotton.
  • 22、To see you, to see you, to meet you, and then, to this end.

  • 23、Knowing no results, but could not bear to leave.
  • 24、Water comes from the grain and fire comes from the wheat.
  • 25、从俭入奢易,从奢入俭难。
  • 26、不怕一万,只怕万一。
  • 27、唯愿相思不相遇,奈何伤情道离别。
  • 28、我的不主动联系,弄丢了许多的人。
  • 29、Pig grass, cold wave.
  • 30、Chefs often swim in the sea of butter and fall into the sea of hell after they die.
  • 31、你不得不相信,有些人注定只能停留在你的心中却不能留在你的生活中。
  • 32、算了再用常有余,用了再算悔已迟。

  • 33、I'm still waiting for you, but you never look back.
  • 34、It's better to make up for everything than to eat it.
  • 35、邻居好,赛金宝。
  • 十年寒窗无人问,一举成名天下知。
  • 36、十年寒窗无人问,一举成名天下知。
  • 37、Give time a little time to make it a thing of the past.
  • 38、天上拉海纤,下雨不过三。
  • 39、你和她的幸福,刺痛了我的眼睛。
  • 40、天上拉海纤,下雨不过三。
  • 41、白露前,快种麦。
  • 42、世界上最可笑的是,我知道了真相,你还在那说谎。

  • 43、喜鹊枝头叫,出门晴天报。
  • 44、The live time change, stay here in time.
  • 45、我仿佛又看到那个撑着蓝色雨伞的人,站在雨雾中对我浅浅微笑。
  • 46、I dare not say who is a very good relationship, I am afraid I love a person.
  • 47、你不得不相信,有些人注定只能停留在你的心中却不能留在你的生活中。
  • 48、直到最后,所有温暖都被叫做过去。
  • 49、猪衔草,寒潮到。
  • 50、Cotton is afraid of the clouds in August and rice is afraid of the frost in cold dew.
  • Every man eats, every man is full, every man finds his way out.
  • 51、Every man eats, every man is full, every man finds his way out.
  • 52、你的命很大,所以人生不平稳,要经历很多事情。不过你不要苛责自己,要无情地活下去。不管发生什么,都要昂首挺胸地面对。——吉本•芭娜娜《无情•厄运》

  • 53、不管怎么样,相信我是爱你的!
  • 54、It rains no more than three days.
  • 55、至少我还有勇气提起微笑面对这个世界
  • 56、东风湿,西风十,北风寒,南风暖。
  • 57、Modesty makes one progress, but pride makes one lag behind.
  • 58、When the situation is too deep and too shallow, at least to say goodbye.
  • 59、The earlier the duckweed is poured, the better the early rice is.