
  • 1、★爱到深处,原来是寂寞。
  • 2、never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.
  • 3、don't let me go. don't say goodbye. don't let this love die.
  • 4、Love shouldn't fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand.
  • 5、Love means never having to say you are sorry.
  • 好的走太早.坏的走不掉.
  • 6、好的走太早.坏的走不掉.
  • 7、i don't want to be in tears, but i am still in grief.

  • 8、粽子该是透入大海的,因为你的胸怀像大海一样的宽广,别忘了给自己投一个粽子!祝端午节快乐!
  • 9、do not deceive me, you knew even if your lie i all can believe.
  • 10、再完美的人,回想起过去,都会觉得过去的自己很二。
  • 11、rhaps it's the weather, fortune, or there is someone without giving up.
  • 12、吃货最大的痛苦,就是只能看着别人吃。
  • 13、十其实我没有多伟大也没有多坚强。
  • 14、从今天起,做一个简单的人。不沉溺幻想,不庸人自扰,不浪费时间,不沉迷过去,不恐惧将来。趁阳光正好,趁现在还年轻,去做的你想做的,去追逐你的梦想。
  • 15、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.
  • 16、我们除了可以挥霍青春之外,还有什么可以挥霍的?
  • 17、像弹弓弦越蹦越紧不知道哪一秒会啪的一下断掉.

  • 18、do not deceive me, you knew even if your lie i all can believe.
  • 19、从开始哭着嫉妒,变成了笑着羡慕,时间是怎么样划过了我皮肤,只有我自己最清楚。、、、
  • 20、you not once gave me one time to turn the head, i always in smiled actually to you.
  • don't let me go. don't say goodbye. don't let this love die.
  • 21、don't let me go. don't say goodbye. don't let this love die.
  • 22、★爱到深处,原来是寂寞。
  • 23、wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you.
  • 24、“这城市夜晚的风很大吹走坦荡与浮夸“。
  • 25、will happen one day, you can come back, bloomy spring.
  • 26、A heart that loves is always young.
  • 27、别流泪伤心更不应舍弃我愿能一生永远陪伴你

  • 28、one thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.
  • 29、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.
  • 30、“这城市夜晚的风很大吹走坦荡与浮夸“。
  • 31、时间会治疗一切伤口我亦会被时间淹没
  • 32、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.
  • 33、i've finally found that life goes on without you.
  • 34、从开始哭着嫉妒,变成了笑着羡慕,时间是怎么样划过了我皮肤,只有我自己最清楚。、、、
  • 35、面前一杯苦咖啡,加了一点糖,突然间特别想你,老婆!思念在甜与苦中漫延,最后融合成我们的生活,或许一杯咖啡还是无法诠释我们之间爱的味道,真的想你了,想你的味道!!
  • “这城市夜晚的风很大吹走坦荡与浮夸“。
  • 36、“这城市夜晚的风很大吹走坦荡与浮夸“。
  • 37、don't let me go. don't say goodbye. don't let this love die.

  • 38、时间会治疗一切伤口我亦会被时间淹没
  • 39、Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.
  • 40、吃货最大的痛苦,就是只能看着别人吃。
  • 41、十其实我没有多伟大也没有多坚强。
  • 42、to be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.
  • 43、★爱到深处,原来是寂寞。
  • 44、像弹弓弦越蹦越紧不知道哪一秒会啪的一下断掉.
  • 45、再完美的人,回想起过去,都会觉得过去的自己很二。
  • 46、Love shouldn't fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand.
  • 47、从开始哭着嫉妒,变成了笑着羡慕,时间是怎么样划过了我皮肤,只有我自己最清楚。、、、

  • 48、Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply.
  • 49、Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge.It's all for myself to live better.
  • 50、再完美的人,回想起过去,都会觉得过去的自己很二。
  • 不是我看透了太多而是你给的伤痛已经超越我的负荷、
  • 51、不是我看透了太多而是你给的伤痛已经超越我的负荷、
  • 52、迁就我,或者滚.
  • 53、不是我看透了太多而是你给的伤痛已经超越我的负荷、
  • 54、日后你的好坏再与我无关
  • 55、[所有盲目信任一心热爱都和不知根问底有关.]
  • 56、In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.
  • 57、越是大大咧咧的女生越在意那么几句承诺般的话.

  • 58、别流泪伤心更不应舍弃我愿能一生永远陪伴你
  • 59、面前一杯苦咖啡,加了一点糖,突然间特别想你,老婆!思念在甜与苦中漫延,最后融合成我们的生活,或许一杯咖啡还是无法诠释我们之间爱的味道,真的想你了,想你的味道!!
  • 60、是否你也曾回头幻想我在你身后