2023-04-26 05:05:08
- 1、春寒雨若泉,冬寒雨四散:春天气温低则多雨,冬天气温低雨反而少
- 3、六月不热,五谷不结。
- 4、雪盖山头一半,麦子多打一石。
- 5、The source of water is thousands of years, and time never returns.
- 6、大雪封地一薄层,拖拉机还能把地耕。
- 7、Do not say that others are short, do not say long.
- 8、The East China Sea does not turn back, but it misunderstands youth and worries.
- 9、会嫁嫁对头,不会嫁嫁门楼。
- 10、麦盖三层被,头枕馍馍睡。
- 11、失落寸金容易找,失落光阴无处寻。
- 13、People fill the longan jujube and fill the river with water and grass.
- 14、People leave names and goose keeps their voices.
- 15、立春打了霜,当春会烂秧
- 16、春天孩儿面,一日三变脸
- 17、A good flower is hard to grow, but a young one will never return.
- 18、Salt is too salty.
- 19、立春打雷,十处猪栏九处空:表示六畜不安。
- 20、水流东海不回头,误了青春枉发愁。
- 21、Water can not overboard the boat.
- 23、春寒雨若泉,冬寒雨四散:春天气温低则多雨,冬天气温低雨反而少
- 24、冬无雪,麦不结。
- 25、麦浇小,谷浇老,雪盖麦苗收成好。
- 26、莫说人家短,莫道自己长。
- 27、冬无雪,麦不结。
- 28、全是生姜不辣,全是花椒不麻。
- 29、冬天麦盖三层被,来年枕着馒头睡。
- 30、大雪三白,有益菜麦。
- 31、春分,日暝封分:春分日昼夜各为十二小时。
- 33、有理不在言高,有话说在面前。
- 34、鼓不打不响,钟不敲不鸣。
- 35、雪多下,麦不差。
- 36、Adults are uncomfortable when they are not adults.
- 37、Don't talk about it.
- 38、腊月立春春水早,正月立春春水迟。
- 39、天无二日,人无二理。
- 40、今冬麦盖一尺被,明年馒头如山堆。
- 41、一年之计在于春,一生之计在于勤。
- 43、牛怕晨霜,马怕夜雨。
- 44、春无三日晴
- 45、Art is better than art.
- 46、老怕冬冷,少怕秋凉。
- 47、Knowing the pine and the cypress in the cold years, we see friendship in adversity.
- 48、It's better to do it than to miss it.
- 49、Time is like gold.
- 50、大雪兆丰年,无雪要遭殃。