
  • 1、爱的那么深,爱的那么认真,却还是听见了你说不可能
  • 2、No words, let me tell you with action, what is love!
  • 3、I wish I was playing, are you rooting for me in the side, I sweat.
  • 4、If you never appeared in the world, I might have become a monk!
  • 5、你在我身旁,你就是一切;你在别的地方,一切都是你。
  • The missing lover, in fact, never really belongs to you, no need to regret.
  • 6、The missing lover, in fact, never really belongs to you, no need to regret.
  • 7、This handsome man, you are like my next boyfriend.

  • 8、心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了。
  • 9、I know that love must be free to be happy; I would rather stay by your side, accompany you through.
  • 10、时光太瘦,指缝太宽,不经意的一瞥,已隔经年。
  • 11、As natural as eating and sleeping every day, I'm used to having you every day.
  • 12、听着,我允许你喜欢我。除了白头偕老,我们没别的路可选。
  • 13、我希望你在生病时只有我在照顾你,更希望你不会生病。
  • 14、鲜血染红了你最爱的嫁衣,寓意;红嫁衣
  • 15、Has tried one thousand times to forget you, but one thousand and one times to think of you.
  • 16、听着,我允许你喜欢我。除了白头偕老,我们没别的路可选。
  • 17、我们的爱情,不需要甜言蜜语;我们的幸福,不需要海誓山盟;因为我们的相爱,是上天注定的,是生生世世的,我对你的爱,是永远不会变的,亲爱的,愿你开心快乐。

  • 18、看着你的眼,我看见了大海,蓝天;还有美丽的未来!
  • 19、Listen to me, ask why so much, I am on your side, you can go wrong!
  • 一个巴掌拍不响,我想和你拍拍手。一寸光阴一寸金,早点牵手早抓金。一个萝卜一个坑,天生和你是一双。一回相见二回熟,原来咱们五百年前是一家。坑挖好了,快跳下来吧。
  • 20、一个巴掌拍不响,我想和你拍拍手。一寸光阴一寸金,早点牵手早抓金。一个萝卜一个坑,天生和你是一双。一回相见二回熟,原来咱们五百年前是一家。坑挖好了,快跳下来吧。
  • 21、听我的就是,问那么多干嘛,我在你身边,你还走错路!
  • 22、一直向西走,越过晨昏线,越过日界线,回到初识你的那一天。
  • 23、找一个真心爱自己人不容易,既然遇到就紧紧抓住。
  • 24、In addition to the cold front is the warm front, I hope our relationship can become a quasi stationary front.
  • 25、你一句话可以暖到我心房也可以刺痛我心脏
  • 26、我翻了又翻你给的地图,却一直找不到我的归宿。
  • 27、我希望结婚戒指是为你而戴的,我已经偷偷存钱存了很久。

  • 28、One day you and I sit in front of the court, old age, flowers fall, a life time.
  • 29、I would like to give up the wings of an angel, I would like to love her for a lifetime!
  • 30、你说摩尔曼斯克,我是北大西洋暖流,你该被抱紧,有风我来顶。
  • 31、就算你是一坨屎,我也毫不犹豫搓成药丸,温开水送下。
  • 32、I would like to give up the wings of an angel, I would like to love her for a lifetime!
  • 33、每时每刻在看着你我总觉得看不够,天天呆在一起我还觉得呆不够,总想把你搂在怀,将你融化在我的爱里。
  • 这位帅哥,你宛如我下一任男友。
  • 34、这位帅哥,你宛如我下一任男友。
  • 35、听着,我允许你喜欢我。除了白头偕老,我们没别的路可选。
  • 36、你懦弱无力不敢爱活该你爱的人被抢走.
  • 37、十只有知道了书的结尾,才会明白书的开头。---叔本华

  • 38、你的笑颜,如一道清泉,流动清澈的情缘,漂洗我心的蜜甜,触动我情的涅?,爱你是我最大的选择权,永远是不变的宣言。
  • 39、The happiness of love, is the world's most beautiful expectations. And we are walking towards it.
  • 40、The day you left, I decided not to tears, against the wind and not to blink of an eye.
  • 41、不愿意醒来时,台灯投射在墙上只有我孤独的身影。
  • 42、我想最难过的瞬间世上最远的距离是两个人本来距离很远,互不相识。忽然有什么是孤独,就是有人是会变的,守住我懂你纠结的痛苦,也懂你放弃的无奈,谁不是在深爱谁不是从世界上,唯独骗不了的,是自己的心,它总在你最没提防时,暴露你的欢喜忧愁。
  • 43、我翻了又翻你给的地图,却一直找不到我的归宿。
  • 44、Every night when the stars fall, I count my loneliness again and again.
  • 45、I hope that after parting, we can always get together again.
  • 46、Everyone who says he doesn't want to fall in love has an impossible person in his mind.
  • 47、你的热情如火,燃亮了寂寞的心田;你的关怀最暖,激起了遐想的情感;你的话语最亲,体验了最美的甜。你就是我昼夜交替变幻的思念!亲,爱你无极限!

  • 48、让我的爱情,像阳光一样,包围着你,而又给你光辉灿烂的自由。
  • 49、You are beside me, you are everything; you are in another place, everything is you.
  • 50、The one who really love you won't say much to love you, but will do a lot of things that love you.
  • 51、每个人都是一段弧,能刚好凑成一个圆的,就是一对儿。
  • 52、Casual encounter, casual leave, life is always like this, very helpless.
  • 53、Not willing to wake up, the lamp projected on the wall only my lonely figure.
  • 54、If there is no you, in my lonely lonely, who will give me the warmth of need.
  • 55、Not willing to wake up, the lamp projected on the wall only my lonely figure.
  • 56、The more you know for a long time, I felt that you are a joy in my life the way clear water in.
  • 57、一个巴掌拍不响,我想和你拍拍手。一寸光阴一寸金,早点牵手早抓金。一个萝卜一个坑,天生和你是一双。一回相见二回熟,原来咱们五百年前是一家。坑挖好了,快跳下来吧。
