
  • 1、I have been envious of my girlfriends have one of the world's best friend, don't think don't see each other often, the sentiment is light, tell you, alone, had our friendship, I dare run rampant in your life for a lifetime、
  • 2、我一直羡慕我的闺蜜有一个世界上最好的闺蜜,别以为不经常见面,感情就淡了,告诉你,就凭当初咱的交情,我就敢在你的生命中猖狂一辈子。

  • 3、知道自己能够做些什么,说明你在不断地成长;知道自己不能够做些什么,说明你在不断地成熟。
  • 4、没有人见过深海鱼流泪,以为她从不懂悲伤
  • 5、懂我的人从来不会用耳朵去了解我
  • 不是所有人都等得过时间
  • 6、不是所有人都等得过时间
  • 7、内衣一旦出现破损,决不再穿,立即扔掉。
  • 8、小时候一块糖就会满足,长大了却很难再有那中单纯的满足感了,为什么会这样。祝所有人能像小时候一样,知足者常乐,乐在每一天。
  • 9、Firmly do not buy a large number of clothes, do not give their own fat space、
  • 10、不要害怕拒绝他人,如果自己的理由出于正当。——三毛
  • 11、有钱的时候说,钱是挣出来的。没钱的时候说,钱是省出来的。
  • 12、我会在你伤心的时候陪你一起伤心,原谅我这人比较笨,不懂得安慰别人,不懂得让人开心,只好陪你一起哭,因为我把你当姐妹。

  • 13、小时候一块糖就会满足,长大了却很难再有那中单纯的满足感了,为什么会这样。祝所有人能像小时候一样,知足者常乐,乐在每一天。
  • 14、坚决不买大一号的衣服,不给自己肥胖的空间。
  • 15、时候你和一些人的生活根本毫无交集,但这并不影响到她们对你品头论足亦或是骂你
  • 16、人要老,似乎是一夜之间的事,更恐惧的是,完全无法想像他昨日的年轻,好像生来就这么老。
  • 17、懂我的人从来不会用耳朵去了解我。
  • 18、认真游戏,但牢记只是游戏。
  • Like the things they try to buy, do not expect others to send、
  • 19、Like the things they try to buy, do not expect others to send、
  • 20、懂我的人从来不会用耳朵去了解我
  • 21、I would like to accompany you, help you do a lot of things, like to accompany you to go to the toilet, to go to the supermarket, around the playground, help you buy a meal and you like things etc、 that I don't want you return, because I think of you as a
  • 22、I will be sad when you are sad, forgive me this person is stupid, do not know how to comfort others, do not know how to make people happy, have to accompany you to cry, because I put you as a sister、

  • 23、To receive sweet and sweet words, remember to smile, and then delete、
  • 24、I have been envious of my girlfriends have one of the world's best friend, don't think don't see each other often, the sentiment is light, tell you, alone, had our friendship, I dare run rampant in your life for a lifetime、
  • 25、小时候一块糖就会满足,长大了却很难再有那中单纯的满足感了,为什么会这样。祝所有人能像小时候一样,知足者常乐,乐在每一天。
  • 26、时候你和一些人的生活根本毫无交集,但这并不影响到她们对你品头论足亦或是骂你
  • 27、认真游戏,但牢记只是游戏。
  • 28、人要老,似乎是一夜之间的事,更恐惧的是,完全无法想像他昨日的年轻,好像生来就这么老。
  • 29、Good bestie is to take one of your faults that half of those、
  • 30、明知是谎言,却偏要相信
  • 31、情只是一个字,但却没有谁真正能真正把它读懂的
  • 我会愿意陪你,帮你做很多事,比如陪你上厕所,去超市,逛操场,帮你买饭和你喜欢的东西等,而这些我都不会希望得到你的回报,因为我把你当姐妹。


  • 33、你如清风无归宿千丝情网揽不住.
  • 34、明知是谎言,却偏要相信
  • 35、你如清风无归宿千丝情网揽不住.
  • 36、小时候一块糖就会满足,长大了却很难再有那中单纯的满足感了,为什么会这样。祝所有人能像小时候一样,知足者常乐,乐在每一天。
  • 37、懂我的人从来不会用耳朵去了解我
  • 38、明知是谎言,却偏要相信
  • 39、清理房间丢东西越来越狠得下心因为你会知道在后来能陪你的东西太少太少
  • 40、收到甜言蜜语的短信,记得微笑,然后删除。
  • 41、清理房间丢东西越来越狠得下心因为你会知道在后来能陪你的东西太少太少
  • 42、I have been envious of my girlfriends have one of the world's best friend, don't think don't see each other often, the sentiment is light, tell you, alone, had our friendship, I dare run rampant in your life for a lifetime、

  • 43、Good bestie is to take one of your faults that half of those、
  • 44、Bestie, for us, is even more important than lovers、
  • 人要老,似乎是一夜之间的事,更恐惧的是,完全无法想像他昨日的年轻,好像生来就这么老。
  • 45、人要老,似乎是一夜之间的事,更恐惧的是,完全无法想像他昨日的年轻,好像生来就这么老。
  • 46、I have been envious of my girlfriends have one of the world's best friend, don't think don't see each other often, the sentiment is light, tell you, alone, had our friendship, I dare run rampant in your life for a lifetime、
  • 47、收到甜言蜜语的短信,记得微笑,然后删除。
  • 48、I would like to accompany you, help you do a lot of things, like to accompany you to go to the toilet, to go to the supermarket, around the playground, help you buy a meal and you like things etc、 that I don't want you return, because I think of you as a
  • 49、知道自己能够做些什么,说明你在不断地成长;知道自己不能够做些什么,说明你在不断地成熟。
  • 50、Firmly do not buy a large number of clothes, do not give their own fat space、
  • 51、你走你的不用停留说真的就算我跟上了你也不爱我
  • 52、我会在你伤心的时候陪你一起伤心,原谅我这人比较笨,不懂得安慰别人,不懂得让人开心,只好陪你一起哭,因为我把你当姐妹。

  • 53、你如清风无归宿千丝情网揽不住.
  • 54、清理房间丢东西越来越狠得下心因为你会知道在后来能陪你的东西太少太少