2023-05-08 17:18:47
- 1、长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰。
- 2、常日好读书,晚年学垂纶。高適《答侯少府》
- 3、记取江湖泊船处,卧闻新雁落寒汀。
- 4、Forget the body by Feng que, the patriotic dragon court.
- 5、But all are full, hesitation win lying disease setting sun.
6、The what, only a private gateway meter.
- 7、The new dawn cold, heliotropes Huang, spring stop.
- 8、I do not know where to blow reed, surrender outside month rushuang.
- 9、一年三百六十日,多是横戈马上行。戚继光《马上作》
- 10、闲梦远,南国正清秋:千里江山寒色远,芦花深处泊孤舟,笛在月明楼。李煜《望江南闲梦远》
- 11、为君既不易,为臣良独难。
- 12、剑外忽传收蓟北,初闻涕泪满衣裳。杜甫《闻官军收河南河北》
- 13、四百万人同一哭,去年今日割**。
- 14、抬望眼、仰天长啸,壮同激烈。
- 15、白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。
- 17、Not see the needle - woman, old building.
- 18、Energy-saving, still is the boudoir person in the dream.
- 19、我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑。谭嗣同《狱中题壁》
- 20、Reading for the rise of china.
- 21、The light elder at the monarch, flags.
- 22、中夜四五叹,常为大国忧。
- 23、八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声。
- 24、西北神州,依旧一新亭。元好问《江城子醉来长袖舞鸡鸣》
- 25、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青!
26、Six to five volt meter County, Rong ping.
- 27、I do not know where to blow reed, surrender outside month rushuang.
- 28、试看天堑投鞭渡,不信中原不姓朱。郑成功《出师讨满夷自瓜州至金陵》
- 29、朱门沉沉按歌舞,厩马肥死弓断弦。
- 30、长驱渡河洛,直捣向燕幽。
- 31、叹神游故国,花记前度。
- 32、唐王翰
- 33、父母且不顾,何言子与妻!
- 34、听书的流眼泪替古人担忧
- 35、长驱渡河洛,直捣向燕幽。
36、A few old memories, before frost Yan Chun perch, after.
- 37、Stars make the sky brilliant, knowledge makes people grow talent.
- 38、Inch inch inch of gold from the mountains and rivers, who was quite splitting force.
- 39、Zong Chen thing syndrome, all in the truce.
- 40、Humanity is a three week, Lang: base West, Chibi.
- 41、沙场秋点兵。马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊。
- 42、昼夜读书狠毒(读)
- 43、The nine day Longshan drink, Huanghua officials laugh.
- 44、Hate not to die, leave for today shame. The country is still so broken, what I cherish this head.
- 45、郁孤台下清江水,中间多少行人泪。
46、Inch inch inch of gold from the mountains and rivers, who was quite splitting force.
- 47、即从巴峡穿巫峡,便下襄阳向洛阳。
- 48、四百万人同一哭,去年今日割**。
- 49、最是仓皇辞庙日,教坊犹奏别离歌,垂泪对宫娥。
- 50、朔南方偃革,河右暂扬旌。张九龄《奉和圣制送尚书燕国公赴朔方》