
  • 1、很难受吧,明明曾经那么好突然就陌生了。
  • 2、你没有经历过我的心境,又怎能如此坦然评论我的心情?
  • 3、一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。
  • 4、原谅、不代表尔解释得有多好,而是峩舍不得尔。

  • 5、Pointing to the heart proud to say to you, here are you.
  • 我和寒假分手了,都是因为开学那贱人。
  • 6、我和寒假分手了,都是因为开学那贱人。
  • 7、Miss a person's silence, those sadness, flooding into the sea, I can't escape.
  • 8、我的真心被无数次得不到回应之后迅速冲淡
  • 9、青春总是多了感伤,凉了时光,疼了心脏。
  • 10、学会做个彪悍的姑娘不矫揉不造作不发嗲不懦弱怎么骄傲怎么活
  • 11、你会怎样回忆我,带着笑或是很沉默。
  • 12、放手后的微笑,只是用来掩盖疼痛的伤疤。
  • 13、可能时间刚刚好,你眼角带着笑,我刚好看到,我刚好喜欢上。
  • 14、The most afraid of this life has been decided to live, without you, but suddenly heard your news.

  • 15、Glasses after my world become blurred, you don't understand these myopia?
  • 16、你会怎样回忆我,带着笑或是很沉默。
  • 17、You never know, and you play with a friend is a dog.
  • 18、只要是喜剧结尾,过程你让我怎么哭都行i
  • 19、The most afraid of this life has been decided to live, without you, but suddenly heard your news.
  • 20、There is no feeling in the right who is wrong, only who do not cherish who.
  • I want a careless and you said of a couple.
  • 21、I want a careless and you said of a couple.
  • 22、Friendship can be further for love, but love can not be reduced to a step back to friendship.
  • 23、当遗忘变成另最后想起来波澜不惊的人是你,而还没说话眼眶就湿润的人,是我。
  • 24、The world will not be gentle with you, nor will God take special care of you, but I will.

  • 25、你是我流年里不舍的温柔,你说我的眼眸深印着温柔
  • 26、当遗忘变成另最后想起来波澜不惊的人是你,而还没说话眼眶就湿润的人,是我。
  • 27、We don't need too much care, we just need a little bit of care.
  • 28、既然我留不住你的温柔就把回忆都带走别让我的伤口一次次伤痛
  • 29、时光总是让人来一场彻底醒悟让人红了鼻头睁不开眼只是个开始
  • 30、没有什么永垂不朽错过的都不会在拥有
  • 31、亲爱的自己,你要足够坚强,无坚不摧的去面对那些妄想给你伤害的人和事,然后以骄傲的姿态目睹他们失望而归。
  • 32、我想告诉你,我一直在减肥,只是没有瘦而已。
  • 33、我们不需要太多的关心,我们只需要一点点在乎。
  • 34、I think that wine can kill the yearning, who knows that yearning has learned to swim.

  • 35、Some things are not what I don't care about, but what I care about.
  • 无论你的起点多么低,你从今天坚持累了,蹲下来抱抱自己,依旧倔强的说:也不过如此。
  • 36、无论你的起点多么低,你从今天坚持累了,蹲下来抱抱自己,依旧倔强的说:也不过如此。
  • 37、十我说那是情绪的宣泄,你们却说那是无知的表现
  • 38、无人问候无人听
  • 39、告白和告别,一字之差;一个羞涩,一个苦涩。
  • 40、希望有一天,我爱你可以倒过来写。
  • 41、永远不要从他人嘴里了解自己爱的人,好不好自己感觉,爱不爱自己知道
  • 42、Look at the clouds at dawn and dusk, think of you as well as sit and think of you as well.
  • 43、Gorgeous words, and ultimately bear the ugly nature.
  • 44、三儿,你涨红了脸蛋在躺在床上撒开大腿任由他拨弄股间的样子就像一只发情的小母狗。

  • 45、我们不需要太多的关心,我们只需要一点点在乎。
  • 46、Sogo really love him into Lu Xiao, burning just changed the way to love her.
  • 47、I just want to hold your hand for the rest of my life, from the breaking of the sky to the white end of the evening.
  • 48、In your side, my life is only one possible, that is pain. But left you, my life there are ten thousand possible!
  • 49、Time can heal wounds, but also let me completely forget you.
  • 50、Precious things are always rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.
  • 我的真心被无数次得不到回应之后迅速冲淡
  • 51、我的真心被无数次得不到回应之后迅速冲淡
  • 52、I never know that you love me and want to leave me, even if it would be so good to me.
  • 53、我想告诉你,我一直在减肥,只是没有瘦而已。
  • 54、爱情不是最初的甜蜜,而是繁华退却依然不离不弃的陪伴..

  • 55、你会遇到一处漂亮的风景然后留在那里
  • 56、原谅、不代表尔解释得有多好,而是峩舍不得尔。
  • 57、No matter how good others are, they have nothing to do with me. No matter how bad you are, I like them all.
  • 58、像传闻里所有陈词滥调的故事你不见了我才这样想念你
  • 59、留在你的身边,我的生命就只有一种可能,那就是痛苦。但是离开了你,我的生命就有一万种可能!
  • 60、居家不得不俭,创业不得不勤。