Sincerely wish you happiness, God Almighty bless you!

  • 1、过去的事情就应该放下,未来的生活才会没有负担。
  • 2、Because I know the end of the road there is always a bright smile Gu Xiaobei waiting for me, which makes me brave.
  • 3、人在悲伤的时候,不管听多么欢快的曲子,都会止不住的流泪。
  • 4、我们用双手紧紧地握别,让感觉在手中轻轻撩过,共享一份难忘的温馨。

  • 5、Because I know the end of the road there is always a bright smile Gu Xiaobei waiting for me, which makes me brave.
  • Perhaps, only when a man disappeared, her beauty, her good, will one day than a day fine heart soul, let a person forget Miss crack lung.
  • 6、Perhaps, only when a man disappeared, her beauty, her good, will one day than a day fine heart soul, let a person forget Miss crack lung.
  • 7、鱼上钩了,那是由于鱼爱上了渔夫,它愿用生命来博渔夫一笑。
  • 8、傻瓜。你以为我们能逃脱?逃逸速度,你怎么不算算逃逸速度?你是用**读书的吗?嘿嘿嘿嘿
  • 9、宇宙在我眼里,已经由所有美和信仰的寄托物变成了一具膨胀的尸体
  • 10、A person from that The imprint is engraved on my heart. memories, others have long been forgotten.
  • 11、The flowers blooming beautiful smiling face, how can we forget the sun caress?
  • 12、阳光被层层叠叠的树叶过滤,漏到他身上变成了淡淡的圆圆的轻轻摇曳的光晕。
  • 13、金灿灿的朝晖,渐渐染红了东方的天际,高高的黄山主峰被灿烂的云霞染成一片绯红。
  • 14、A solar year hard head, busy in the winter, it almost exhausted, can not put to the thermal.

  • 15、The warm sunshine, through the dense leaves falling down, a little golden spot.
  • 16、我渴望拥有阳光。让我们能在阳光的哺育下,尽情的成长,散发各自浓郁的芳香!
  • 17、谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。
  • I miss you, but can't say to you, if, say, for you is a kind of torture.
  • 18、I miss you, but can't say to you, if, say, for you is a kind of torture.
  • 19、我的心很小,能容下的人不多。
  • 20、我有两个梦想:一是,生活里始终可以做梦,二是,别醒。
  • 21、有一些人,这一辈子都不会在一起,但是有一种感觉却可以藏在心里守一辈子。
  • 22、Hope is a guide to success. If there is no hope, nothing can be done.
  • 23、水凉了还可以喝,心凉了连说快乐都显得落寞。
  • 24、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。

  • 25、我想在八十岁的时候,醒来有你睡在我的旁边。
  • 26、Because I know the end of the road there is always a bright smile Gu Xiaobei waiting for me, which makes me brave.
  • 27、阳光被层层叠叠的树叶过滤,漏到他身上变成了淡淡的圆圆的轻轻摇曳的光晕。
  • 28、我是个有强迫症的孩纸,在出门前手机电一定要是满格的。
  • 29、谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。
  • The most wonderful life is not the moment to realize the dream, but to keep the dream process.
  • 30、The most wonderful life is not the moment to realize the dream, but to keep the dream process.
  • 31、Don't go, please stay, don't let me heartache, don't you think I'm not enough?
  • 32、同为军人,知道我们之间最大的区别在哪里吗,你们按照可能的结果来决定自己的行动;而我们,不管结果如何,必须尽责任,这是唯一的机会,所以我就做了。
  • 33、记得《肖申克的救赎》里Red说Hope is a dangerous thing. Drive a man insane. It's got no place here. Better get used to the idea.我一直觉得Red的劝告很现实,尽管我也相信希望。所以,如果你不愿意,不要给别人以希望。不要给人以希望又打碎它。
  • 34、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.

  • 35、做一个更好的人,确信在遇见一个新的人之前知道自己是谁,也希望那个人知道你是谁。
  • 36、有时候你也会想去这样一个地方:可以真正抛开一切,看不见喧嚣,听不到厌烦不知道在哪儿,世界才广阔
  • 37、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.
  • 38、同为军人,知道我们之间最大的区别在哪里吗,你们按照可能的结果来决定自己的行动;而我们,不管结果如何,必须尽责任,这是唯一的机会,所以我就做了。
  • 39、章北海在与亚洲舰队司令的对话中,冷静地说出了未来史学派对**形势的分析。他用集体的智慧作为自己坚定信念的来源。
  • 40、The sun, its exceptionally light is ejected from the treetops, the clouds dyed color, the colour of blood castle.
  • 41、Be a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are.
  • The distant mountains, in the sun shine, covered with golden yellow coat, looks very beautiful.
  • 42、The distant mountains, in the sun shine, covered with golden yellow coat, looks very beautiful.
  • 43、谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。
  • 44、有一天你能到我的心理去,你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲。

  • 45、In the sunny days, melancholy is comfort into happy, in the sorrow of the vine also blooming a string of delightful flowers.
  • 46、乐观是一种快乐,乐观是一种宽容,乐观是一种理解,乐观是一种信任,乐观是一种笑容。
  • 47、我想你了,却不能对你说,怕只怕,说了,对你也是一种折磨。
  • 48、不要走,请逗留,不要再让我心痛,难道你认为伤我还不够?
  • 49、鱼上钩了,那是由于鱼爱上了渔夫,它愿用生命来博渔夫一笑。
  • 50、Memory is to fall in the palm of water, whether you spread out or hold, still can slip through your fingers drop by drop in flowing clean.