2023-02-07 15:30:24
- 1、Money is a sister, but money is a servant.
- 2、昼雨夜晴没好天,明日依旧雨绵绵。
- 3、君子爱财,取之有道。
- 4、Those who forget this day will be forgotten tomorrow.
- 5、听别人的话有时刺耳,说明还有人注意你。
- 6、一千银子坐吃两年半,坐吃山空海也干。
- 7、A word spoken is hard to follow.
- 8、关爱别人就是关心自己。
- 9、一马不配两鞍,一脚难踏两船。
- 11、喷泉的水堵不死,爱情的火扑不灭。
- 12、不怕旱,不怕涝,兴修水利头一条。
- 13、If you want to get more grain, you need to accumulate fertilizer regularly.
- 14、平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚。
- 15、是饭充饥,是衣遮体。
- 16、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。
- 17、It is difficult to practise courage without taking three risks.
- 18、久晴必有久连阴。
- 19、有上坡必有下坡,有进路必有出路。
20、Gourmet food can not be used up, greed makes people sick.
- 21、不怕家里穷,只怕出懒汉。
- 22、A happy man rides a horse with a taller chest.
- 23、谷黄怕虫豆怕荚,芝麻怕的正开花。
- 24、Rice needs mud and wheat needs dung.
- 25、人要脸,树要皮,不要脸的没法治。
- 26、常在有时思无时,莫到无时想有时。
- 27、The radish makes tea and starves the doctor's teeth.
- 28、我们能尽情享受的,只是施与的快乐。
- 29、People depend on blood and seedlings depend on water.
30、I don't know the warmth of spring without winter.
- 31、船头座的稳,不怕风来颠。
- 32、It's better to make up for everything than to eat it.
- 33、人人为我,我为人人。
- 34、赐子千金,不如赐子一艺。
- 35、庄稼一枝花,全靠肥当家。
- 36、高头饭好吃,高头话难讲。
- 37、当用则万金不惜,不当用一文不费。
- 38、讳疾忌医,难求良药。
- 39、A long sunshine must last a long time.
40、One today is better than two tomorrows.
- 41、只管自己锅满,不管别人屋漏。
- 42、吃了重阳糕,夏衣打成包。
- 43、话要说得瘦一点,事要办得肥一点。
- 44、耳听为虚,眼见为实。
- 45、蜜蜂归窠迟,来日好天气。
- 46、No burden, no weight, no long road, no distance.
- 47、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。
- 48、Heavy fog is only three, after three cloudy and rainy days.
- 49、众人拾柴火焰高。
50、If you have a sleeping place, you want to stretch your legs.
- 51、话要说得瘦一点,事要办得肥一点。
- 52、娶亲看娘,禾好靠秧。
- 53、只有大意吃亏,没有小心上当。
- 54、当用则万金不惜,不当用一文不费。
- 55、谷黄怕虫豆怕荚,芝麻怕的正开花。
- 56、Usually do not burn incense, temporary embrace Buddha's feet.
- 57、Riding horses are not afraid of mountains, sailing boats are not afraid of beaches.
- 58、说真话的人,才算忠诚。
- 59、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。