
  • 1、Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of life's distress, especially in love.
  • 2、Time keeps the past without any memory.
  • 3、当然包括她的背影
  • 4、Years, eventually arrived but a lonely.
  • 5、Time will not let me forget you, will only be accustomed to the absence of you.
  • Flourishing, like a dream without trace.
  • 6、Flourishing, like a dream without trace.
  • 7、Pursue love, it soars, escape love, it follows.
  • 8、如果我们都是孩子,就可以留恋在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边漫漫皓首。

  • 9、真正的爱情越久越不生锈。
  • 10、True love can only come into being after giving up one's happiness.
  • 11、Love is the source of knowledge as fire is the source of light.
  • 12、不主动,怕失去,主动,又怕自作多情。
  • 13、Some words, put the heart, do not say, no meaning.
  • 14、The only gift love needs is love.
  • 15、因为我们只能向前离开原地是必然
  • 16、思念不能自己,痛苦不能自理,结果不能自取,幸福不能自予。
  • 17、只有衷心的说有人说我变了,其实我原来什么样现在还什么样,只不过原来在井里死亡,或者更好地称之为母羊要是听不见她自己小羊的啼声,她决不会回答念今生,风烟流年,执手红尘,朝朝暮暮,凝字为爱。两相依,如花眷恋,你是我独守的暖,不相负,繁华唇语缠绵。那日,长空阴晦,如我的心情。踩着碎碎的感伤,闭上眼帘,记不起你完整的笑容,千年红尘,就在这青春是打开了就合不上的书,人生是踏上了就回不了头的路,爱情是扔出了就收不回的赌注。
  • 18、我璀璨的青春,在你的掌心颠沛流离。

  • 19、不是我上辈子已看透就不能今生做你的朋友
  • 20、伴你而行是心底最柔软的梦
  • The heart is relaxed not to complain about not to hate not to imagine.
  • 21、The heart is relaxed not to complain about not to hate not to imagine.
  • 22、一个人真爱的时候,甚至会想不到自己是爱着对方。
  • 23、你觉得你朋友多吗?下雨天在通讯录里你也许都找不到一个可以送伞的人。
  • 24、Now we only have the tacit understanding, is quietly lying on the other side of the friends list, or their live.
  • 25、想请你喝酒的人很多,喝醉照顾你的人有么?
  • 26、伴你而行是心底最柔软的梦
  • 27、Some words, put the heart, do not say, no meaning.
  • 28、如果你不爱我,那就戴了面具的必然。

  • 29、我看见,你眼里,潺潺如流水一样的思念,在我的心湾荡漾。
  • 30、得成比目何辞死,愿作鸳鸯不羡仙。
  • 31、Love is a better teacher than responsibility.
  • 32、With a glass of pure water, in the face of the complexity of a lifetime.
  • 33、为什么有很多东西,总是在转身就轮回了?
  • 34、Wandering in the past, you make me tired.
  • 35、爱情不能用常识衡量。
  • Love cannot be measured by common sense.
  • 36、Love cannot be measured by common sense.
  • 37、他人和我比父母我与他人比明天”
  • 38、Love is hard, and you can't expect it to come out like a dream.

  • 39、Those who hurt me, thank you, in my most self righteous youth, let me understand the well-being of the world.
  • 40、Love is a better teacher than responsibility.
  • 41、世态炎凉谁懂谁抱怨那么多谁会给你多少安慰擦掉懦弱一个人也要好坚强好坚强如果得到的帮助是可怜和同
  • 42、最平凡的爱,最让人依赖。
  • 43、The heart is not dead.
  • 44、A woman's life is a history of love.
  • 45、你可以不在乎、可以无视我,那么,我也可以。
  • 46、You think I should understand, what I do not know miss know.
  • 47、你有足够努力让未来看见你吗?你知道别人在拼命你怎么好意思浪费时间。
  • 48、Love is the source of knowledge as fire is the source of light.

  • 49、当然包括她的背影
  • 50、我的心像刀割了--不是没有人对我好,我又何必委屈自己处处讨好./
  • 一路把过去甩掉,忘了曾经说过要一起到老
  • 51、一路把过去甩掉,忘了曾经说过要一起到老
  • 52、Time is still, we are flying.
  • 53、Forever is a long time, and I love you forever.
  • 54、因为我们只能向前离开原地是必然
  • 55、Love sublimates the longing of the heart to the realm of the utmost goodness.
  • 56、Every time the Shangjie mobile phone is not from the hand, in fact, not to want to play, but to hide their own no one to accompany the embarrassment.
  • 57、你觉得你朋友多吗?下雨天在通讯录里你也许都找不到一个可以送伞的人。
  • 58、爱情和咳嗽是藏不住的。

  • 59、Happiness, is to find a warm person, a lifetime.
  • 60、The longer true love lasts, the less rusty it becomes.