2023-04-18 10:01:51
- 1、Because I want to forget you really good difficult, good reluctant. I was the iron heart of love you.
- 2、最后一次为你停留,不知道是固执,还是执着。
- 3、My heart was in no waves, like young firmness, just a dream!
- 4、我是太阳,我不需要沾你们任何人的光。
- 5、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。
- 6、Please tell me you are mine. Each year, I belong to you forever.
- 7、听我的就是,问那么多干嘛,我在你身边,你还走错路!
- 8、Dissatisfaction is the upward wheel.
- 10、有福同享,有难同当。
- 11、Love, is its own success, I am no longer missing something.
- 12、无法厮守终生的爱情﹐不过是人在长途旅程中﹐来去匆匆的转机站﹐无论停留多久﹐始终要离去坐另一班机。
- 13、你想要享受快乐,也就要有勇气承受背后的悲哀。
- 14、也许那些年我们许下的承诺最终会变成谎言
- 15、There is no place to look for. It takes no effort.
- 16、Did you have a good? Hope the world is beautiful because of you!
- 17、旱刮东风不下雨,涝刮东风不开天。
- 18、入门休问荣枯事,观看容颜便得知。
- 20、Don't be afraid of being insipid, just be afraid of backlash.
- 21、我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。
- 22、What you say makes you laugh, but what you don't say makes you jump.
- 23、人生如同道路。最近的捷径通常是最坏的路。
- 24、Lonely people always remember the life of every man, as I kept thinking of you!
- 25、若无聚点,怎能相识,好好开始,好好告别。感谢与你擦肩而过的人,珍惜还在身边的那些人。
- 26、There is a person let me feel very at ease, so I want to rely on him, and another person makes me feel very lonely, so I want to embrace him.
- 27、爱情,是自身的圆满,我不再缺少些甚么了。
- 28、True intelligence is determined ambition.
- 30、爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。
- 31、Happiness is as long as the hand, even if lost sense of direction, but still not afraid.
- 32、If we give love, we can get love. Even in the most difficult times, this is the truth.
- 33、三毛最伤感的语句,三毛经典语句 如果是你,三毛关于离别的语句
- 34、Don't laugh, don't laugh, just laugh life will not pass.
- 35、入门休问荣枯事,观看容颜便得知。
- 36、受人之托,忠人之事。冯梦龙
- 37、我的心居然在无波澜,好象年少的坚贞,只是一场梦!
- 38、Articles are written at the same time, songs and poems are written at the same time.
39、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.
- 40、只因为在人群中~多看了你一眼我吐了半天
- 41、谁说的一日不见如隔三秋,我感觉一日不见如隔千年,宝贝,我有几千年没有见到你了,好想你!
- 42、一语道尽爱情的残酷。情到深处人孤。痛苦使人成熟,坚强的人会感悟爱的真谛,而脆弱的人徒生怨恨。
- 43、你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。
- 44、To live every day as the last day of life.
- 45、无论你走到哪里,我都会在你身后。
- 46、好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。
- 47、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.
- 48、你心里没有我,我心里全是你
49、You never belong to me, or love me as always, but my heart will always belong to you, until I leave the world.
- 50、Just want to find a can take me when I'm sad tears, I am happy that I can bite one's shoulders.
- 51、You want to enjoy the happiness, you have to have the courage to bear the sadness behind.