
  • 1、Time keeps the past without any memory.
  • 2、遇到你,是我这辈子的幸福。
  • 3、你有没有很想,和谁重新认识一次。
  • 4、真正的爱,在放弃个人的幸福之后才能产生。
  • 5、Priced love is false.
  • Meet you, is my life happiness.
  • 6、Meet you, is my life happiness.
  • 7、贫困与爱情,都难瞒过人。
  • 8、“我好喜欢你同桌啊长得漂亮又温柔简直就是我女神嘛”这样明目张胆的夸自己真的好吗。
  • 9、高歌取醉欲自慰,起舞落日争光辉。——李白《南陵别儿童入京》
  • 10、Time is still, we are flying.

  • 11、爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。
  • 12、Love is a lovely tyranny. Lovers are willing to suffer from it.
  • 13、“烈酒和孤单都没了”
  • 14、人并不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。
  • 15、迎接每一个伤害,他教会我坚强。
  • 16、Pursue love, it soars, escape love, it follows.
  • 17、爱情越热烈、越真诚,就越要含蓄。
  • 18、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.
  • 19、Love is a burden I can't afford. Love words are just lies cashed by chance.
  • Meet you, is my life happiness.

    20、Meet you, is my life happiness.

  • 21、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.
  • 22、Time keeps the past without any memory.
  • 23、I know, in my life, I can't leave you behind.
  • 24、一旦你确实需要爱,你就会发现它正在等待着你。
  • 25、要爱又兼要理性是不可能的。
  • 26、When poverty comes in, love jumps out of the window.
  • 27、Copper to copper, iron to iron, the same as hair white teeth missing.
  • 28、The flowers are fresh, but she needs to be watered.
  • 29、Love cannot be measured by common sense.
  • 30、Love is not a charity, so you can't give generously.

  • 31、如果让我重新选择,结局会不会不一样。如果还有如果,心或许不会伤痕累累。如果,你在乎我•••
  • 32、Love is a better teacher than responsibility.
  • 33、我知道,我這輩子,都不能把你拋到腦後。
  • 沉浸在时间里,记忆也被割摔旳一片一片。
  • 34、沉浸在时间里,记忆也被割摔旳一片一片。
  • 35、Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?
  • 36、There is a person who can miss you is happy.
  • 37、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。
  • 38、Love sublimates the longing of the heart to the realm of the utmost goodness.
  • 39、Nobodycouldeverreplaceyou无人可以取代你
  • 40、爷们不狠,何以站稳。

  • 41、人永远不知道,谁哪次不经意的跟你说了再见之后,就真的不会再见了。
  • 42、No matter the world of black and white, as long as I have you in my heart.
  • 43、“我好喜欢你同桌啊长得漂亮又温柔简直就是我女神嘛”这样明目张胆的夸自己真的好吗。
  • 44、The longer true love lasts, the less rusty it becomes.
  • 45、Who can I trust and who will be by my side.
  • 46、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。
  • 47、You think I should understand, what I do not know miss know.
  • 秋叶凋零 , 蓦然回首 , 你我的情早已沉积于心
  • 48、秋叶凋零 , 蓦然回首 , 你我的情早已沉积于心
  • 49、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。
  • 50、Love is a better teacher than responsibility.

  • 51、有时候,生命的确让人感觉空洞。
  • 52、从眼睛流露出来的爱情比较不容易造假!
  • 53、花刚开,但她需要滋润,她需要浇灌。
  • 54、即使在深切的热爱里面,我们也是孤独。
  • 55、有些话,放心里,不必说,没意义。
  • 56、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。