
  • 1、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。杜甫
  • 2、Reading for wisdom, as well as gymnastics for the body。 -- Addison
  • 3、When we first read a good book, we seemed to find a friend; when we read the book again, it seemed as if we were reunited with our old friends。 -- Voltaire
  • 4、If I read more than others, I know that I have to be as small as others。 -- Hobbs

  • 5、In reading, the number is not listed in the first, important is the quality of the book and the extent of the thinking caused by。 -- Franklin
  • 读书以过目成诵为能,最是不济事。郑板桥
  • 6、读书以过目成诵为能,最是不济事。郑板桥
  • 7、不患人之不己知,患不知人也。孔子
  • 8、一日不书,百事荒芜。李诩
  • 9、Reading of the law, in an orderly and progressive, familiar with the fine si。 -- Zhu Xi
  • 10、Read more and unthinking, you will feel you know a lot about it; but when you read and think more, you will clearly see you know very little。 -- Voltaire
  • 11、The night, is the man; energy-saving, white square regret later reading。 -- Yan Zhenqing
  • 12、在所阅读的书本中找出可以把自己引到深处的东西,把其他一切统统抛掉,就是抛掉使头脑负担过重和会把自己诱离要点的一切。爱因斯坦
  • 13、Like reading, is equivalent to lonely life into a great time to enjoy the moment。 -- Montesquieu
  • 14、光明给我们经验,读书给我们知识。奥斯特洛夫斯基

  • 15、Books are a great talent for the heritage of mankind。 -- Addison
  • 16、强学博览,足以通古今。欧阳修
  • 17、Reading your God solution, nothing to keep them。 -- Xu Hongjun
  • 18、In the river of truth seeking, only to learn, continue to learn, hard to learn, learn creatively to the mountain across the mountains。 -- Hua Luogeng
  • 19、The book to use time square hate less, things are not through the hard。 -- Lu You
  • You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height - Wang Zhihuan
  • 20、You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height - Wang Zhihuan
  • 21、聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。华罗庚
  • 22、Books are the thoughts of the waves of the times, and it is very careful to carry the precious cargo to one generation after another。 -- F Bacon
  • 23、己所不欲,勿施于人。孔子
  • 24、贫寒更须读书,富贵不忘稼穑。王永彬

  • 25、Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration plus one percent inspiration。 -- Edison
  • 26、The essence of all time in the past, in the book。 -- Carlile
  • 27、Book is to read, read and think that child。 -- Su Shi
  • 28、The more you read, the more in the stomach empty。 -- Shelley
  • 29、三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时;黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。颜真卿
  • 30、读书譬如饮食,从容咀嚼,其味必长;大嚼大咀,终不知味也。朱熹
  • 31、读书人不一定有知识,真正的常识是懂得知识,会思想,能工作。徐特立
  • 32、Book is to read, read and think that child。 -- Su Shi
  • 33、Climb the peak of science, like the mountain climber climbing Mount Everest, to overcome countless difficulties and obstacles, and lazy cowards is impossible to enjoy the joy of victory and happiness。 -- Chen Jingrun
  • 艺术的大道上荆棘丛生,这也是好事,常人望而却步,只有意志坚强的人例外。雨果


  • 35、Don't read no real education, but also can not have what discrimination。 -- Herzen
  • 36、好读书,不求甚解。陶渊明
  • 37、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。-王之焕
  • 38、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。韩愈
  • 39、任何时候我也不会满足,越是多读书,就越是深刻地感到不满足,越感到自己知识贫乏。马克思
  • 40、用心不杂,乃是入神要路。袁牧
  • 41、好的书对青少年的成长乃至他们的一生,都会产生深远的影响。阅读只是给头脑提供认识的材料;思考才使我们阅读的东西成为我们自己的。洛克
  • 42、倘能生存,我当然仍要学习。鲁迅
  • 43、Genius should never despise diligence。 -- Pliny
  • 44、书籍是最有耐心、最能忍耐和最令人愉快的伙伴。在任何艰难困苦的时刻,它都不会抛弃你。赫尔岑

  • 45、举一而反三,闻一而知十,及学者用功之深,穷理之熟,然后能融会贯通,以至于此。朱熹
  • 46、读书而不能运用,则所读书等于废纸。华盛顿
  • 47、造烛求明,读书求理。佚名
  • 聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。华罗庚
  • 48、聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。华罗庚
  • 49、索取,只有在一个场合才能越多越好,那就是读书。佚名
  • 50、读书忌死读,死读钻牛角。叶圣陶
  • 51、我觉得,当书本给我讲到闻所未闻,见所未见的人物、感情、思想和态度时,似乎是每一本书都在我面前打开了一扇窗户,让我看到一个不可思议的新世界。高尔基
  • 52、举一纲而万目张,解一卷而众篇明。郑玄
  • 53、Learning must be combined with the hard work。 -- Tagore
  • 54、Gathering for sac; very studious, but poor reading, Chen Yin Kuang heng。 -- Xu Mingkui

  • 55、If I can live, I will certainly learn。 -- Lu Xun
  • 56、学而不厌,诲人不倦。孔丘
  • 57、Those who know it is not good, those who are good are not happy。 -- Kong Zi